Week 5 - Asthma, Acute Lung Injury, Restrictive Disorders & Pneumoconiosis Flashcards
What is asthma?
- Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways that causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough particularly at night and/or early in the morning.
- Increased sensitivity/irritability with excess mucous in airways, no scarring.
- Mucous threads and spirals in sputum.
- Many cells play a role in the inflammatory response, in particular eosinophils, mast cells, macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils and epithelial cells.
- Eosinophilia (all cases of asthma characterised by hypereosinophilia - excess eosinophils in blood, sputum and bronchial epithelium microscopy).
Identify the hallmarks of asthma.
- Intermittent and reversible airway obstruction (bronchospasm. COPD irreversible - permanent due to scarring).
- Chronic bronchial inflammation.
- Bronchial smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyper-reactivity.
- Increased mucus secretion.
What are the 2 main types of asthma?
- Asthma may be categorised into atopic (evidence of allergen sensitisation, often in a patient with a history of allergic rhinitis, eczema) and non-atopic.
- In either type, episodes of bronchospasm can be triggered by diverse mechanisms such as respiratory infections (especially viral), environmental exposure to irritants (e.g. smoke, fumes), cold air, stress and exercise.
- Atopic - due to allergen, early age (starts by childhood), family history of other disorders e.g. eczema, skin hypersensitivity. Commonest.
- Non-atopic - no allergen identified, hypersensitivity testing negative, starts as an adult.
What are the other types of asthma?
• Other types:
- Drug induced - typically aspirin induced, increased cyclooxygenase, genetic condition (some people genetically hypersensitive to aspirin with excess secretion of cyclooxygenase - not common).
- Occupational - paints, fumes, toxic gases - repeated exposure (may have a history of asthma but it develops after continuous exposure).
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis - patients with allergic bronchitis - may have hypersensitivity to aspergillosis (fungus) - may not be identified or grown in body/culture but show hypersensitivity to fungus.
- There is also emerging evidence for differing patterns of inflammation - eosinophilic, neutrophilic, mixed inflammatory and pauci-granulocytic.
- Different asthma types based on mucus examination (not commonly discussed) - each type has different chemical presentation and pathogenesis - increased eosinophils, increased neutrophils, mixed (both) or no WBCs.
• Asthma may also be classified according to the agents or events that trigger bronchoconstriction - asthma triggers (in all types) - infections, smoke, fumes, stress, exercise.
Explain the pathogenesis of asthma.
Atopic or extrinsic (allergen induced) :
• Genetic - atopy/type 1 hypersensitivity (genetic hypersensitivity reaction, IgE mediated).
Non-atopic or intrinsic (no allergen identified):
• Viral infections/chemical pollution etc. (not associated with atopy reactions/family history).
• Common pathogenesis in both (due to genetic atopy or viral/pollution):
- TH2 lymphocytes.
- IL4, IL5, IgE.
- Eosinophils.
- Mast cells.
- Inflammation
• Atopic: antigen → dendritic cell (APC) → TH2 cell → IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 → B lymphocyte → IgE → mast cell and eosinophils → histamine, EBP.
- IL-4 stimulates IgE production.
- IL-5 activates eosinophils.
- IL-13 stimulates mucus production and also promotes IgE production by B cells.
• Non-atopic: external agents (irritants, viral infection) → mast cell and eosinophils → histamine, EBP. (Non-atopic doesn’t need T cells → directly stimulate mast cells and eosinophils. No family history).
• Hygiene hypothesis - eradication of infections may alter immune homeostasis and promote allergic and other harmful immune responses. Due to excess hygiene.
Identify the clinical features of asthma.
- Episodic bronchospasm.
- Cough.
- Wheezing.
- Hypoxia.
- Reversible - only smooth muscle spasm and inflammation, no scarring unlike COPD. Bronchodilator helps improve the patient.
- Severe dyspnoea - difficulty lies in expiration. The patient labours to get air into the lungs and then cannot get it out, so that there is progressive hyperinflation of the lungs with air trapped distal to the bronchi, which are constricted and filled with mucus and debris.
- Attacks usually last from one to several hours and subside either spontaneously or with therapy, usually bronchodilators and corticosteroids.
Compare a normal bronchus with that in a patient with asthma.
- Accumulation of mucus in the bronchial lumen resulting from an increase in the number of mucus-secreting goblet cells in the mucosa and hypertrophy of submucosal glands.
- Intense chronic inflammation due to the recruitment of eosinophils, macrophages and other inflammatory cells.
