Week 1 - Valve Disorders, Rheumatic Fever & Congenital Heart Diseases Flashcards
Describe the structure of the normal heart valves.
- Transparent (may appear slightly opaque but majority transparent).
- Thin CT layer covered by endocardium.
- Elastic membranes.
- No blood vessels.
Outline rheumatic fever.
- A multisystem autoimmune inflammatory disorder.
- Characterised by inflammatory changes involving the heart, blood vessels, skin (subcutaneous tissue), joints and brain (majority of damage is in the heart).
- Occurs following group A β-haemolytic streptococci infections (GABH/GAS). Usually pharyngitis but also rarely with infections at other sites such as skin.
*Know the difference between RF (heart) and RA (joints): Both are similar, both involve joints however; the major damage is in the heart for RF and in joints for RA.
What are the 2 phases of rheumatic fever?
• Rheumatic fever is the acute form while rheumatic heart disease is the chronic form.
- Acute (ARF): fever, inflammation of heart, skin, joints, brain (inflammation throughout body). Typically in young children.
- Chronic (RHD): scarring of heart valves leading to (mitral) dysfunction. Is specific to heart valves and due to recurrent autoimmune GAS infection (endocarditis only, all other things resolved). Most common cause of mitral stenosis.
• RHD is the cardiac manifestation of RF. It is associated with inflammation of all parts of the heart, but valvular inflammation and scarring produce the most important clinical features (mitral stenosis).
Outline the aetiology of rheumatic fever.
• GAS is common but not everybody develops ARF as a result of infection. 3 factors are required for the development of RF:
- Genetic susceptibility - presence of HLA DR2 & DR3.
- Environmental factor - GABH streptococcus infection.
- Autoimmunity - T cell, ADNase B (autoantibodies produced against capsule M protein).
NOTE: The aetiology is the same 3 factors for all autoimmune disorders - environmental factors (e.g. infection, hormones, drugs, UV radiation) affect the immune background in a genetically susceptible individual causing an autoimmune response.
Describe the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever.
- GAS infection occurs in genetically susceptible children.
- 2-3 weeks later generalised autoimmune reaction occurs as antibodies against the M protein of GAS cross-react with cardiac myosin & sarcolemma membrane protein → fever, erythema, arthritis, pancarditis → “Acute Rheumatic Disease”
NB: the delay of 2-3 weeks is due to time for T cell proliferation to occur (both Ab and T cell response). - Recurrent attacks of GAS infection → fibrous scarring of mitral valve → deformity of valve & chordate tendinae → mitral stenosis & mitral regurgitation → “Rheumatic Heart Disease”
- Multiple repeat attacks of GAS infections in susceptible host (influenced by environmental factors - crowding, nutrition, infections).
- ARF infection triggers molecular mimicry - cross-reacting anti-strep Ab on host antigens causing autoimmunity.
- T cell mediated autoimmune response also occurs - CD4+ T cells that recognise streptococcal peptides can also cross react with host antigens and elicit cytokine mediated inflammatory responses.
- The characteristic 2-3 week delay in symptom onset after infection is explained by the time needed to generate an immune response
- Autoimmunity against tissues in the body e.g. heart - effects pericardium, myocardium and endocardium.
- Repeat attacks of ARF only attack endocardium → chronic damage to valves → destroyed valves replaced by fibrosis → causes stenosis and regurgitation → chronic RHD (years).
Identify the clinical features of rheumatic fever.
• Fever (multisystem inflammation).
• Heart:
- Pancarditis (inflammation of cardia - endocardium, myocardium and pericardium).
• Joints:
- Migratory polyarthritis (mainly involves large joints which are red and swollen due to inflammatory mediators. One joint becomes inflamed then heals, followed by another joint becoming inflamed - cycle repeats).
• Skin:
- Erythema marginatum (multiform red macular skin rash - clear central area with expanding border of inflammation).
- Subcutaneous nodules (small firm painless nodules).
- Sydenham chorea (involuntary movements of hands, feet, face).
• Common in children 5-15 years.
• All features due to T cell mediated inflammation. Except endocarditis, all settle without complication.
- Rheumatic heart disease - deforming fibrotic valvular disease (usually of mitral valve)
- Other clinical features include: pericardial friction rub (due to granuloma/inflammation in pericardium), weak heart sounds, tachycardia, arrhythmias, cumulative cardiac damage over decades.
Outline the Jones criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever.
- The patient must have 2x major criteria OR 1x major and 2x minor criteria PLUS evidence of preceding group A streptococcal throat infection (phargyngitis).
- Major criteria:
- Migratory polyarthritis
- Carditis
- Subcutaneous nodules
- Erythema marginatum
- Sydenham chorea
• Minor criteria:
- Fever
- Arthralgia
- High phase reactants
- High ESR (inflammatory marker)
Describe the morphology of rheumatic fever.
Gross • Pancarditis: - Pericarditis - fibrinous. - Myocarditis - T cell inflammation. - Endocarditis - vegetations.
Microscopy • Aschoff body - usually around blood vessels and consist of: - Fibrinoid necrosis. - Macrophages and giant cells. - T lymphocytes.
