Week 5 Oral mucousa Flashcards
Another name for Laminae Propier
Stratified Squamous epithelium
• The oral mucosa is composed of stratified squamous epithelium overlying a layer of connective tissue proper (aka lamina propria). There may be a deeper layer of submucosa present.
The submucosa of the cheek contains:
C. Adipose tissue and minor salivary glands.
Basement membrane
• The basement membrane lies between the epithelium and lamina propria in the oral mucosa.
3 main types:
• Lining mucosa
• Masticatory mucosa
• Specialized mucosa
Lining mucousa
• Contains:
- elastic fibers which provide tissue with a movable base.
- submucosa under lamina propria which allows for compression of tissue during chewing (mastication), speech, and swallowing.
Soft pliable - nonnkertanized squamous epithelium
Lamina dermis -smoother fewer
• Where can we find
Lining mucosa?
• A. Buccal
•B. Floor of the mouth
• C. Alveolar mucosa
• D. Soft Palate
•E. All of the above
• What type of epithelium is
Lining Mucosa consist of?
• A. non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
•B. Simple Cuboidal epithelium
• C. Columnar Epithelium
•D. Keratinized stratified squamous a
Floor of mouth
• Non-keratinized, thin.
• Lamina Propria:
- extensive vascular supply, broad connective tissue papillae.
• Submucosa includes:
- submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
- loosely attached to bone/muscles.
•Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
• Lamina propria has extensive vascular supply.
• Submucosa contains adipose tissue and minor salivary glands.
(provide compressibility and moisture,
Alveolar Mucousa
•Extremely mobile, lines the vestibules of the oral cavity.
• Extremely mobile, lines the vestibules of the oral cavity.
• Lamina propria has an extensive vascular supply
making the mucosa more red than the buccal mucosa.
•Lots of elastic fibers in the lamina propria making the tissue mobile.
• Non-keratinized squamous epithelium (inner lips).
• Lamina propria contains
minor seromucous salivary glands.
• Submucosa contains muscle fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle.
•Vermilion border is the junction between the oral mucosa and the skin of the face.
• Contains eleidin (clear, semi fluid, intracellular protein) so the blood vessels of the papillary layer transpire through making the color of the lips pink/red.
Free gingiva is found between free gingival groove and mucogingival junction:
False it’s attached not to free but attached
• Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
• Lamina propria is highly vascularized.
• Submucosa contains muscles of the soft palate and mucous glands, (minor salivary glands).
• Parakeratinized and orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium (least common).
• Covering: attached gingiva, dorsal surface of tongue and hard palate.
• Thicker, rubbery surface texture, resilient with keratin, firm base aids in speech and mastication.
• Abundant, pronounced rete ridges (prickle cell layer) and connective tissue papillae provides firm base.
• Submucosa is thin or absent.
• Sutures are rarely needed; local anesthetic injections mav be more difficult and cause greater discomfort than those in lining
• From the edge of free gingiva to mucogingival junction.
• Gingiva is divided into:
- Free gingiva (marginal zone).
- Attached gingiva.
- Interdental gingiva (papilla).
Free Gingiva:
-Inner margin - gingival sulcus
-Outer margin - oral cavity
-Keratinized and smooth.
Attached Gingiva:
-Between free gingival groove and mucogingival junction
-Keratinized and stippled, “orange peel” appearance.
Alveolar mucosa is not keratinized