Week 5: Advanced Security & Encryption Flashcards
What is the assumption when sending data over a network?
We assume physical endpoints (like computers and servers) are secure, but data on networks is always potentially vulnerable.
What are man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks?
These occur when an attacker intercepts, alters, and redirects communications between two parties, such as Alice and Bob.
How can unencrypted data be compromised in MITM attacks?
Unencrypted data can be easily read, altered, or stolen if intercepted during transmission.
What are ciphers used for in cryptography?
Ciphers encrypt data to protect it from being read or altered by unauthorized parties.
What is a transposition cipher?
A cipher that rearranges the letters of a message in a fixed, reversible pattern. Example: “hello world” → “ehlol owrdl”.
What is a substitution cipher?
A cipher that replaces each letter in a message with another letter. Example: “hello world” → “ifmmp xpsme”.
What is a famous historical substitution cipher?
The Caesar Cipher, used by Julius Caesar to protect messages from interception.
What are the weaknesses of basic ciphers?
Patterns in the ciphertext can reveal the plaintext, especially using frequency analysis of common letters like ‘E’.
What are polyalphabetic ciphers?
Ciphers that use multiple alphabets to encrypt a message, changing the cipher partway through the text for added security.
What are the challenges of polyalphabetic ciphers?
Keeping the cipher secure and ensuring it is not lost. If compromised, all security is lost.
What is Kerckhoffs’s principle?
The security of an encryption system should rely on the secrecy of the key, not the encryption protocol itself.
What is the key exchange problem?
The challenge of securely sharing a key between parties without it being intercepted by others.
What is the Diffie-Hellman Principle?
A method for securely establishing a shared secret over an insecure channel using mathematical function
How is the Diffie-Hellman Principle often explained metaphorically?
Using the mixing of paint colours to represent mathematical functions. Once mixed, it is computationally difficult to reverse-engineer the original colours.
What is public key/private key encryption?
A system where a public key is used to encrypt messages, and a private key is used to decrypt them.
How does public key encryption ensure secure communication?
Anyone can encrypt a message with the recipient’s public key, but only the recipient can decrypt it with their private key.
Why encrypt messages with a private key?
To verify the source of the message. Encrypting with a private key ensures authenticity because only the private key holder can encrypt data that the corresponding public key can decrypt. This process is used in digital signatures to prove the sender’s identity and confirm the integrity of the message.
This wouldn’t be used for encryption but used for verification, messages that can be decrypted with the public key could only have been encrypted with the private key which only you hold meaning that if you want the world to know that you said something and not anyone else you would do this.
What is a one-way or trapdoor function in cryptography?
A mathematical function that is easy to compute in one direction but computationally difficult to reverse without special information (e.g., a key).
How is prime factorization used in cryptography?
Encrypting data relies on the difficulty of factoring large prime numbers, which is computationally intensive to reverse.
What was ARPANET?
The precursor to the Internet, developed by the U.S. Department of Defence to ensure communication in the event of nuclear war.