Explain the formation of pulmonary oedema in rheumatic fever.
- Heart markedly enlarged as all 3 layers involved. Loss of function due to inflammation (cannot push blood out properly → blood accumulates → heart enlarges).
- Enlarged heart with decreased output results in accumulation in lungs (back flow) → pulmonary oedema (opacity in lungs).
- Pulmonary oedema is due to increased hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary capillaries → fluid leaks out → basilar crackles due to accumulation of fluid in lungs (not an infection).
Outline fibrinous pericarditis.
- Bread and butter pericarditis (fibrin adhesions).
- Immune mediated, fibrinous inflammation (all due to T cell mediated inflammation).
- Marked vasodilation and oedema with fibrin deposits in pericardial sac.
- Inflammation of pericardium: Dilation of blood vessels → capillary leakage → fibrinogen leaks out → clots on surface of pericardium causing fibrin threads.
- Pericardium is no longer smooth - does not allow heart to freely move.
- Pericardium exhibits a fibrinous exudate, which generally resolves without the sequelae.
• Pericardial friction rub.
Outline myocarditis.
• Inflammation of myocardium → enlarges heart. Myocardial involvement takes the form of scattered Aschoff bodies within the interstitial connective tissue.
• Aschoff body - collection of T lymphocytes and macrophages around necrosis. Inflammation around blood vessel plus all over myocardium - whole heart inflamed.
• Antibodies coming out of blood vessel so inflammation starts immediately in that area.
- Dark pink deposits (area of inflammation) = broken down collagen (fibrinoid necrosis).
- Surrounded by small black dots = T lymphocytes.
• Ag:Ab reaction stimulates T cells → secrete chemotaxis → recruits macrophages.
• Macrophages also join to form giant cells AKA Anitschkow cells (caterpillar cells) → eat away dead tissue (collagen) due to Ab.
• Anitschkow cells have abundant cytoplasm and central nuclei with chromatin condensed to form a slender, wavy ribbon (caterpillar cells).
• During ARF, Aschoff bodies can be found in any of the 3 layers of the heart (including valves) - hence causes pancarditis.
• Myocarditis - arrhythmias e.g. AF.
Outline endocarditis.
- Vegetations on mitral valve.
- Acute inflammation of valves wherever there is damage. Antibodies to collagen.
- Collagen usually well covered by endocardium. However, edges of valves constantly hitting against each other results in the development of small ulcers which exposes collagen → Antibodies bind to it → inflammation and platelet agglutination on surface of border of valves.
- Microscopy - T lymphocytes, macrophages. T cell mediated inflammation stimulated by antibody deposition.
• Endocarditis - murmur.
Why is the free edge of the mitral valve involved?
- Free edge of valve most exposed to damage due to pressure.
- Mitral valve is exposed to the highest pressures therefore greater damage, followed by aortic valve, which experiences less pressure. The other valves are rarely involved.
What are the complications of rheumatic fever?
- Arrhythmia.
- Cardiac hypertrophy.
- Heart failure.
- Acute rheumatic fever → rheumatic heart disease.
- Mitral stenosis → right ventricular failure (heart failure).
- Mitral regurgitation (due to ulcers around heart valves preventing them closing properly).
Outline the investigations and management of rheumatic fever.
• There are no specific investigations and cultures are usually negative.
• High ASO titre (antistreptolysin O antibodies).
• High Anti-DNAse B titres.
• High acute phase reactants (CRP, SAA, SAP, complements, coagulation) → inflammation.
• The ECG of mitral stenosis shows atrial fibrillation or bifid P waves (these are associated with atrial hypertrophy).
• Penicillin prophylaxis for patients who have had acute rheumatic fever.
• Medical management for patients with minor valve disease (e.g. anticoagulation, ventricular rate control, diuretics etc.)
• Valve replacement, balloon valvuloplasty for patients with severe valve disease.
Outline the aetiology of rheumatic heart disease.
- The most important consequence of rheumatic fever is rheumatic heart disease - mitral valve deformity.
- Recurrent autoimmune inflammation of heart valves due to GABH Strep causing scarring of valves leading to severe cardiac dysfunction decades later.
- Continued recurrent attacks of autoimmune endocarditis affecting valves (mitral) leading to damage.
- Lifelong antibiotic therapy required to prevent valve damage. Antibiotics are given only after the diagnosis of ARF (not everyone gets it).
Describe the pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease.
- Characterised by organisation of the acute inflammation and subsequent scarring. Aschoff bodies are replaced by fibrous scar so that these lesions are rarely seen in chronic RHD.
- Repeated autoimmune damage leading to total scarring. Constant inflammation → healing by fibrosis → inflammation → fibrosis - cycle repeats resulting in totally scarred valves.
- Healing also produces angiogenesis factors (wound healing) leading to blood vessels developing in the valves - normally not present.
Describe the morphology of rheumatic heart disease.
• Most characteristically, valve cusps and leaflets become permanently thickened and retracted. Classically, the mitral valves exhibit:
- Leaflet thickening.
- Commissural fusion.
- Shortening, thickening and fusion of the chordae tendineae.