- Basement membrane underlying the mucosal epithelium is thickened and smooth muscle cells exhibit hypertrophy and hyperplasia.
Outline the immediate and late phase of asthma.
- Immediate: on re-exposure to antigen, the immediate reaction is triggered by antigen-induced cross-linking of IgE bound to IgE receptors on mast cells in the airways. These cells release preformed mediators. Collectively, either directly or through neuronal reflexes, the mediators induce bronchospasm, increase vascular permeability and mucus production and recruit additional mediator-releasing cells from the blood.
- Late: the arrival of recruited leukocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes) signals the initiation of the last phase of asthma and a fresh round of mediator release from leukocytes, endothelium and epithelial cells. Factors, particularly from eosinophils (e.g. major basic protein, eosinophil cationic protein) also cause damage to the epithelium, IgE.
Describe the morphology of asthma.
• Inflammed thick bronchi.
• Mucous plugs.
Microscopy: • Excess mucous. • Goblet cell hyperplasia. • Inflammation with plenty of eosinophils. • Smooth muscle hyperplasia. • Mucous gland hyperplasia.
Note: microscopy similar to chronic brochitis except there are plenty of eosinophils in asthma (only neutrophils in CB).
Describe the sputum microscopy in asthma.
- Charcot-Leyeden crystals (eosinophil protein) - eosinophil basic protein which is apart of eosinophil granules → form big crystals in sputum which can be seen under microscopy.
- Curschmann spirals (mucous + epithelium) - long threads of mucus with epithelium inside.
Outline status asthmaticus.
- Persisting severe exacerbation of asthmatic attack, no response to therapy (usually asthmatic attacks are short in duration, respond to therapy).
- Severe hypoxia, hypercapnia (CO2 retention) and acidosis. May be fatal.
- Hyperinflation of lungs (lungs hyperinflated as bronchi are constricted, alveoli retain the air - cannot push it out).
- Triggered by excess mucus plugging the major bronchi. Thick mucus totally blocking → does not respond to therapy.
Asthma summary.
- Reversible bronchoconstriction - due to external stimuli.
- Atopic asthma - TH2 and IgE (IgE mediated type 1 hypersensitivity).
- Non-atopic asthma - viral infections and pollutants (also remember drug induced/exercise induced asthma).
- Eosinophils are key inflammatory cells (difference from COPD). Eosinophil products such as major basic proteins are responsible for airway damage.
- Airway inflammation, hypertrophy of bronchial mucous glands and smooth muscle.
- Airway remodelling adds an irreversible component to obstructive disease (sub-basment membrane thickening and hypertrophy of bronchial glands and smooth muscle adds an irreversible component to obstructive disease. It is reversible but gradually over many years of asthma → reversibility reduces because of mucus glands and smooth muscle hypertrophy. Over the years, reversibility becomes less).
Outline restrictive lung disorders.
- AKA infiltrative lung disorders.
- Reduced expansion of lung due to diffuse fibrosis (stiff lung - lung becomes hard instead of being elastic normally).
- FEV, FVC both low (lung cannot expand) so FEV1:FVC ratio ~normal (slightly abnormal but not significant).
- TLC decreased.
- Either because chest wall becomes stiff or lung tissue itself becomes scarred (fibrosis) - chest wall/lungs cannot expand → restrictive.
Identify the types of restrictive lung disorders.
A. Intrinsic lung disorders (common, seen clinically):
• Diffuse fibrosis, pneumoconiosis and sarcoidosis.
• Tuberculosis and other interstitial pneumonia.
B. Extrinsic disorders (chest wall):
• Scoliosis, kyphosis, gross obesity, Pickwick syndrome.
• Pleurisy, rib fracture etc.
C. Neuromuscular disorders:
• Paralysis of the diaphragm, myasthenia gravis, poliomyelitis.
• Generalised weakness - malnutrition.
Describe the pathogenesis of restrictive lung disorders.
- Particles of 1-5ų* (> harmless) - usually caused by particles 1-5ų - smaller are easily removed (not much damage) and larger do not get deposited in terminal alveoli.
- Common particles - carbon, silica* (most common) and asbestos*
- Lung injury (inhaled agents, dusts, blood-borne toxins, unknown antigens).
- Stimulation of lymphocytes and macrophages.
- Produce interstitial inflammation and fibrosis.
- Results in stiff lung (restrictive).
- Tobacco and TB* - patients with restrictive disorders who also smoke → more damage. Increased damage to the lung stimulates reactivation of TB - susceptibility to TB increases.
