Week 5- pica through end of minor complaints Flashcards
what is pica? etiology?
eating inedible objects
generally physiological signal of protein or Ca2+ deficiency or glucose intolerance
2 possible ways to tx pica naturally
improve diet
homeopathy (stomach craves strange things during PG= chel, mag carb, lyssin; stomach desires lime/slate/pencils/earth/chalk= nit ac)
tx for diarrhea in PG?
increase bulk/fiber, raspberry tea (esp root), if dt infxn then 4 caps charcoal q 1-3 h PRN, only short term
a PG mom presents w/abd pain, what do you need to r/o? what other less serious things could it be dt?
serious: placenta abruption, UT infxn, ectopic PG, appendicitis, constipation, KD infxn, premature labor, ruptured ovarian cyst
less serious: round lig pain, braxton-hicks, baby kicking or punching, pain in groin is normal when getting close to delivery
etiology of SOB in PG?
mechanical P of uterus against diaphragm late in PG
r/o heart or respiratory problems
adjustment to changes of PG
etiology of palpitations in PG? management? tx?
increased blood vol= increased P and workload on heart aggravated by wt gain
functional arrhythimas
in sternal area mb dt P of uterus on diaphragm
r/o thyroid problems esp hyperthyroid
management: if regular consider EKG/consult w/cardiologist
if irregularly irregular consider consult
tx: mg/ca, cactus grandiflorus, homeopathy (arg-n, con, laur, lilium-tig, nat mur, sepia)
etiology of breast tenderness in PG? tx?
increased size dt prep for lactation
tx: well-fitting bra (no underwire, blocks ducts), heat, cimicifuga
what are the 4 circulatory problems that can occur in PG?
hemorrhoids, varicose veins, edema and nose bleeds/bleeding gums
etiology of hemorrhoids (varicose veins too)? tx options?
laxity of veins (prog caused); increased uterine size increases back P on pelvic venous system and lymphatics, straining w/constipation and increased P
tx options: tx constipation, botanicals (hammamelis virginiana, collinsonia canadensis, symphytum off, potato wedge suppository), sitz bath, exercise (including kegels), homeopathy (aesc, am-m, cap-s, coll, ach, lye, nat-m, nux-v, sulph); keesey tx w/local anesthetic, BHI cream
with a PG mom with varicose veins what do you need to monitor for? prevention? tx?
thrombophlebitis (homan’s test for deep varicosity)
prevention: elevate legs above heart q4h for 15 min, rx support hose or ace bandage, decrease standing, be aware of FHx
tx: botanicals (ahmmamelis, collinsonia), vigorous massage, supplement with Vit E, Bioflavs, lecithin, pycnogenol, alt hot and cold, slant board, homeopathy (calc fluor cel salt, carb veg, ferrum, fl acid, puls, arnica, ars, caust, mill, nux-v, zincum, hamm, lyc, ly-cps, graph if lower leg; mer, podo if vulvar)
etiology of nosebleeds/bleeding gums? tx?
increased vascularity, Ca2+ deficiency, check that bleeding w/cuts/bruises stops normally
tx: medicago sativa, bioflav, Vit C, Ca2+, homeopathy (repertorize but ferrum phos, phos can be good options)
etiology of edema? tx?
increased uterine size= slow venous return, increased permeability and increased blood vol pushes fluid into interstitial space
tx: 15-30 min rest q4hr w/legs above heart (lie on side in 2nd 1/2 of PG), nutrition (adequate protein, fluid and salt), taraxicum, acupuncture, exercise, homeopathy (merc-c, zinc)
etiology of MS pain? prevention? tx?