• Mitral valve stenosis (‘fish mouth’ appearance due to fibrosis - fibrous bridging across the valvular commissures and calcification create ‘fish mouth’. Mitral valve affected due to high pressure.)
• RV hypertrophy (longstanding passive venous congestion gives rise to pulmonary vascular and parenchymal changes typical of left sided heart failure).
• Fibrosis/scarring (destroys the normal leaflet architecture).
• Neovascularisation (normally no blood vessels on valves, suggest healing process).
• Calcification.
Explain how mitral stenosis can lead to atrial fibrillation.
- The most important functional consequence of RHD is valvular stenosis and regurgitation; stenosis tends to predominate.
- The mitral valve is involved in 70% of cases, with combined mitral and aortic disease in another 25%. The tricuspid valve usually is less frequently (and less severely) involved.
- With tight mitral stenosis, the left atrium progressively dilates owing to pressure overload, precipitating AF. The combination of dilation and fibrillation can lead to thrombosis and formation of large mural thrombi is common.
Identify the clinical features of rheumatic heart disease.
- Chronic RHD usually does not manifest itself clinically until years or even decades after the initial episodes of rheumatic fever. At that time, the signs and symptoms of valvular disease depend on which cardiac valve(s) are involved.
- In addition to various cardiac murmurs, cardiac hypertrophy/dilation and CHF, patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease often have arrhythmias (particularly AF in the setting of mitral stenosis) and thromboembolitic complications due to atrial mural thrombi. Furthermore, scarred and deformed valves are more susceptible to infective endocarditis.
- The long-term prognosis is highly variable. In some cases → cycle of valvular deformity, yielding haemodynamic abnormality that generates further deforming fibrosis.
- Surgical repair or replacement of diseased valves has greatly improved the outlook for patients with RHD.
What is mitral facies?
- Livid colour of the cheeks and acral cyanosis. Butterfly lividly erythema on surface of face.
- Pathogenesis: Due to cutaneous vasodilation and chronic hypoxemia.
- Cause: RHD (rarely other, SLE etc).
What are MacCallum plaques?
- Rough fibrous plaques in the left atrium caused by regurgitation of jets of blood flow, due to narrow incompetent mitral valve (MS & MR).
- Abnormal thickening of left atrium’s wall and its endocardial wall above the mitral valve due to fibrosis. Frequently occur in those with regurgitant valvular lesions such as mitral regurgitation. LA most common location.
- Narrow mitral opening → jets eject blood → jets of blood hits atrial wall causing scarring.
Identify the complications of rheumatic heart disease.
• Arrhythmia
• AF → causing thromboembolism.
- Obstruction to mitral valve → excess pressure in atria → excess pressure stimulates AF → stagnation of blood → thromboembolism in LA → can cause infarction/stroke.
• Infective endocarditis
- Granulations are bacterial clumps/colonies growing on abnormal valve. Bacteria and second infection common but valve is abnormal.
• Heart failure
- Due to severe obstruction - not enough to supply body.
Differentiate between ARF and RHD.
- ARF - Acute. Multisystem, autoimmune inflammation. Pancarditis.
- RHD - Chronic. Abnormal valves. Endocarditis only.
Etiological factors → Pancarditis → ARF → usually resolves without complications however, recurrent attacks leads to just endocarditis (valve) → results in RHD → destruction of valves only.
See KFP questions.
Outline congenital heart disease.
• Abnormalities of the heart or great vessels that are present at birth.
• Broad spectrum of malformations:
- Severe - incompatible with intrauterine or perinatal survival.
- Mild - produce only minimal symptoms at birth.
- Unrecognised during life.
• Present with heart failure with/without cyanosis.
• Congenital defects occur in 0.8% of live births - commonest cause of cardiac failure in infants.
• 80% unknown etiology. Idiopathic
• 20% due to alcohol/drugs (teratogens), rubella (viral infections), Down syndrome (genetic - chromosomal disorders), maternal diabetes and vitamin deficiency (e.g. folate) etc.
• 4-9 weeks of gestation is the most crucial period of heart development. Congenital heart disease arises from faulty embryogenesis when major cardiovascular structures develop during this period.
Describe the foetal circulation and 3 vascular shunts.
• Foetal circulation - non-functional lungs.
• Unique cardiovascular modifications seen only during prenatal development include the umbilical arteries and vein and 3 vascular shunts:
- Ductus venosus (liver)
- Foramen ovale
- Ductus arteriosus
• All of these structures are occluded at birth. Defects in the closure of the shunts is the commonest cause of congenital heart disease.
• Maternal blood (oxygenated) → umbilical vein → liver → liver sinusoids to hepatic vein OR ductus venosus (bypasses liver sinusoids) → hepatic vein and ductus venosus empty into IVC (mixes with deoxygenated blood from lower parts of foetus’ body) → right atrium.
• Some of the blood entering the RA flows directly into the LA via foramen ovale, an opening in the interatrial septum loosely closed by a flap of tissue.
• Blood that enters the RV is pumped out into the pulmonary trunk → ductus arteriosus → aorta → umbilical arteries → deoxygenated blood laden with metabolic wastes delivered back to capillaries in the chorionic villi of the placenta.
• These 2 shunts serve to bypass the non-functional lungs. Blood enters the 2 pulmonary bypass shunts because the heart chamber or vessel on the other side of each shunt is a lower-pressure area, owing to the low volume of venous return from the lungs.
Identify the classification of congenital heart disease.
• The various structural anomalies in congenital heart disease can be assigned to 3 major groups based on their haemodynamic and clinical consequences.
- Malformations causing a left to right shunt (acyanotic)
• Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) - commonest clinically
• Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) - commonest at birth
• Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) - Malformations causing a right to left shunt (cyanotic CHD)
• Tetralogy of Fallot (FT)
• Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA) - Malformations causing obstruction
• Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA)
Outline the clinical features of congenital heart disease.
• Right to left:
- Cyanosis results because the pulmonary circulation is bypassed and poorly oxygenated blood enters the systemic circulation.
- Clinical consequences of severe cyanosis include clubbing of the tips of the fingers and toes (hypertrophic osteoarthropathy), polycythemia (due to hypoxia) and paradoxical embolisation.
• Left to right:
- Low pressure, low resistance pulmonary circulation exposed to increased pressures and volumes. These conditions lead to adaptive changes that increase lung vascular resistance to protect the pulmonary bed, resulting in RV hypertrophy and eventually failure.
- With time, increased pulmonary resistance can also cause shunt reversal (right to left) and late onset cyanosis (causes pulmonary hypertension and secondarily right-sided pressures that exceed those on left). Such reversal of flow and shunting of unoxygenated blood into the systemic circulation is called Eisenmenger syndrome.
• Obstruction:
- Obstruct vascular flow by narrowing the chambers, valves or major blood vessels.
- Complete obstruction is known as atresia.
- In some disorders (e.g. tetralogy of Fallot), an obstruction (pulmonary stenosis) can be associated with a shunt (right to left through a VSD).
- The altered haemodynamics of congenital heart disease usually lead to chamber dilation or wall hypertrophy. However, some defects result in a reduced muscle mass or chamber size.
Describe atrial septal defects.
- Abnormal fixed opening in the atrial septum that allows unrestricted blood flow between the atrial chambers.
- Most common congenital heart disease.
- 3 types, secundum most common (90% are ostium secundum defects in which growth of the septum secundum is insufficient to occlude the second ostium).
- Majority asymptomatic until adulthood.
- Initially cause left to right shunts as a consequence of lower pressures in the pulmonary circulation and right side of heart (well tolerated, no symptoms in childhood).
- Overtime, chronic volume and pressure overloads can cause pulmonary hypertension → heart failure (late/rare).
What are the complications of atrial septal defects?
- Reversal of the shunt with cyanosis → Eisenmenger’s complex, infective endocarditis and paradoxical embolisation (venous emboli that enter arterial circulation).
- Patent Foramen Ovale (not ASD) in 20% remains patent after 2 years. Temporary L-R shunt - right sided pressure. (lack of fusion of septum primum and secundum).
Describe ventricular septal defects.
- Commonest congenital cardiac defect at birth but most are small asymptomatic and close spontaneously in childhood without therapy.
- Common in the membranous (90%) than muscular portions of the septum.
- Left to right shunt, more severe with larger defects.
- Often complicated by RV hypertrophy, pulmonary hypertension and CHF (excess pressure on right side → RV hypertrophy → chronic heart failure, pulmonary hypertension - clinical symptoms very similar).
- Progressive pulmonary hypertension with resultant reversal of the shunt and cyanosis, occurs earlier and more frequently with VSDs than with ASDs. Therefore, early surgical correction is therefore indicated for such lesions.
- Small or medium size defects that produce jet lesions in the RV (which can cause endothelial damage) also increase the risk for development of infective endocarditis.
- Produces loud pansystolic murmur and thrill.
Outline patent ductus arteriosus.
- The ductus arteriosus serves to shunt blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta during intrauterine life thereby bypassing the unoxygenated lungs and closes soon after birth.
- PDAs are high pressure left to right shunts that produce harsh ‘machinery-like’ murmurs (continuous murmur and heave if the shunt is large).
- A small PDA generally causes no symptoms, although larger defects eventually can lead to Eisenmenger syndrome (pulmonary hypertension) with cyanosis and congestive heart failure. The high pressure shunt also predisposes affected patients to development of infective carditis.
Outline tetralogy of Fallot.
• Right to left shunt with cyanosis and clubbing.
• Defective septum development (classic). The 4 cardinal features are:
1. VSD
2. Pulmonary stenosis
3. Overriding aorta
4. RV hypertrophy
• The haemodynamic consequences of tetralogy of Fallot are right to left shunting, decreased pulmonary blood flow and increased aortic volumes.
• The clinical severity largely depends on the degree of the pulmonary outflow obstruction. Thus if the pulmonic obstruction is mild, the condition resembles an isolated VSD because the high left sided pressures cause only a left to right shunt with no cyanosis (mild pulm stenosis - like VSD, no cyanosis). More commonly, more severe degrees of pulmonic stenosis cause early cyanosis.
