Week 5 Textbook Readings: Air Pollution Flashcards
What is haze?
Reduced visibility.
What is a photochemical oxidant?
A class of air pollutants formed as a result of sunlight acting on compounds such as nitrogen oxides.
Ozone (O3)
A secondary pollutant made up of three oxygen atoms bound together.
What is sulfurous smog?
Smog dominated by sulfur dioxide and sulfate compounds. Gray smog. Industrial smog.
What is photochemical smog?
Smog that is dominated by oxidants such as ozone. Brown smog.
What are volatile organic compounds (VOCs)?
An organic compound that evaporates at typical atmospheric temperatures.
What is a primary pollutant?
A polluting compound that comes directly out of a smokestack, exhaust pipe, or natural emission source.
What is a secondary pollutant?
A primary pollutant that has undergone transformation in the presence of sunlight, water, oxygen, or other compounds.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) sources
Caused by combustion of fuels that contain sulfur like coal, oil, gasoline
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) effects
Leads to respiratory irritation, harms stomata and plant tissue, converts to sulfuric acid in atmosphere which harms aquatic life and some vegetation
Nitrogen oxides (NOXs) causes
Caused by all combustion in the atmosphere (ex. fossil fuels, wood, other biomass burning)
Nitrogen oxides effects
Leads to respiratory irritation; is an ozone precursor, leads to formation of photochemical smog; converts to nitric acid in atmosphere which harms aquatic life and some vegetation; leads to over-fertilization of terrestrial and aquatic systems
Carbon monoxide (CO) causes
Caused by incomplete combustion, malfunctioning exhaust systems, poorly ventilated cooking fires
Carbon monoxide effects
Leads to interference with oxygen transport in bloodstream because it bonds to hemoglobin; low concentrations cause headaches; prolonged exposure and high concentration causes death
Particulate matter causes
Caused by combustion of coal, oil, diesel and biofuels (wood, manure, etc.); activities that mobilize soil, soot, and dust (ex. agriculture and road construction).
Particulate matter effects
Leads to reduced lung function; exacerbates respiratory and cardiovascular disease; premature death; reduced visibility; contributes to haze and smog
Lead (Pb) causes
Caused by its addition to gasoline; oil, coal, old paint
Lead effects
Leads to central nervous system impairment, can have effects on learning and concentration at low concentrations
Ozone effects
Leads to reduced lung function and exacerbated respiratory symptoms; degrades plant surfaces; damages materials such as rubber and plastic
Ozone (O3) causes
Caused by a combination of sunlight, water, oxygen. VOCs, and NOx
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) causes
Caused by evaporation of fuels, solvents, paints; improper combustion of fuels like gasoline
VOCs effects
Is a precursor to ozone formation
Mercury (Hg) causes
Caused by coal, oil, gold mining
Mercury effects
Leads to central nervous system impairment, bioaccumulates in food chain
Carbon dioxide (CO2) causes
Caused by combustion of fossil fuels and clearing of land
Carbon dioxide effects
Leads to climate effects, alters ecosystems by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations