Week 6 Chapter 6 Flashcards
rules or expectations that are socially enforced
norms that are widely adhered to and have great moral or social significance
norms that guide casual or everyday interactions
rule-breaking behavior of some kind which fails to conform to the norms and expectations of a particular society or social group
Deviant Subculture
a subculture whose members hold values that differ substantially from those of the majority
a mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior
a specific personality type; such individuals lack the moral sense and concern for others held by most normal people
referring to a situation in which social norms lode their hold over individual behavior(Emile Durkheim)
Relative Deprivation
the recognition that one has less than his or her peers
Differential Association
criminal behavior is learned through association with others who regularly engage in crime(Edwin Sutherland)
Labeling Theory
people become “deviant” because certain labels are attached to their behavior by political authorities or others
Primary Deviance
the actions that cause others to label one as a deviant(Edwin Lemert)
Secondary Deviance
occurs when an individual accepts the label of deviant and acts accordingly
documents that contain official data on a crime that is reported to law enforcement agencies that then provide the data to the FBI
Hate Crime
a criminal act by an offender who is motivated by some bias, such as racism, sexism, and homophobia