• Right to left shunting also increase the risk of infective endocarditis and systemic embolization.
• PDA & ASD may be there* (protective - helps in maintaining more oxygenated blood).
Outline transposition of the great arteries.
- Discordant connection of the ventricles to their vascular outflow - aorta arises from the RV and the pulmonary artery originates from the LV.
- The functional outcome is separation of the systemic and pulmonary circulations, a condition incompatible with postnatal life unless a shunt such as VSD exists for adequate mixing of blood and delivery of oxygenated blood to the aorta. (Survive infancy only if there is an associated VSD - 1/3 patients).
- The dominant manifestation is cyanosis with the prognosis depending on the magnitude of shunting, the degree of tissue hypoxia and the ability of the RV to maintain systemic pressures. (Cyanosis, CHF, RV hypertrophy, pulmonary hypertension).
- There is marked RV hypertrophy since that chamber functions as the systemic ventricle; the left ventricle is atrophic, since it pumps only to the low resistance pulmonary circulation.
- If not treated with surgery → die within the first months of life.
Outline coarctation of the aorta.
- Narrowing or constriction of the aorta, common form of obstructive congenital heart disease.
- Males 2:1 although females with Turner syndrome frequently have coarctation.
- In most cases, significant coarctations are associated with systolic murmurs and occasionally palpable thrills.
• 2 classic forms:
- Infantile (pre-ductal) - hypoplasia of the aortic arch proximal to a PDA. Narrowing of the aortic segment between the left subclavian artery and the ductus arteriosus. Right side of heart perfusing the body distal to narrowed segment → RV hypertrophy. Present early in life, cyanosis localised to lower half of body. Without intervention, most do not survive neonatal period.
- Adult (post ductal) - consisting of a discrete ridgelike infolding of the aorta adjacent to the non-patent ligamentum arteriosum (remnant of ductus arteriosus) causing decreased blood flow to lower body. Proximal to the coarctation, the aortic arch and its branch vessels are dilated and the LV is hypertrophied. Common, may be asymptomatic until adulthood. Characterised by upper extremity hypertension paired with weak (and delayed) pulses and relative hypotension in the lower extremities, associated with symptoms of claudication and coldness.
Outline cardiomyopathy.
• Intrinsic myocardial dysfunction due to structural or electrical abnormality without significant inflammation (myocarditis is with inflammation). Disease of heart muscle (resulting from abnormality in the myocardium).
• Congenital or acquired.
• 3 types:
- Dilated (90%) - ventricles enlarge.
- Hypertrophic - walls of ventricles thicken and become stiff.
- Restrictive - walls of ventricles become stiff but not necessarily thickened.
• Within each pattern, there is a spectrum of clinical severity and in some cases clinical features overlap among the groups. In addition, each of these patterns can be caused by a specific identifiable cause or can be idiopathic.
What is left ventricle non-compaction?
- Rare form of cardiomyopathy.
- Congenital disorder characterised by a distinct ‘spongy’ appearance of the ventricles associated with CHF and arrhythmias.
Describe dilated cardiomyopathy.
- Commonest (90%).
- Presents at late stage → flabby, enlarged with 4 chamber dilation, mural thrombi.
- Systolic dysfunction - heart unable to contract.
- Characterised by progressive cardiac dilation and systolic (contractile) dysfunction, usually with concurrent hypertrophy.
- By the time it is diagnosed, DCM has frequently already progressed to end stage disease - the heart is dilated and poorly contractile (heart failure with max dilation).
Outline the aetiology of dilated cardiomyopathy.
- Familial causes - 20-50% of cases genetic (20-60yo). Autosomal dominant inheritance is the predominant pattern most commonly involving mutations in encoding cytoskeleton proteins or proteins that link the sarcomere to the cytoskeleton. Most frequently associated with dystrophin gene mutations affecting the cell membrane protein that physically couples the intracellular cytoskeleton to to ECM (heart muscle becomes weal because of structural abnormalities).
- Secondary acquired causes - peripartum, chronic alcohol abuse, infection (viral e.g. coxsackievirus), iron overload (e.g. haemochromotosis, haemosiderin), hyperthyroidism, drugs (adriamycin, doxorubicin).
- Regardless of cause, the clinicopathologic patterns are similar.
Describe the pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy.
Characterised by dilation, hypertrophy and impaired contraction of the left (and right) ventricle which leads to systolic dysfunction → heart failure.
Describe the morphology of dilated cardiomyopathy.
• Enlarged, flabby heart with dilation of all chambers (up to 2-3x normal weight).
• Ventricular thickness may be less than, equal to or greater than normal (due to wall thinning that accompanies dilation).
• Mural thrombi are often present and may be a source of thromboemboli.
• Histology is non-specific.
• Most myocytes exhibit hypertrophy with enlarged nuclei but may be attenuated, stretched and irregular.
• Variable interstitial and endocardial fibrosis, with scattered areas of replacement fibrosis.
Identify the clinical features of dilated cardiomyopathy.
- Can occur at any age but is most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 20-50 years.
