Week 5 - Plasma Osmolarity Regulation Flashcards
What is the process that maintains plasma fluid osmolarity?
- Even small changes in plasma osmolarity result in hormonal changes that alter water uptake by the kidney and stimulate thirst
- If water intake excretion → plasma osmolarity decreases
- Body must match ingestion to excretion
What senses changes in plasma osmolarity?
Hypothalamic osmoreceptors
- Found in the organum vasculuom of the laminae terminalis (OVLT)
- – This is anterior and ventral to the 3rd ventricle
- – Fenestrated leaky endothelium exposed directly to systemic circulation
- They signal secondary responses which are mediated via 2 pathways leading to 2 different complimentary outcomes
- – Concentration of urine
- – Thirst
Describe ADH
- Small peptide
- Acts on the kidney to regulate the volume and osmolarity of urine
- If plasma ADH is low → lots of urine produced (water diuresis)
- If plasma ADH is high → small volume of urine excreted (anti-diuresis)
- Increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water and urea
- – Causes the addition of aquaporin 2 channels to the apical membrane of the collecting duct
- – This allows for reabsorption of water to decrease plasma osmolarity
Where are aquaporin channels found in the collecting duct?
- If ADH is present, AQP2 is inserted into the apical membrane
- If ADH is removed then the AQP2 channel is retrieved from the apical membrane by endocytosis
- The basolateral membrane always contains AQP3 and AQP4
- – So it is always permeable to water
- – Any water which enters across the apical membrane is thus able to pass into the peritubular blood
- – Resulting in a net absorption of water
Describe urea recycling
- ADH increases the permeability of the medullary part of the collecting duct to urea, causing its reabsorption
- This in turn, causes water to follow
- The rise in urea concentration in the tissues causes it to passively move down its concentration gradient into the ascending limb
- – This is permeable to urea but impermeable to water
- Urea then passes back into the collecting duct, where it is reabsorbed in the medullary portion and more water follows
- Urea is therefore recycled
Describe how the corticopapillary osmotic gradient is set up
- At the cortico-medullary border, there is no osmotic gradient
- However the medullary interstitium is hyper osmotic
- There is a gradient of increasing osmolarity as you descend
— The active transport of NaCl out of the thick AL and the recycling of urea sets up the osmotic gradient
— Action of the TAL Is crucial, removing solute without water, diluting the filtrate and increasing interstitium osmolarity
— If you block the NKCC2 transporters in the TAL with a loop diuretic, the medullary interstitium becomes isosmotic and large amounts of dilute urine is produced - Counter-current multiplication
— Loop of henle acts as a counter-current multiplier, to set up the osmotic gradient
— The tubule is filled initially with isotonic fluid
— Water moves out of the descending limb through aquaporin channels
• It is instantly removed by the vasa recta
— Large amounts of passive reabsorption of sodium ions initially occurs in the thin ascending limb
• The Na+ ions sit in the medulla as there is no water to wash them away
— Na+ ions are pumped out of the ascending loop (using NKCC2 channels)
• This raises the osmotic pressure outside the tubule and lowers it inside
— Fresh fluid enters from the glomerulus and enters the descending limb
• As the descending limb is permeable to water, it leaves via osmosis to raise the osmotic pressure inside the descending tubule
• Further Na+ ions leaves the ascending limb, adding to the Na+ in the medulla, further increasing the concentration gradient
— Further along the nephron, water will move out of the collecting duct, in order to decrease the plasma osmolarity of the surrounding interstitium
• Dependent on the amount of ADH and hence aquaporin channels present
Describe the role of the vasa recta in maintaining the corticopapillary gradient
Blood vessels that run alongside the loops, but with opposite flow direction
- This counter-current flow allows for the maintenance of the concentration gradient
- Isosmotic blood in the descending limb of the vasa recta enters the hyperosmotic milieu of the medulla, where there is a high concentration of ions
- – These ions diffuse into the vasa recta and water diffuses out
- The osmolarity of the blood in the vasa recta increases as it reaches the tip of the hairpin loop, where it is isosmotic with the medullary interstitium
- Blood ascending towards the cortex will have a higher solute concentration than the surrounding interstitium
- – So solutes move back out and water moves back in
- The vasa recta prevent the medullary hyperosmolarity from being dissipated
Describe SIADH
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic secretion
- Excessive release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland or another source
- Dilutional hyponatremia in which the plasma sodium levels are lowered and total body fluid is increased
- Symptoms of hyponatremia:
- – Nausea and vomiting
- – Headache
- – Confusion
- – Lethargy
- – Fatigue
- – Appetite loss
- – Restlessness and irritability
- – Muscle weakness
- – Spasms
- – Cramps
- – Seizures
- – Decreased consciousness or coma
What are the factors involved in renal stone formation?
- Low urine volume
- Hypercalcuria
- Low urine pH
What are most renal tract stones made of?
How do renal stones manifest?
- Increasing fluid intake
- Restricting dietary oxalate and sodium
- Considering dietary restriction of calcium and animal protein
How can you conservatively manage renal stones?
- Haematuria
- Pain and associated complications of an obstruction in the renal tract
- Need not produce symptoms
What are some causes of hypercalcaemia?
- Primary hyperparathyroidism
- Haematological malignancies
- – Comes about due to the production of parathyroid hormone-related peptide
- Non-haematological malignancies
What are some symptoms for hypercalcaemia?
- GI:
- – Anorexia
- – Nausea/vomiting
- – Constipation
- – Acute pancreatitis
- CVS:
- – Hypertension
- – Shortened QT interval on ECG
- – Enhanced sensitivity to digoxin
- Renal
- – Polyuria and polydipsia
- – Occasional nephrocalcinosis
- CNS:
- – Cognitive difficulties and apathy
- – Depression
- – Drowsiness, coma
How can you manage hypercalcamia?
- General:
- – Hydration (increase Ca2+ excretion)
- – Loop diuretics (increase Ca2+ excretion)
- Specific:
- – Bisphosphonates (inhibits breakdown of bone)
- – Calcitonin (opposes action of PTH)
- Treat underlying condition
What regulates calcium levels in the plasma?
Active vitamin D (calcitriol) and parathyroid hormone
Actions of PTH
- Aids bone remodelling by stimulating osteoclast activity
- – Increases plasma calcium and phosphate
- Slowly stimulates osteoblast activity
- Actions on kidney
- – Increases calcium and magnesium reabsorption
- – Decreases phosphate and bicarbonate reabsorption
- – Stimulates conversion of 25-OHD to 1,25-(OH)2D
Actions of calcitriol
- Actions on bone:
- – Increases the availability of calcium and phosphate via intestinal uptake
- – Promotes osteoblast activity and maturation of osteoclast precursor cells
- Actions on kidneys:
- – Inhibition of renal 1α-hydroxylase by intestinal absorbed phosphate (i.e. negative feedback of itself)
- – Promotes synthesis of 24,25-(OH)2D (inactive)
- – Small effect on renal calcium and phosphate reabsorption
Describe intestinal absorption of calcium
- The absorption of calcium is under the control of vitamin D
- About 20-40% (25mmol) of dietary calcium is absorbed and some is excreted back into the gut (2-5mmol)
- Absorption increases in:
- – Growing children
- – Pregnancy
- – Lactation
- Absorption decreases with advanced age
- Complexing calcium (eg. With oxalates) reduces its absorption
Describe renal absorption of calcium
- Filter 250mmol of calcium per day
- – 95-98% of this is reabsorbed
- – Hence there is a urinary calcium excretion of