Week 5 Biological Control Flashcards
Define biological control
Using living organisms to control weeds- fungi, virus, bacteria, mites, insects, birds, fish
Describe how weed populations change when a biological control agent is introduced
Effectiveness increases as weeds density increases
Exotic organisms work best to control exotic weeds
Takes a while to see effect and always lags behind the weed pop
Outline positive benefits to implementing biological control
Environmentally SOund Self sustaining Cheaper in long term Land managers don't need to make a decison Used when other IWM controls don't work
Outline negative aspects and disadvantages to biological control
;Only 30% of releases are successful
Not all weeds are suitable targets
High initial cost
Agents are slow to have an effect
Cactoblastis are unusual is biological control
Prickly pear was introduced by settlers as fence, 24million Ha by 1920’s
1912-1926 Cactoblastis (argintinian moth) introduced and controlled it
Pattersons Curse
Weevals - expect effect in 20-50 years
Fleabettle gets into roots
Skeleton Weed
1971 plant pathogen as biocontrol agent and gall mite and midge
classical biological control
Release control agents which establish and provide ongoing control
inundative biological control
Mass production and release of control agents at regular intervals
Outline the six protocols for releasing of biocontrol agents
Study biology and ecology of weeds Explore likely agents in native range of weeds Detailed studies of likely agents OS Introduce to aust - quarantine Cost Benefit analysis Strategic field release
Outline what role legislation can play in controlling weeds
Restrict human dispersal of weeds - clean machinery at boreders
If vector natural (bird) legislation to decrease spread
Legislation May
Impose restrictions on movement and sale of plant
Specify responsibilities for control and coordination
Outline how a weed is defined as being noxious
Potential for spread
Socio economic and Envrio Value
What is meant by a weed of national significance
20 spp ID’d as top national [riorities for management strategies
Require concentrated control
Noxious weeds
Declared/proclaimed weeds
Landholders must control by law
Control Class
What ones are notifieable weeds
Objectives of Noxious weed Act
ID weed (noxious)
Specify control methods
ID who is responsible
Provides frameworks so all groups can work together
How does a weed become noxious
Advisory Committee recommends it to the minister