- Typically manifests with signs of slowly progressive CHF - dyspnoea, easy fatiguability and poor exertion capacity, although patients can slip precipitously from a compensated to a decompensated state.
- Fundamental defect in DCM is ineffective contraction. Therefore, LV ejection fraction is <25% (normal 50-65%) - amount of blood ejected from ventricles significantly less.
- Secondary mitral regurgitation and abnormal cardiac rhythms are common and embolism from intracardiac (mural) thrombi can occur.
What is arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy (ARVC)?
- Rare, inherited (autosomal dominant), thin, dilated RV with loss of muscle replaced by fibrous wall.
- Arrhythmogenic, ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation.
- Type of dilated cardiomyopathy only affecting the RV (LV is normal).
Describe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Characterised by myocardial hypertrophy, defective diastolic filling and in a third of cases - ventricular outflow obstruction.
- The myocardium does not relax and therefore exhibits primary diastolic dysfunction.
- 100% genetic, sarcomere dysfunction, diastolic dysfunction.
- Irregular hypertrophy of LV, septum, narrow lumen. Disorder of muscle where there is irregular thickening of LV (either septum or wall) → results in narrow lumen.
- Heart is powerfully contracted, unable to dilate → diastolic function.
Outline the aetiology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Familial/sporadic/AD - abnormal β myosin.
- HCM is fundamentally a disorder of sarcomeric proteins. Of these, β myosin heavy chain is most frequently affected - leads to increased myofilament activation. This results in myocyte hypercontractility.
Describe the pathogenesis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- Series of events from genetic mutations to disease is poorly understood.
- Impaired dilation → diastolic dysfunction → impaired ventricular filling → heart failure.
• Rigidity of myocardium → low stroke volume/output.
Describe the morphology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
• Left ventricular hypertrophy (usually without ventricular dilation) ∴ reduced chamber size.
• Thickening of the septum.
• Hypertrophy, disorientation of myofibres and fibrosis.
• HCM is marked by massive myocardial hypertrophy without ventricular dilation.
- Myocyte hypertrophy.
- Haphazard arrangement of myocytes (myocyte/myofibre disarray).
- Interstitial and replacement fibrosis.
Identify the clinical features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
- SOB, CHF, AF and thrombosis (heart not able to oxygenate body → leads to heart failure).
- Cause of sudden cardiac death in young*
- Can present at any age but typically manifests during the post-pubertal growth spurt.
- The clinical symptoms can be best understood in the context of the functional abnormalities. It is characterised by a massively hypertrophied LV that paradoxically provides a markedly reduced stroke volume. This condition occurs as a consequence of impaired diastolic filling and overall smaller chamber size. Reduced cardiac output and a secondary increase in pulmonary venous pressure cause exertional dyspnoea with a harsh systolic ejection murmur.
- A combination of massive hypertrophy, high left ventricular pressures and compromised intramural arteries frequently leads to myocardial ischaemia (with angina).
Harsh systolic ejection murmur, angina, dyspnoea, syncope, atrial fibrillation, mural thrombus formation, cardiac failure and sudden death.
Describe restrictive cardiomyopathy.
- Characterised by a primary decrease in ventricular compliance, resulting in impaired ventricular filling during diastole (the wall is stiffer).
- Can be idiopathic or associated with systemic diseases that also happen to affect the myocardium. Similar to hypertrophic but heart size is still normal.
- Normal size but impaired diastolic filling (stiff/firm ventricles). Diastolic dysfunction.
- Heart is normal size but impaired diastolic filling due to fibrosis or deposition of some substances. Fibrous tissue markedly diminishes the volume and compliance of affected chambers, resulting in a restrictive physiology.
Outline the aetiology of restrictive cardiomyopathy.
- Idiopathic, iron deposition, interstitial fibrosis (following myocarditis).
- Amyloidosis: Idiopathic, Amyliodosis (deposition of amyloid), interstitial fibrosis (myocarditis).
- Endomyocardial fibrosis: Common, children. Scarring of the endomyocardium attributed to helminths, malnutrition, eosinophilia.
- Loeffler endomyocarditis: Adults, mural thrombi, hypereosinophilia.
Describe the pathogenesis of restrictive cardiomyopathy.
• Stiff ventricular walls → decrease in ventricular compliance → restrictive ventricular filling → decreased diastolic volume of one or both ventricles → heart failure.
Describe the morphology and clinical features of restrictive cardiomyopathy.
• Ventricles are of normal size or rarely enlarged.
• Myocardium is firm, rigid (non-compliant).
• Reveals variable degrees of interstitial fibrosis.
• May show deposition of amyloid.
• Degenerating myocytes.
• Dyspnoea, AF.
Outline myocarditis.
- Inflammation of the myocardium of the heart.
- Encompasses a diverse group of clinical entities in which infectious agents and/or inflammatory processes primarily target the myocardium. It is important to distinguish these conditions from those such as IHD in which the inflammatory process is a consequence of some other myocardial injury.
- Myocardial damage caused by inflammatory infiltrates secondary to infections or immune reactions.
Describe the aetiology of myocarditis.
