WEEK 6 (Bioelectromagnetism) Flashcards
What is the history of Bioelectromagnetism?
- First mentioned by ancient Egyptians who had problems catching an electric ray due to the powerful electric shock it would give them (450V)
- First medical application - electric ray was used to treat headaches and arthritis from I to XVII centuries
- Physicist Luigi Galvani first recorded BEM while dissecting a frog at a table where he was conducting static electricity experiments
Define Electromagnetics
Study of electric and magnetic phenomena caused by electric charges at rest or in motion
What are the sources of an electric field?
Positive and negative charges
Moving charges produce a ___________, which gives a magnetic field
What results in an electromagnetic field?
time varied electric and magnetic fields that are coupled
under certain conditions, what do time-dependent electromagnetic fields produce?
waves that radiate from source
Define Bioelectromagnetism
A discipline that examines the electric, electromagnetic and magnetic phenomena which arise in biological tissues
What does the bioelectromagnetism phenomena include?
- behaviour of excitable tissues
- magnetic field at and beyond the body
- response of excitable tissues to electric and magnetic fields
- intrinsic electric and magnetic properties of tissue
What are some examples of the application of Bioelectromagnetism?
- membrane potentials
- action potentials
- electric currents through nerves and muscles
- brain oscillations
- electromagnetic field of the heart
What is the difference between Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering?
Bioengineering is the application of engineering to the development of health care devices, analysis of biological systems and manufacturing of products based on advances in this technology
Biomedical engineering is the application of science and technology to biology and medicine
What is the difference between Biophysics and Medical physics?
Biophysics is the science that is concerned with the solution of biological problems in terms of the concepts of physics
Medical physics is a science based on physical problems in clinical medicine
What did Andre Marie Ampere do?
Ampere presented the first mathematical theory of electrodynamics and discovered the magnetic effect of electric currents
What did Michael Faraday do?
Discovered electromagnetic induction
What did James Clerk Maxwell do?
Maxwell presented his theory of electromagnetism
What did Heinrich Rudolf Hertz do?
Hertz demonstrated the electromagnetic wave propagation in a series of experiments in a period through 1887
What does the measurement of an electric or magnetic field refer to?
The electric or magnetic signals produced by the activity of living tissues
What happens in bioelectromagnetism?
the active tissues produce electromagnetic energy which is measured either electrically or magnetically within or outside the organism in which the source lies
this includes the magnetic field produced by magnetic material in the tissue
What is a voltage clamp?
A voltage clamp is a technique used in electrophysiology to measure and characterise electric currents in cells (particularly excitable tissue cells such as neurons)