Week 5: Capillaries & Veins/ special circulations and exercise Flashcards
What is a metarteriole? when are they useful? What are precapillary sphincters?
A vessel that emerges from an arteriole connecting directly to a venule with the distal portion of the metarteriole having no smooth muscle. This is particularly useful for when artierioles constrict to prevent blood flow, but since all tissues require oxygen, there is still passive flow to the tissue.
- The precapillary sphincters are basically rings of smooth muscle that surround the entrance of capillary beds constricting and relaxing based off of blood supply requirements
What are the main characteristics of capillaries?
- Walls are very thin (single layer of endothelial cells) which helps with efficeincy of exchange)
- Narrow lumen (blood cells travel in single file allowing for as much of the blood to participate in exchange)
- extensive branching with Incredible surface area that allows for the slow velocity of blood allowing for more time for exchange of materials
How is the structure of a capillary vessel important to its function? How do water and lipdsoluble substances move in and out?
- Endothelial cells fit together like a jigsaw with the gaps that are inbetween the cells acting as pores for exchange of water soluble substances from the blood to the interstitial fluid and vice versa, whereas lipid soluble substances move down concentration gradients through the cell membranes of capillary walls.
Why is it good to have plasma proteins stay in the plasma and not participate in exchange?
Plasma proteins attract osmotic pressure. If they were to escape from the capillary you would end up with large concentration gradient change causing alot more fluid to move out from the blood and into the tissues causing an oedema.
What is a good example of a lipid soluble molecule that is very important to physiological function? how is it transported?
oxygen, it is transported straight through the endothelial cells as it is lipid soluble.
What are some examples of water soluble molecules? how are they transported?
sodium, potassium, glucose, amino acids:
They are transported through the pores in between endothelial cells. as they cannot dissolve through lipids.
How are proteins exchanged? (breiflly answer)
exchangable protiens are moved in and out of the plamsa using vesicles from endothelial cells (vesicular transport)
What are the two extremes of cappilary pore presence and size? and what would “standed” capillary pores be able to transport?
At one extreme brain capillary endothelial cells are joined by tight junctions with no pores whereas on the other extreme in the liver the pores in the capillaries are so large that even proteins can be exchanged.
Standard capillary (continuous capillary) pores would be able to permit the movement of small water soluble molecules like amino acids, glucose and ions.
What are fenestrated capillaries? how do they differ from continuous capillaries?
They differ from capillaries in that thier endothelial cells have numerous fenestrae (pores) where the cytoplasm is absent.
- Found in villi of small intestine, inside bownmans capsure in nephrons, endocrine glands and other places where there are higher rates of exchange taking place
What is the effect of histamine on capillary permeability?
Histamine (released from mast cells) is through to be responsible for increasing capillary permeablilty by triggering contractile (actin-myosin) responses in endothelial cells. Essentially it widens the pores so that proteins can leak out.
Explain the capillary situation within the brain?
- The brain is sheilded from harmful changes in the blood by the blood brain barrier (BBB)
- In these capillaries, cells are joined by tight junctions that stop all molecules from passing through the JUNCTIONS.
- the only way to exchange materials is if the materials are lipid soluble (like oxygen) or if they are vesicularly transported.
how can we calculate the net rate of diffusion?
Net rate of diffusion = ( Concentration gradient x surface area x diffusion coefficeint) divided by the distance
Explain the term “bulk flow”?
A volume of protein-free plasma filters out of the capillary and mixes with the surrounding interstitial fluid and is then subsequently reabsorbed due to hydrostatic or osmotic pressure gradients.
What are hydrostatic forces (in relation of capillary exchange) ?
BHP - Blood Hydrostatic Pressure:
- Moves fluid out of capillaries into interstitial fluid
- Usually 30mmHg near arteriole end and 15mmHg at venule end
Interstitual Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure:
- Opposes BHP
- Wants to move fluid from interstitual space into capillaries
- Usually a very small value around 0mmHg
What are Osmotic forces (in relation to capillary exchange) ?
BOP: Blood Osmotic Pressure:
- A colloid osmotic pressure exerted due to plasma proteins
- Tends to attract fluid back into capillaries
- about 28-30mmHg
OP: Interstitial Osmotic Pressure:
- A colloid osmotic pressure exerted due to a small ammount of escaped proteins in the IF
- It tends to pull fluid out of the capillaries
- About 6mmHg
How can we calculate the effective filtration pressure? (Peff)
Peff = (BHP + IFOP) - (IFHP + BOP)
Calculate the Arterial end and venous end pressures of the capillaries using the following values, also state whether net flow is in or out.