- Viral: Enterovirus (Coxsackie - see case study), CMV, EBV, HIV. Viral most common.
- Bacterial: Diphtheria, Leptospirosis, Lyme’s disease.
- Parasitic: Trypanosoma, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis.
- Other: Immune (SLE), ionising radiation, drugs (hypersensitivity myocarditis) e.g. doxorubicin.
Describe the morphology of myocarditis.
- Inflammation. Lymphocytes, fibrosis (late).
* Inflammation is of chronic type → plenty of lymphocytes and fibrosis in later stage.
Identify the clinical features of myocarditis.
- Pain, fever, arrhythmias, CHF sudden death.
- The clinical spectrum of myocarditis is broad; at one end, the disease is asymptomatic, and patients recover without sequelae. At the other extreme is the precipitous onset of heart failure or arrhythmias, occasionally with sudden death.
- Between these extremes are many levels of involvement associated with a variety of signs and symptoms including fatigue, dyspnoea, palpitations, pain and fever.
- The clinical features of myocarditis can mimic those of acute MI. Clinical progression from myocarditis to DCM occasionally is seen.
Outline valve disorders.
- Stenosis: inability to open (obstructing forward flow). Almost always due to a primary cuspal abnormality and is virtually always a chronic process (e.g. calcification or valve scarring).
- Incompetency/Regurgitation: inability to close (allowing backflow of blood). Can result from either intrinsic disease of the valve cusps (e.g. endocarditis) or disruption of the supporting structures without primary cuspal injury. Can appear abruptly or insidiously.
- Both: fixed/stiff valve (e.g. RHD).
- RF can affect all values but mitral most common. Other common valves - AS and MI.
- Stenosis or regurgitation can occur alone or together in the same valve. Valvular disease can involve only one valve or more than one.
- Abnormal flow through diseased valves typically produces abnormal heart sounds called murmurs; severe lesions can even be palpated as thrills.
- The outcome of valvular disease depends on the valve involved, the degree of impairment, the tempo of its development and the effectiveness of compensatory mechanisms.
- Valvular abnormalities can be congential or acquired.
Describe the aetiology and clinical features of mitral stenosis.
- Narrowing of the mitral valve causes decreased blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. This leads to increased pressure in the left atrium resulting in increased pulmonary venous pressure, pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy/heart failure.
- Aetiology: 99% are a long-term consequence of RF (RHD).
- Clinical:
- Dyspnoea - due to ↑ blood in pulmonary circulation as result of elevated left atrial pressure/backlogged blood.
- Diastolic murmur - due to back flow of blood through mitral valves in diastole.
- Atrial fibrillation (no P wave, irregular QRS) - due to increased left atrial pressure & left atrial enlargement.
- Mitral facies (livid colour of cheeks and aural cyanosis) - due to dilation of capillaries as result of low cardiac output.
Describe the aetiology and clinical features of mitral regurgitation (incompetence).
- Defective closure of the mitral valve allows blood to leak backwards from left ventricle into the left atrium during systole ∴ decreasing the amount of blood pumped into the aorta.
- Aetiology: rheumatic fever, MI, dilated cardiomyopathy, infective endocarditis/SBE, floppy valve syndrome (mitral valve degeneration).
- Clinical: pansystolic murmur, dyspnoea, fatigue, right atrium/ventrice hypertrophy (right axis deviation on an ECG).
Describe the aetiology and clinical features of aortic stenosis.
- Narrowing of the aortic valve causes decreased blood flow from left ventricle to the aorta, resulting in left ventricular hypertrophy that eventually leads to left ventricular failure/death.
- Aetiology: rheumatic fever, aortic calcific degeneration (ageing/abnormal valve)
- Clinical: angina, syncope, breathlessness, ejection systolic murmur.
Describe the aetiology and clinical features of aortic regurgitation (incompetence).
- Defective closure of aortic valve allows blood to leak backwards from aorta to the left ventricle during diastole ∴ decreasing amount of blood pumped into the aorta. This causes the left ventricle to hypertrophy, eventually leading to left ventricular failure/death.
- Aetiology: rheumatic fever, ageing, syphilis
- Clinical: diastolic murmur, breathlessness, fatigue, palpitations, exertional angina.
What is ischaemic mitral regurgitation?
• Mitral regurgitation which is caused post MI by ischaemic heart disease as follows:
Ischaemic heart disease → fibrous scarring and dysfunction of papillary muscle → tethering of valve lesions → valve incompetence → regurgitation.
- Common clinically, lack of mitral valve to close properly. Most common in MI. Can also occur in LV hypertrophy, dilated CMP (ventricle is so big that papillary muscles pull them), myocarditis.
- In MI, the muscle is dead or fibrosed and cannot close properly → causes mitral regurgitation.
Outline aortic valve calcification.
- Most common cause of aortic stenosis.
- The hallmark of calcific aortic stenosis is headed up calcified masses on the outflow side of the cusps; these protrude into the sinuses of Valsalva and mechanically impede valve opening.
- Most commonly elderly patient presenting with triad of syncope, angina and exertional dyspnoea (SAD).
Outline the aetiology of aortic valve calcification.