relaxin softens SI jts which pulls on lumbar musculature and can cause P on nerves + hypermobility on SI and pubic symphysis, change in body wt can change posture, increased size of UT causes pull on ligs (lumbar lordosis)
prevention: sensible shoes, proper lifting (avoid heavy wts) PN exercises
tx: SI manipulation, SI blocking, exercises, rest q4h (esp if standing a lot), firm mattress, props, SI belt or truss, Ca2+ (1500-2000 mg/d), botanicals (symphytum and hypericum), homeopathy (arnia, calc fluor)
etiology of leg cramps? tx?
lactic acid build up, Ca2+ deficiency, decreased circ in legs
tx: Ca2+/Mg+ (1500-2000 mg Ca/1000 mg Mg qd + PN vit), exercises (stretching, don’t point toes), massage during cramp, viburnum opulus, alt hot/cold baths, homeopathy (calc phos, gels, viburn, sepia), avoid diary, check for adequate salt intake
etiology of pubic bone pain? sxs? tx?
etiology: mb dt relaxin or hypertonicity of psoas musc causing tendon to click over the pubic tubercle
ssxs: bad pain on lifting legs, pain rolling over in bed, pain walking
tx: pubic bone adjustment, trigger pt massage of psoas, pillow b/w knees, get up slowly
etiology of carpal tunnel? tx?
etio: edema, compression of carpal tunnel (median nerve distribution of sxs)
tx: B6 100-200 mg BID, cervical and thoracic manipulation, look at scalenes (possibly TOS), decrease meat in diet (AA increases PGs= inflammation), homeopathy (rhus tox, ruta, causticum), bromelain, wrist braces, wrist manipulation
h/a etiology? tx?
etio: all the non-PG etiologies, increased BHcg, blood vol changes, anemia, hypoglycemia, calcium deficiency, PIH
tx: avoid aspirin or tylenol (dec plts), calcium plus rainbowlite, homeopathy, hot foot bath w/cold compress on neck
syncope and dizziness etiology? tx?
etio: increased vaginal response to position change, inc demand on heart, anemia, inc blood vol, hypoglycemia
tx: tx for anemia, hypoglycemia, sepia
what 4 skin sxs can be assoc w/PG?
stretch marks, mask of PG (cholasma), rashes, pruritis
what % of stretch marks are genetic? what % of women will get them? what % go away postpartum?
50% for all
tx of stretch marks?
tx: vit C, E, Zn in prenantal vits, exercise to improve musc tone and decrease skin sag, wheat germ oil or vit E cream/oil topically
etiology of mask of PG? tx?
inc pigmentation dt hormone changes, MC in women w/poor diet; liver not processing hormones well
tx: ddx AI (lupus), caulophyum thalictroides, homeopathy( sepia, phos)
etiology of rashes? tx?
inc metabolism, sweating, inc intertrigenous spaces (more skin to skin)
tx: cold compresses or soaks, homeopathy (cantharis, ars, sulphur), oatmeal bath
what is hydrorrhea graviderium? is it normal? what does it present as? what can it be confused as?
normal profuse watery d/c
white or clear, non-pruritic
normal mucus is protective, keeps out infxn
increases at end of PG
can be confused as water breaking (won’t be alkaline like amniotic fluid will be)
etiology of yeast infxns? 3 prevention techniques? tx?
predisposed dt inc in estrogen, change in pH
prevetion: cotton underwear, good hygiene, low sugar
tx: vinegar retention douche, acidophilus capsule vaginally qd, boric acid capsules vaginally, UV light w/calendula succus, nystatin suppositories if severe, monistat 7 if nothing else works
what 3 vaginal infections do we need to worry about in PG?
yeast infxn, trich, BV
when would you treat a PG mom w/trich?
not until postpartum unless symptomatic or can use homeopathy or vaginal packs
tx for BV in PG? what do you need to remember w/BV (presentation)?
cleocin vaginally
BV may be asx so do a wet prep early on
if PG mom presents w/vulvar itching what is your work-up? 2 txs?
swab w/hydrogen peroxide followed by UV light, need to determine cause (gardnerella, yeast, etc)
tx: urtica tincture, rescue remedy cream