Week 5 Flashcards
What is a nation?
A group of people who identify with each other as a political community because of common territorial, cultural and other similar bonds
What is a state?
Internationally recognised, politically organised, populated, geographical area that possesses sovereign
What is sovereignty?
Supreme legitimate authority within a territory
What is the States System?
- Developed from the 1555 Treaty of Augsburg and put into practice after Peace of Westphalia in 1648
- Hierarchy of sates: great powers, middle powers, small powers
What is Statecraft?
The act of recreating the state
What is the purpose of statecraft?
The creation and recreation of statehood and sovereignty, both internally and externally through action that is determined by the evolving environment and the ultimate goal, the theoretical state
What are the tools of statecraft?
Evolutionary and subject to redundancy and recreation
What is the locus of statecraft?
Participation of the entire society is best; internal (e.g. politicians, academics) and external (FAD)
What do MNCs control and engage?
- MNCs controls and manages production establishments – at least two countries
- MNCs engage simultaneously in production, trade and cross-border investment
Where are the States where MNCs are found?
US, UK, Netherlands, Japan, Western Europe, China
What is Civil society?
- Totality of individuals and groups who are not acting as participants of any government institutions; not participants in governments nor acting in the interests of commercial companies; network of social institutions
What is social capital?
Instantiated informal norm that promotes cooperation between or more individuals
- Social capital is an unwritten, representative way of behaving – must apply across society, put into practice and promotes cooperation
What are NGOs?
An organisation usually a grassroots one, with policy goals, but neither government nor corporate in makeup…any group relating to each other regularly in some formal manner and engaging in collective action, provided that the activities are non-commercial and non-violent, and are not on behalf of a government
What is a Transnational Advocacy Network?
Networks are forms of organisation characterised by voluntary, reciprocal and horizontal patterns of communication and exchange
What is the goal of a TAN?
Change the behaviour of states and international organisations