- Calcification from progressive age-associated wear and tear.
- There are several calcific diseases that produce rigid valve cusps and result in aortic stenosis (e.g. congential aortic stenosis, bicuspid aortic valve, rheumatic fever), however, the main aetiology is age related degeneration.
- In anatomical normal valves, it typically begins to manifest when patients reach their 70s and 80s; onset with bicuspid aortic valves is at a much earlier age (often 40-50 years). More in congenital bicuspid aortic valve, rheumatic (10%).
Describe the pathogenesis of aortic valve calcification.
- Aortic stenosis → left ventricular hypertrophy → heart failure.
- Patients present with LVH and heart failure. (ageing/abnormal valves - aortic valve undergoes thickening, fibrosis, scarring and calcification due to pressure - constant use).
Describe the morphology of aortic valve calcification.
• Valves are thick, irregular, fibrosed, with nodules of calcification.
Outline mitral valve prolapse.
- Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve.
- One or both mitral leaflets are floppy and prolapse - they balloon back into the left atrium during systole.
- Initially, the valve remains competent but bulges back into the atrium during systole. Progressive elongation of chordae tendineae leads to increasing mitral valve regurgitation.
- Characterised by ballooning (hooding) of the mitral leaflets. The affected leaflets are enlarged, redundant, thick and rubbery; the tendinous cords also tend to be elongated, thinned and occasionally rupture.
- Common, more in females.
Describe the aetiology and clinical features of mitral valve prolapse.
• MI - infarction.
• Primary 3-5% - congenital degeneration (genetic defects of abnormal mitral valve).
• Marfan’s syndrome - defective TGFβ, fibrilin - abnormal collagen/elastic fibres and weak blood vessel walls → results in abnormal dilation of mitral valve and regurgitation.
• Most patients are asymptomatic. In a minority of cases, patients may complain of palpitations, dyspnoea or atypical chest pain. Minor risk of complications.
Outline infective endocarditis.
- Colonisation of heart valves by infective organisms (usually bacteria) → destructive lesions and valve dysfunction.
- Bulky, friable, vegetations on the valve causing destruction and perforation.
- Can be classified into acute and subacute forms - the distinctions are attributable to the virulence of the responsible microbe and whether underlying cardiac disease is present. A clear delineation does not always exist and many cases fall somewhere along the spectrum between the 2 forms.
Differentiate between acute and subacute infective endocarditis.
Acute: • Rare, elderly, IV drugs. • Occurs on a normal valve. • Highly virulent bacteria (e.g. Staph aureus). • Necrotising, destructive lesions. • Onset is sudden (abrupt fever, fatigue, weakness). • Prognosis is poor. • High mortality.
Subacute • Common, any age. • Occurs on abnormal valve (e.g. scarred, deformed - RF, calcification). • Lower virulence (e.g. Strep viridans). • Less destructive lesions. • Onset is slow weeks-months. • Prognosis is relatively good - cure with antibiotic. • Low mortality.
Describe the morphology of infective endocarditis.
- Thickened sclerotic valve, abnormal growths with ulceration → perforation (bacteria colonies cause perforation as well).
- Histology shows presence of bacterial clusters on valve surfaces, necrosis.
Identify the clinical features of infective endocarditis.
- Fever, fatigue, malaise, weight loss, pallor.
- Splenomegaly.
- Osler’s nodes: Painful, erythematous nodules associated with bacterial endocarditis. Inflammation due to bacterial clumps - various parts of body.
- Splinter haemorrhages: located in the nail bed.
- Clubbing of fingernails.
What are the risk factors and complications of infective endocarditis?
Risk factors: • Valve abnormality, artificial valve, cardiac surgery. • Poor dental hygiene. • Systemic sepsis. • IV drug use. • Diabetes. • Haemodialysis. • Immunosuppression. • Trauma/surgery.
Complications: • Septic embolism (bacteria clumps can separate - reason for splinter haemorrhages - block small capillaries causing haemorrhage). • Septicaemia. • Renal/spleen infarcts. • Glomerulonephritis, arrhythmia.
Outline other valve disorders:
• Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis (NTBE)
• Libman-Sacks Endocarditis
• Carcinoid Heart Disease
• Presence of thrombi on valves.
• May be due to hypercoagulability, DIC, malignancy etc.
• Complications - may cause strokes, secondary bacterial infection.
• Sterile immune complex vegetations - endocarditis associated with the presence of non-infectious vegetations on the heart valves.
• Autoimmune disorders e.g. SLE.
Carcinoid Heart Disease:
• Carcinoid tumour, 5HT, seratonins etc.
• Endocardial fibrosis - glistening white intimal plaques. Right (systemic)/left (pulmonary).
• Tricuspid insufficiency and pulmonary stenosis.
- Is a part of ‘Carcinoid Syndrome’ which is a combination of symptoms and lesions produced by the release of serotonin from carcinoid tumors of the GI tract that have metastasised to the liver.
- Affects heart valves on the left side of the heart → pulmonary stenosis & tricuspid insufficiency
- Histologically evident as endocardial fibrosis (glistening white plaque-like lesions valve insides).