Week 6 Flashcards
A bulging or swelling of an artery caused by weakening of the artery’s walls.
Anterior Cerebral Artery
The anterior cerebral artery (ACA) is one of the major arteries that supplies blood to the brain. It arises from the internal carotid artery and runs along the midline of the brain, just above the corpus callosum. The ACA supplies blood to the front and medial part of the brain, including the frontal lobes, parietal lobes, and parts of the basal ganglia and corpus callosum. The ACA plays a crucial role in many important functions, including movement, sensation, language, and decision-making.
Association pathways
Travel between regions in the same hemisphere
Basilar Artery
The basilar artery is a major blood vessel in the brain that supplies oxygenated blood to the brainstem, cerebellum, and the inner ear. It is formed by the union of two vertebral arteries that ascend from the neck through the spinal column, and then enter the skull through the foramen magnum.
Once inside the skull, the two vertebral arteries join together to form the basilar artery, which then branches into several smaller arteries that supply blood to different parts of the brain. The basilar artery is a critical part of the circulatory system in the brain, and any disruption or blockage in blood flow through this artery can lead to serious neurological complications, such as stroke or brain damage.
Carotid artery
The carotid artery is a major blood vessel that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain, face, and neck. There are two carotid arteries in the human body, one on each side of the neck, and they are named the internal and external carotid arteries. The internal carotid artery is responsible for supplying blood to the brain, while the external carotid artery supplies blood
Central Pattern
Generators (CPG)
AKA Reflex Arc refers to a neural pathway that mediates a reflex action. A reflex action is an automatic, involuntary response of the body to a stimulus.
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
Produced in each of the ventricles by the choroid plexus
Clear, straw-like
Flow between dura and pia mater
Choroid Plexus
Produces CSF
Circle of Willis
A series of anastomeses (connection or communication between two blood vessels). Designed for protection and aids in distribution and pressure of cranial circulation.
Commissural pathways
Across hemispheres. Eg corpus callosum
Opposite side of body of lesion
Cortical Pathways
The neural pathways that connect different regions of the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain responsible for processing sensory information, motor control, and higher cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and language.
These pathways are composed of bundles of axons, the long fibres that transmit signals between neurons, and they allow information to be relayed between different regions of the cortex, as well as between the cortex and other parts of the brain.
Projection pathways
Association pathways
Commissural pathways
Descending pathway - originates from motor cortex of brain to brainstem. Activation of muscles innervated by cranial nerves
Corticospinal (pyramidal)
Descending pathway - originates from motor cortex of brain. Muscle movement, voluntary - large or small
Descending pathways
Originates from cortex and brainstem - control of movement, muscle tone, spinal reflexes. Includes interneuron and motor neurons.
Dorsal nerves
Run down the back of the spinal cord
F. A. S. T.
FAST is an acronym used to help people quickly recognize the signs and symptoms of stroke so they can act quickly and get medical attention. The letters stand for:
F - Face drooping: One side of the face droops or is numb. When the person smiles, the smile is uneven.
A - Arm weakness: One arm is weak or numb. When the person raises both arms, one arm drifts downward.
S - Speech difficulty: Speech is slurred, and the person may have trouble speaking or understanding others.
T - Time to call 000: If any of these symptoms are present, call 000 immediately. Time is critical in treating a stroke, and the sooner the person receives medical attention, the better their chances of recovery.
Other symptoms could also be present such as sudden severe headache, vision changes, dizziness, or loss of balance may also be present.
AKA ‘tracts’ or ‘pathways’ - a bundle of neurons either ascending (efferent) or descending (afferent)