Week 5: social network & measures Flashcards
What is the social brain hypothesis?
There is a correlation between brain size ang group size
What are the three degrees of influence?
Behaviour is influenced by peer, peer of peer and peer of peer of peer
What is Aij in a directed graph adjacency matrix?
When Aij=1, there is an edge from j to i
What is an acyclic network?
A directed network with no cycles. A cycle is a closed loop of edges with arrows pointing the same way.
What is a bipartite network?
Network with two kinds of nodes and edges that run only between nodes of different kinds
What are bipartite networks often used for?
Representing membership of groups
What are 6 types of node-level metrics?
Degree, degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, page rank
What is the degree of a node?
The number of edges it has connected to it. Also indegree and outdegree
What is degree centrality?
The number of nodes adjacent to a given node
What is closeness centrality?
The inverse of the mean shortest distances from i to every other node in the network
What is betweenness centrality?
Number of times a node lies on the shortest path between two other nodes
What does betweenness centrality represent?
Nodes with high betweenness centrality are often important controllers of power or information
What is eigenvector centrality?
How central a node is depends on how central its neighbouring nodes are (weighted sum of the centralities of neighbouring nodes)
What is page rank?
Variant of eigenvector centrality, used by google. Having links to you from other important nodes increases your centrality, but if that important node sends out a lot of links, the importance passed on to you is weighted less
What are 6 network-level metrics?
Degree distribution, density, centralisation, components, communities, clustering
What is degree distribution?
The distribution of how to summarise the degree of all nodes of a network
What is the density of a network
The number of actual ties (m), divided by the number of possible ties in a network
How to calculated the density of directed and undirected networks?
d(directed) = m/(n(n–1)) d(undirected) = m/(n(n–1)/2)