Arterial end:
BHP = 30, IFHP = 0, BOP = 28, IFOP = 6
Venous end:
BHP = 15, IFHP = 0, BOP = 28, IFOP = 6
Arterial End:
Peff = (30 + 6) - (0 + 28)
Peff = 8mmHg
Possitive value = Net fluid movement out of the capillary and into the tissue
Venous End:
Peff = (15 + 6) - (0 + 28)
Peff = -7mmHg
Negative value = Net fluid movement into capillary and out of the tissues
What happens to capillary exchange if the BP suddenly falls? e.g. a haemorrhage
When blood volume is reduced during a hemorage, BP is reduced which therfore means that capillary BP lowers aswell which will therefor alter the hydrostatic forces in the capillary bed. Because the pressure is lower in the capillaries than the IF, fluid will be reabsorbed by the capillaries from the IF until homeostatic margins are reached or until medical attention resolves the problem.
Explain how capillary exchange can aid hypertension?
Capillary exchange can help to lower the volume in the capillaries to help reduce venous return, and therfore lower CO which in turn will assist in lowering BP. Due to the pressure being much higher within hypertensive capillaries net blood flow will be within the interstial fluid, as IF will contain the lower end of the pressure gradient (ultrafiltration).
How is lymph flow accomplished?
- The “squeezing” effect of skeletal muscles
- Lymph vessels beyond lymph capillaries are surrounded by smooth muscle
What are the main characteristics of lymph?
- 3L of flow per day
- Lymph nodes filter bacteria and destroy them
- transports absorbed fat from small intestine
- returns filtered proteins back to CVS
What is an Oedema?
Excess fluid accumulation in the tissue
What are the 4 major causes of Oedema?
- Reduced concentration of plasma proteins
- Increased permeability of capillary walls (e.g. histamine causing a widening of he pores)
- Increased venous pressure; Seen with Congestive Heart Failure (inneficient blood pumping due to narrowed walls causing high BP and therefor higher ammounts of fluid drainage)
- Blockage of lymph vessel (parasite etc.)
What is a venule? What is the structural difference between the section of the venule closest to the capillaries vs the section closest to the veins?
When several capillaries come together they form a venule which then drains into veins.
Closest to capillaries:
- Tunica interna (endothelium) and Tunica Externa (CT)
Closest to Veins:
- Tunica interna (endothelium), TUNICA MEDIA (smooth muscle), and Tunica Externa (CT)
explain the term “veins are vessels of capacitance”
Easily distend to accomodate additional volumes of blood with only a small increase in venous pressure
- veins are very complient - they have great stretchability
How is blood “promoted” back to the heart? what are the 5 different mechanisms that aid venous return?
Because veins have a pressure greater than that of the Atrium (which is 0mmHg) this promotes blood towards the heart.
5 Factors that help:
- Skeletal Muscle pump
- Sympathetic activity
- Respiratory Activity
- Cardiac Suction pump
- Valves
How does sympathetic activity enhance venous return?
Vasoconstriction moderately elavates venous pressure helping to drive it towards the heart by reducing volume.
How does the skeletal muscle pump assist venous return?
Because large veins usually lie between large muscle blocks, when these muscles contract, they increase the resistance in the vessel and therefor force the blood to go back towards the heart by “milking” it.
How do valves assist in venous return?
With valves being at 2-4cm intervals this means that with some increased pressure or skeletal muscle pump assistance, that blood will move upwards when the pressure increases enough within a section of a vessel. The valves stop blood from moving backwards.
How does the effect of respiratory activity assist in venous return?
On inspiration, pressure within the thoracic cavity is reduced subatmospherically to fill the lungs with air causing a negative pressure in the lungs. This pressure gradient assists in bringing back blood to the heart.
How does the cardiac suction pump assist in venous return?
During contraction of the heart, the AV valve rings are drawn down creating a negative pressure gradient causing venous return to happen more efficiently.
What is recruitment in pulmonary circulation?
When pulmonary pressure increases causing the RECRUITMENT of new capillaries due to them being forced open by the pressure increase.
What is the response of the pulmonary arterioles to local hypoxia?
increase PCO2 and decrease in pH causes the opposite response to that present in the systemic response. Hypoxia causes local vasoconstriction of blood vessels so that blood flow is directed AWAY from areas of poor lung ventilation with the aim of improving gas excachange ratios.
“the heart has a low capacity to develop O2 Debt” explain
The heart is very greedy in that it requires alot of oxygen and nutrients therefore it cannot afford to have this supply compromised. To compesate for importance the heart contains many anastomoses in the event that blockages or clots were to occur.
During excercise what has to happen to coronary circulation?