• Lung injury → activates macrophages → oxidants/proteases → damage epithelium (type 1 pneumocytes) → type 2 pneumocytes increase in response → secrete fibroblast growth factors → fibrosis → leads to damaged alveoli with excess fibrosis.
See diagram*
Outline idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
- > 50y (middle to later age).
- Progressive dyspnoea, pulmonary failure (occurs suddenly and progressively worsens).
- Unknown aetiology (usually not smokers).
- Exclude COPD and other causes.
- Interstitial fibrosis, alveolar damage (AKA UIP - usual interstitial pneumonitis).
- ‘Dry velcro’ like inspiratory crackles.
- Bilateral, lower and peripheral coarse reticulo-nodular shadowing (network like shadowing) and small lungs.
- CT - peripheral honeycombing (or MRI).
- Poor prognosis (~3 years) - respiratory failure within 3 years, serious condition.
- Microscopy - irregular alveolar septa that are markedly thick and fibrotic with lymphocytes and few macrophages inbetween.
- Type 2 pneumocytes markedly hypertrophic forming clusters.
- This microscopy is common for almost all types of pneumoconiosis. However in this case, the aetiology is unknown.
What is pneumoconiosis?
• Disease due to inhaled dusts (restrictive lung disorder due to inhaled dust - known aetiology).
• Non-neoplastic reaction to inhalation of dusts.
• Inorganic (mineral) or organic (inorganic most common - coal dust, silica, asbestos).
• Reaction may be inert, fibrous, allergic or neoplastic - depends on type of dust.
• Morphologic types:
- Inert - coal worker’s pneumonia.
- Fibrous - asbestosis, silicosis.
- Allergic - extrinsic allergic alveolitis (bird watcher’s lung), farmer’s lung.
- Neoplastic - mesothelioma (cancer of pleural layer (coverings) - common in asbestos).
Outline coal miner’s lung.
- AKA coal worker pneumoconiosis (CWP).
- Various grades - can be asymptomatic to total destruction of lung.
- Carbon alone does not cause damage.
- Associated silica causes fibrosis. Carbon in coal mining associated with silica → silica component causes the damage (fibrosis).
Describe the stages of coal miner’s lung.
• Anthracosis + silicosis (CWP) - depending on silicosis component - symptoms increase.
- Asymptomatic anthracosis (C only) - simple pure carbon → lung and lymph nodes become black → asymptomatic (dust colouring of lungs without fibrosis - carbon only). Pigment accumulates without perceptible cellular reaction.
- Simple CWP (macrophage) - plenty of macrophages without producing any pulmonary failure. Accumulation of macrophages with little or no pulmonary dysfunction. Coal nodules.
- Complicated CWP (fibrosis) - slightly increased fibrosis. Fibrosis is extensive and lung function is compromised. Coalescence of coal nodules → multiple, intensely blackened scars.
- Progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) - patients present with severe decreased pulmonary function, pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale.
- Honeycomb lung - end stage.
Outline silicosis.
- Caused by inhalation of crystalline silica, mostly in occupational settings.
- After inhalation, the particles interact with epithelial cells and macrophages. Ingested silica particles cause activation and releases of mediators by pulmonary macrophages including IL-1, TNF, fibronectin, lipid mediators, oxygen derived free radicals and fibrogenic cytokines.
- Excess silica deposition → more damage (irritant - more stimulation of fibrogenesis).
- Inorganic - sand and stone dust (coal-mining, stone quarry, sand blasting) → macrophage → fibrosis - early symptoms, extensive fibrosis, multiple fibrotic nodules.
- Multiple fibrotic nodules - individual nodules may coalesce into hard, collagenous scars with eventual progression to PMF.
- Surrounding irregular emphysema (also produce proteases which destroy surrounding alveoli).
- Diffuse fibrosis - honeycomb (the intervening lung parenchyma may be compressed or overextended and a honeycomb pattern may develop).
Outline asbestosis.
- Asbestos bodies - crystalline hydrated silicates with protein and haemosiderin coating (silica but crystalline hydrated with protein and haemosiderin coating).
- Flexible serpentine* and stiff straight amphibole types - both damage.
- Penetrates alveoli at lung bases, enter interstitum and pleura producing pleural plaques - fibrous patches over lung.
- Diffuse fibrosis of lung and honeycombing.
- Dyspnoea, dry cough - destruction of lungs.
- Mesothelioma (malignant pleural tissue) and lung cancer.
- Clubbing in 50%.
- Smoking + asbestos → increased cancer (high incidence of cancer - neoplastic - stimulates cancer).
