week 5 - International Agenda and Domestic Policy Making Flashcards
What are the distinct impacts of international agenda influence of domestic policy-making? (5)
- Economic, social, and political pressures from abroad -
domestic policymaking process is no longer a solely
internal affair - Economic globalization + global interdependence
among states - Many policy issues become borderless
(environmental protection, drug regulation, etc.) - External factors start influencing domestic policymaking
- Problems that are unique to one country are rare
What Public policy becomes nowadays?
Public policy becomes increasingly global
Why policy-makers look to the international context?
to inform their decision-making
What costs did Global communication technologies lessen?
Global communication technologies lessened the costs
associated with disseminating ideas and policy
models across the world
How policymakers attempt to deal with the problem in the context of internalization?
by looking for similar examples elsewhere
Pinpoint 2 benefits of internationalization for domestic policymakers?
Policy-makers in cities, regional governments, and
nations can learn from their counterparts elsewhere
Policy-makers can draw lessons that will help them
deal better with their own problems
What is the difference b-n traditional and globalized approach of managing public policy?
Traditional approach –focus on the nation-state,
actions of government and other societal actors
Globalized environment – politics is not limited to one
What is one of the characteristic of Regional and international agreements (EU, NAFTA, Mercosur, ASEAN) for public policy domain?
Regional and international agreements (EU, NAFTA,
Mercosur, ASEAN) are infringing on the sovereignty
of states.
Globalization and its impact on the nation-state –
subject of great scholarly debate. Describe 2 opposing views of globalization impact on state governance?
View 1: Globalization diminishes the ability of states to
independently define and manage policy.
View 2: Globalization does not diminish ability of state
to govern. State is still the only actor that can make
international agreements on behalf of its population.
Some say that globalization erodes the ability of nation-state to make independent decision-making. Describe the characteristic features which support this view?
1) Influence of globalization on the role of the state
At home: Privatization and contracting out
Abroad: Multitude of int’l organizations
2) Shared sovereignty (EU, EEU, Mercosur, etc.)
3) Some global issues can be addressed effectively at a
supra- or international level. Globalization diminishes the autonomy and centrality of the state
Describe 3 ways in which globalization affects state systems?
1) Global ecological changes, integrated global economy, terrorism, human trafficking make policy design an increasingly a shared activity where multiple national systems interact with each other.
States have to cooperate and interact.
2) Functional integration, where states jointly generate
shared solutions to policy issues, with or without creating binding legal and policy instruments.
States create similar policy approach.
3) Globalization allows influence by international
organizations (OECD, IMF, World Bank, etc.) to
influence national policy design.
Countries adjust domestic policies in return of
[perceived] benefits.
On what variable depends on how countries may respond to external economic pressures?
Countries may respond to external economic pressures
differently – depending on their political institutions
(“strong” and “weak”)
what is the difference in reaction between professional bureacracies and more decentralized public administration? Provide country examples.
Countries with long traditions of professional
bureaucracies (France, Japan) will react differently
than countries with more decentralized tradition of
public administration (UK, US)
What are the influences of Increased international trade on domestic economy? (4)
- Increased international trade – increases economy’s
exposure to world market pressures (thus, sensitivity
of the domestic economy to international price
trends and shocks). - Internationalization – economic shocks from abroad
will be translated into the domestic economy - Economic shocks from abroad may generate political
crises; often reshape national policies and
institutions fundamentally - As internationalization progresses, the economy will
become more sensitive to world market price trends
and shocks
as internationalization makes the economy more vulnerable to externally generated economic shocks. What is the likelihood impact of this process?
The likelihood of major domestic policy and
institutional reforms will grow as internationalization makes the economy more vulnerable to externally generated economic shocks
what Preexisting domestic institutions can do to resist the influence of intern-n?
Preexisting domestic institutions may allow actors to
resist the pressures generated by internationalization.
Institutions may enable actors who would lose from
internationalization to halt any such change.
What is the disctinct feature of Countries with central planning or heavy state intervention in terms of internalization?
Countries with central planning or heavy state
intervention – government policies and institutions
may serve as a “wall” between the domestic
economy and the international one
What could be the impact of relative price changes in domestic economy?
Relative price changes may occur, but they may not be
felt domestically because of the state’s intervention
What the common characterization on how authoritarian and stable political system reacts to internalization effects?
The more authoritarian and stable a political system is,
the longer its leaders can resist responding to the
pressures created by internationalization
Countries’ perception of policy lessons:
Define exceptionalism?
Because of a distinctive history, culture, and values, practices of some countries may not apply in others
Countries’ perception of policy lessons:
Define Receptiveness?
Transitional countries often look for examples from abroad
Countries’ perception of policy lessons:
Define Policy transfer?
Knowledge about policies, administrative
arrangements, institutions, and ideas from one
political system (past or present) is used in another
political system
Define 2 featues of Policy Copying?
Policy emulation
Synthesis and hybridization
Countries’ perception of policy lessons:
Define features of Lesson-drawing?
- May or may not lead to policy transfer
- Policy elsewhere may be evaluated negatively, hence,
- no change is made
- Necessary but not sufficient for policy transfer
- Both negative and positive lessons provide valuable insights for policymaking
How can Governments influence the constraints imposed by the international economy?
Governments can influence the constraints imposed by
the international economy both through unilateral
and multilateral action.
What is the feature of Openness approach in how domestic policy reacts to internationalization ? Provide country examples
Openness – government policy focuses on improving
the competitive advantage of a country, thus
promoting rapid adaptation to internationalization.
(Japan, South Korea, Singapore)