Week 5 Flashcards
Ensuring rigour in qualitative data
Truth values
Truth value
It recognises that multiple realities exist. The researcher outlines personal experiences and viewpoints that may have resulted in methodological bias while attempting to present participants perspectives clearly and accurately
The methods undertaken should be clear and transparent.
Ultimately an independent researcher should be able to arrive at similar or comparable findings
Consideration is given to whether findings can be applied to other contexts, settings or groups
Achieved when truth value, consistency and applicability have been addressed
Methodological strategies for ensuring the trustworthiness of their findings
Accounting for personal biases which may have influenced findings
Acknowledge biases in sampling
Use ongoing critical reflexion of methods to ensure sufficient depth and relevance of data collection and analysis
Keep track of their decision trail to ensure that interpretations of data are consistent and transparent
Compare cases and seek similarities and/or differences across participants to ensure that different perspectives are represented
Include rich and thick verbatim descriptions of participants to support findings
Demonstrate clarity in terms of though processes during data analysis and subsequent interpretations
Engage with other researchers to reduce bias, although qualitative researchers believe that bias is always present
Use data triangulation, whereby different methods and perspectives help produce a more comprehensive set of findings
Content analysis
Applied to contents of documents and other written forms of communication to identify concepts and categories and interpret findings
Framework analysis
Best suited to analysis of health and rehabilitation policy in a systematic 5 stage process
Thematic analysis
Identifies patterns with similar meanings in the text and interpret their relationships
6 phases of thematic analysis
Phase 1 = familiarising yourself with the data Phase 2 = generating initial codes Phase 3 = searching for themes Phase 4 = reviewing themes Phase 5 = defining and naming themes Phase 6 = producing report