Week 11: Social Media Flashcards
What are the common features found in social media platforms?
Personal profiles with links to other users.
Communication with other users.
Sharing of content (e.g., photos, videos, text).
Distinct cultures of use.
How does communication with other users vary across platforms?
It could involve direct messaging or disseminating posts to large groups or the public.
How do social media platforms differ in terms of culture?
Twitter: Rapid thoughts, status updates, self-promotion.
Facebook: More authentic, real self with personal info.
Reddit: More anonymity.
What is the risk of losing out on social media accounts?
People may register every corporation’s account name on a new platform with the intent to sell it, criticize, or cause mischief.
What is cybersquatting in social media?
When someone registers a company’s account name on a platform to sell it or create problems, violating the platform’s Terms of Service.
What is the Streisand Effect?
Attempts to censor something can backfire, causing it to spread more widely, and online activity is often permanent.
What is astroturfing?
The practice of using fake accounts to post good reviews or comments to mislead others, often impacting search results.
What legal aspects govern harassment through social media in the UK?
The Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
What is considered harassment under UK law?
Harassment involves conduct targeted at an individual, designed to alarm or distress them, and is oppressive or unreasonable.
What qualifies as online harassment?
Sustained attempts to upset someone online, rather than one-off incidents.
How does harassment online differ for high-profile users?
High-profile users can instruct their followers to target individuals, raising the legal question of whether the coordinators are responsible for collective harassment.
What is doxing?
The act of de-anonymizing an online account and releasing personal information (e.g., address or place of work) to facilitate harassment.
What is swatting?
Falsely reporting a serious situation to the police to send armed officers, often leading to injury or death.
What is crowdsourcing?
Crowdsourcing is using the efforts of many people to solve complex problems that conventional computing cannot solve.
How is crowdsourcing applied outside computing?
It is also used in crowd funding platforms to raise money for projects or causes.