Week 5 - ABG's Flashcards
What is Step 1 for interpreting ABG’s?
Look at the pH and determine if:
- Pt. is in Alkalosis
- Pt. is in Acidosis
- In the normal range
What is Step 2 for interpreting ABG’s?
Identify which system has caused the change in pH?
Look at CO2 and decide if it is:
- High = >42 - acidosis
- Low = <38 - alkalosis
Look at Bicarb (HCO3) and decide if it is:
- High = >26 - alkalosis
- Low = <22 - acidosis
What is Step 3 for interpreting ABG’s?
Determine whether compensation is occurring:
Compensating = change in other system but pH is abnormal
Compensated = change in other system and pH back to normal
Non-Compensating = no change in other system
What is the normal A/a gradient while breathing room air?
< 10 mmHg
What does a large A/a gradient indicate?
There is a problem with gas exchange - either a diffusion or V/Q mismatch
What does the A/a gradient tell us?
It tells us the difference between Alveolar (A) and Arterial (a) oxygen tensions