During exercise coronary blood flow needs to increase substatially as the heart removes a large percentage of the O2 from haemoglobin. Adenosine (Potent vasodilator) is released by myocytes in response to decreasing O2 levels. Adenosine is the major contributor for the increased coronary vasodilation. Sypathetic nervous stimulation of coronary blood vessels also cause vasodilation (beta receptor effect), whilst the alpha activity (vasoconstrictor) is weak.
What are the main characteristics of cerebral circulation?
- The flow rate remains constant over a wide range of activities.
- Capillaries of the brain are relatively impermeable due to the protective nature of the BBB
- interruption to the blood flow to the brain for 5-10 seconds results in loss of conciousness and a loss for more than 3 or 4 minutes will cause brain damage
- The ANS has little to no affect on cerebral blood flow
- Myogenic and metabolic auto-regulation are important controlling mechanisms
How do myogenic mechanisms assist in cerebral circulation?
Myogenic mechanisms maintain a constant blood flow when MAP fluctuates between 50-150mmHg
How do metabolic auto-regulatory mechanisms assist cerebral circulation?
Metabolic auto-regulatory mechanisms maintain a constant O2 supply to regions of the brain depending upon their activity.
“cerebral arterioles are sensitive to changes in PCO2 or acidity” explain how this works?
If PCO2 increases from 40 to 100mmHg (hypercapnia), this induces vasodilation: 2x Blood flow.
If PCO2 Falls from 40 to 20mmHg (hypocapnia), this induces vasoconstriction: 0.5x cerebral blood flow
These effects are designed to increase or decrease the oxygen supply to the active brain tissue
How does the skeletal muscles O2 consumption differ from resting to responding to maximum exercise rates? What mechanism controls this?
At rest = recieves 20% of total CO (20% of O2)
At Max exercise: recieves 90% of total CO (90% of O2)
This is controlled by the metabolic regulation mechanism that causes vasodilation to tissues that have a high/important metabolic activity. Initially adrenaline also binds to beta receptors to help with initial vasodilation.
What are the main characteristics involved with renal circulation?
- Recieves about 20% CO through a low resistance vascular bed
- Renal functions are independent of fluctuations in MAP because of myogenic autoregulation of the arterioles THIS IS BECAUSE FILTRATION RELIES ON A PRESSURE GRADIENT = MUST BE SOMEWHAT STABLE
- ^ can be overriden by SNS and adrenaline acting on alpha receptors when requied (during exercise or stress response…..)
How does the cutaneous circulation help maintain a constant body temperature? how does the body respond to hot and cold temperatures?
Thermoregulation: Temp monitored by hypothalamus
- When body temperature increases, a decrease in sympathetic stimulation to the alpha receptors results in vasodilation. This is enhanced by bradykinin which is produced from sweat glands in response to hypothalamic activation.
- When body temperature decreases this induces initial vasoconstriction.
What is splanchnic circulation? what are the main characteristics?
Visceral organs within abdominal cavity
- recieves 25% CO at rest the liver recieves 75% of its bloof from the hepatic portal vein and 25% from hepatic artery.
- Increase in glandular activity in muscosal and submucosal layers increase release of bradykinin causing local vasodilation
- Splanchnic circulation is controlled by autoregulatory mechanisms: during exercise Sympathetic stimulation to alpha receptors of the splanchnic arterioles and veins mediates vasoconstriction and venoconstriction.
What is bradykinin?
An inflammatory mediator, acts as a vasodilator which therefore lowers blood pressure.
Explain what happens in relation to the circulatory response in exercise?
exercise produces an increased blood flow to active muscles. Apart from the increase in CO, this is due mostly to vasodilation induced by local factors, decrease in the pressure of oxygen and an increase in the pressure of carbon dioxide etc. Capillaries open up allowing the tissues to participate in a greater extraction of oxygen from blood. Due to the Bohr effect, skeletal muscle is capable of removing 90% of oxygen from haemoglobin at maximum exercise levels.
Why does skin circulation increase essentiall with exercise but then rapidly decreases?
Essentially the body tries to cool off by getting rid of heat as sweat, but as exercise increases the skeletal muscle has such a high demand for oxygen that circulation can not be “wasted” in vasodilating so it becomes more passively controlled by the circulatory system.
What happens to regional circulation during exercise in the follwing areas:
Heart, gut and kidneys, skin, and brain?
Heart: coronary circulation increases due to the binding of adrenaline onto the coranary artery beta receptors; this is to meet the extra deman of the increased CO
Gut and kidneys: Gut and kindey arterioles are vasoconstricted by the alpha receptors
Skin: Essentially the body needs to get rid of heat so vasodilation to skin occurs
Brain: Remains constant; no change in metabolic rate
What happens to cardiac output during exercise?
CO increases due to venoconstriction, vasodilation and increases myocardial contractility as well as the action of working muscles on leg veins.