Week 5 - D - Ovulation disorders Flashcards
What hormone made in the hypothalamus causes the release of GnRH and the sequence of events following?
The kisspeptin hormone causes the release of GnRH from the hypothalamus
What hormone can be used to check if a female is ovulating or not? Checked on day 21 of the menstrual cycle
The hormone progesterone
Its levels rise after ovulation as the corpus luteum forms from the remnant follicular cells after ovulation
What is the moment in which the developing oocyte is released? What is it known as when the period becomes and why does this happen?
Ovulation is when the developing oocyte is released
Menses is when the uterus lining sheds causing bleeding
What is defined as oligomenorrhea in woman?
reduction in frequency of periods to less than 9/year
What is the failure of menarche by age 16 known as?
Primary amenorrhea
What is secondary amenorrhea defined as?
cessation of periods for >6 months in an individual who has previously menstruated
What are two physiological causes of amenorrhea?
Pregancny and post-menopause
Primary amenorrhea is ually thought to be a congenital disorder (can be causes by something else eg prolactinoma from a young age) What are the two congenital disorders?
Turner’s syndrome
Kallman’s syndrome
Which congenital disorder is caused by having the 45X cromosome where there is a full missing Xchromosome? Is this disorder in males or females?
Tuner’s syndrome
Only in females
What are features of tuner’s syndrome found in women?
Short stature
infertility – due to underdeveloped ovaries
Puberty failing to arrive
Congenital heart defects in 50% of females
is a form of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH). Congeneital condition that is a form of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) and therefore children cannot go through puberty?
Anosmia and isolated GnRH deficiency → Kallmann’s syndrome
What are four causes of secondary amenorrhea? what can cause hypothalamic dysfunction? this causes amenorrhea also
Polycyctic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Premature ovarian failure
Hypothalamic dysfuntion - weigh loss, stress, over exercise
What are symptoms of oestrogen deficicency? (give name for the difficult/painful sex)
reduced Libido
Dysparenuia - difficult or painful sexual intercourse
In all patients with amenorrhea, what hormone levels should be investigated?
Thyroid function
When should the patients karyotype be investigated?
In cases of primary amenorrhea or suspected turner’s syndroem
Primary hypogonadism causing amenorrhea is to do with a problem due to the ovaries What are the hormone levels in primary hypogonadism? (clue - it is hypergonadotropic hypogonadism)
the ovaries have stopped working characterized by a
high LH/FSH in combination with low oestogen
Primary ovarian problem is the usual cause of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism What are the primary ovarian problem causes?
Premature ovarian failure
What is secondary hypogonadism usually due to? WHat are the hormone levels in this? (LH,FSH and oestradiol levels)
Is a hypothalamic or pituitary problem
LH, FSH and oestradiol are all low
What are three potential causes of secondary hypogonadism causing amenorrhea?
Kallman’s syndrome
Condition, with amenorrhea, oestrogen deficiency and elevated gonadotrophins <40 years of age as a result of loss of ovarian function What is this condition?
Premature ovarian failure
Is premature ovarian failure a cause of primary or secondary hypogonadism? What are the FSH levels to diagnose premature ovarian failure? (2 readings)
Causes of primary hypogonadism as it is an ovarian problem that causes secondary amenorrhea
Also the high LH/FSH with low oestrogen
FSH >30 on 2 separate occasions > 1 month apart
Below the age of 40
So, menopause before the age of 40 can indicate premature ovarian failure This condition is usually idiopathic however what are some causes? (congenital, gene mutations, autoimmune)
Congenital - Turner’s
Autoimmune - Addison’s and thyroid
Gene mutations - FSH/LH receptor mutation
Can also be iatrogenic due to radio or chemo therapy
Hypothalamic dysfunction due to eg stress, weight loss causing amenorrhea is called functional hypothalamic amenorrhea What does this do to the GnRH? Why is amenorrhea associated with people who lose increase amounts of weight?
Causes loss of pulsatile GnRH decreasing the gonadotrophins
Basically the hypothalamus decreases gonadotrophic production decreasing gonad production as it is saying the body is an unsuitable environment to host a foetus
What is is an upstream regulator of GnRH secretion produced in a specific subset of hypothalamic neurons ?
A genetic disorder characterised by a loss of GnRH secretion + anosmia or hyposmia Normal rest of pituitary function What is this condition? Aka - idiopathic hypogonadotropin hypogonadism + anosmia
Kallman’s syndrome
On MRI in kallmans, what bulbs may be absent accounting for the lack of smell?
The olfactory bulbs
Syndrome where the pituitary gland shrinks or becomes flattened, filling the sella turcica, or “Turkish Saddle”, with cerebrospinal fluid on imaging instead of the normal pituitary? Where is the sella turcica depression?
Empty sella syndrome
Depression in the sphenoid bone
Is pituitary dysfunction eg empty sella syndrome a cause of primary or secondary hypogonadism causing amenorrhea?
Cause of secondary hypogonadism
What can metaclopramide cause that may cause secodnary hypogonadism?
Can inhibit dopamine receptors causing increased prolactin
Hyperprolactinaemia can cause secondary hypogonadism leading to amenorrhea
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is another ovarian cause of amenorrhea What are the hormone levels in PCOS? What does the genetic predisposition cause the ovaries to produces in excess in PCOS leading to some of the associated features?
Excess LH, androgens/testosterone, oestrogen
Low FSH (remember oestrogen has a negative feedback on FSH (and prolactin) however stimulates secretion of LH)
Causes the production of excess androgen
What is the rotterdam criteria for diagnosing PCOS?
2 of:
Menstrual irregularity
Hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, elevated free testosterone)
Polycystic ovaries
What can the elevated free testosterone/oestrogen levels cause in PCOS?
The cystic appearance of the ovaries results from several follicles failing to mature properly without development of a dominant follicle.
The multiple follicles produce large amounts of estradiol, which inhibits FSH release thereby preventing further follicle development
What are common laboratory findings in PCOS?
Common laboratory findings with PCOS include
elevated LH, androgens, and estrogen,
with normal or low FSH.
What is the adrenal insufficiecny cause that can classically presents in childhood with virilization and low salt? WHat enzyyme causes this?
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Due to 21-OH deficiecny causing low aldosterone, cortisol and high androgen levels
What is the form of congenitl adrenal hyperplasia that presents in adolescence with hirsituism and infertitility due to anovulatin?
Non-classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
Causes by a partial 21-OH deficiency
As ACTH is driven to androgens by the diversion since there is a 21-OH deficiecny What enzyme is there a massive increase in?
Increase in 17alpha OH progesterone after synacthen test

Hirsituism and menstraul irregularity are associated symptoms of acromegaly in women What other 4 conditions can hyperandrogenism be associated with?
Cushing’s syndrome
Addison’s disease
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
In the treatment of PCOS, it depends on the symptoms What is the first line treatment of PCOS? What can be given for the menstraul irregularity?
Weight loss - reduces hyperinsulinsim and hyperandrogenism
* For menstrual irregularity can give oral contriceptrive pill
* For the infertiity - give clompiphen citrate - 1st line
(Clomifene is a non-steroidal anti-oestrogen that inhibits oestrogen negative feedback on the hypothalamus/pituitary, which in turn leads to an increase in FSH secretion that may allow follicular maturation and ovulation)
Diagnosis? (this is a female)

Turner’s syndrome
Turner’s syndrome can cause different heart disease eg coarctation of the aorta or bicuspid aortic valve What is the tetralogy of fallot?
- Pulmonary Stenosis
- Hypertrophy of Right Ventricle
- Over-riding Aorta