- Diffuse fibrosis and thickening of the pleura produces pleural effusion → fluid accumulation in pleural cavity. Also honeycombing → extensive destruction of lung with airspaces covered by fibrous tissue.
What is sarcoidosis?
- Not common.
- Fever, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, night sweats (typical of TB). Lymphadenopathy.
- Granulomatous multi-system inflammation - lungs, skin, liver, lymph nodes etc.
- Reaction to unknown antigen → immune dysregulation.
- SOB (DIF), erythema nodosum, hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis (calcification everywhere), ocular, skin and nerve damage etc. (multi-system inflammation).
- Non-caseating granuloma with asteroid bodies (star shaped inclusions) in giant cells.
- Stage I asymptomatic to stage IV → diffuse interstitial fibrosis (DIF).
- Smokers - uncommon? Less common in smokers, may be protective.
Outline other interstitial lung disorders.
Pulmonary eosinophilia:
Infiltration and activation of eosinophils, IgE and IL-5* - increased eosinophils in blood (hypereosinophilia), increased IgE and IL-5 (stimulates eosinophils) in serum.
• Eosinophilic pneumonia acute/chronic.
• Simple pulmonary eosinophilia (Loeffler syndrome).
• Tropical eosinophilia.
• Secondary eosinophilia.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis:
Immune response to an extrinsic ‘antigen’. Hypersesitivity allergic reaction to fungus or organic matter.
• Farmer’s lung - moldy hay - fungal (spores) - handling wet fibres.
• Bagassosis - cane farming - fungal.
• Pigeon breeder’s lung - pigeon serum proteins.
• Miller’s lung - dusty grains - insect (wheat weevil).
Outline acute lung injury.
- Definition - rapid onset hypoxemia and alveolar damage in the absence of heart failure (primary disease of alveoli → exposure to noxious irritants → suddenly developing acute inflammation).
- AKA non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. More severe form → acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
• Aetiology:
- Common - pneumonia/sepsis, shock, gastric aspiration.
- Rare - drowning, contusions, inhalations, pancreatitis etc.
• New born: immature lung → hyaline membrane disease (HMD).
- Pathogenesis: epithelial and endothelial injury, inflammation → neutrophils. Exudation → hyaline membrane (decreased surfactant) - diffuse alveolar damage (DAD).
- Clinical: severe hypoxia, atelectasis, wet heavy lungs filled with exudate. If survive - healing by type 2 pneumocyte proliferation.
- Noxious or irritant stimulus affecting type 1 pneumocytes resulting in necrosis of type 1 pneumocytes → release inflammatory mediators that attract neutrophils → neutrophils release inflammatory mediators/proteases → causes breakdown of tissue, vasodilation and leakage of plasma proteins → get deposited as protein layers which line alveolus → prevents oxygenation → extensive lung alveolus injury - diffuse alveolar damage → results in severe hypoxia and collapse of lung.
Outline respiratory distress syndrome.
• AKA hyaline membrane disease of the newborn.
- Aetiology: premature (<28 weeks - most common cause), maternal diabetes, maternal sedation, trauma.
- Prematurity → lung immature → type 2 pneumocytes are still not mature enough to secrete surfactant. When child takes their first breath, there is no surfactant to keep alveoli open → atelectasis → inflammation, exudation - like ARDS in adults but this is in the newborn with additional complications. Results in total destruction - severe hypoxia.
• Pathogenesis: immature lung, decreased surfactant. Atelectasis → inflammation → exudation.
- Gross: purple, congested, wet, heavy airless lungs (air not able to enter because of lack of surfactant).
- Microscopy: collapsed, inflamed alveoli. Hyaline membrane of plasma proteins with necrotic cells (due to plasma protein secretion).
• Complications:
- Retrolental fibroplasia (behind the lens) - neovascularisation (retinopathy) of the retina due to VEGF inflammatory mediator (secreted by inflammatory cells).
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia - loss of alveolar walls, irregularity (healing) of capillaries - due to healing. Leads to loss of alveolar walls resulting in large irregular air spaces and irregularity of the healing capillaries.
Describe goodpasture syndrome.
- Rare condition.
- Aetiology: autoimmune disorder affecting both kidneys and lungs - due to anti collagen Ab. Both kidneys and lungs are affected. Usually in adults with autoimmune disorders.
- Morphology: diffuse alveolar haemorrhage and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
- Linear IgG deposits in the capillary basement membrane (deposition of autoantibody IgG in the capillary basement membrane).
- Rapid progressive pulmonary and renal failure.