Week 5 Flashcards
Is the OLI (Eclectic) theory valid?
Yes, it is one of the most useful theories to understand the structure of IB.
What are the three sources of advantage which are preconditions for firms to operate internationally?
Ownership advantages
Location advantages
Internalisation advantages
Talk about the ownership advantage.
This is just firms possessing competitive advantages through tangible and intangible assets. These advantages must more then compensate for the liability of foreignness.
Talk about the location advantage.
This is the idea that it is more profitable for firms to exploit their O advantages in combination with the inputs/services from another country.
Talk about the internalisation advantage.
It’s more profitable for firms to exploit their O and L advantages through internalisation rather than by using arms length markets.
Are there other conditions for firms to operate internationally?
Yes. OLI should be satisfied but firms also need financial resource, and international vision and motivation.
What is a critique of Dunning’s OLI theory?
-It has little predictive power. Only company insiders with private knowledge can make evaluations.
-Doesn’t consider interaction between firms
-Doesn’t consider financial factors e.g exchange rates
What is Behrman’s Typology of International Business?
It identifies motives for doing international business. Although he identifies 4, they’re not mutually exclusive. Firms could have multiple objectives
What are Behrmans’s motives for doing international business?
-Resource seeking FDI
-Market seeking FDI
-Efficiency seeking FDI
-Strategic asset FDI
What is resource seeking FDI?
Seek resources that are either costly or unavailable domestically. This could be physical resource, labour or expertise.
What is market seeking FDI?
Seeking to improve access to markets through proximity.
What is efficiency seeking FDI?
(Export platform FDI). Firms reconfigure systems to exploit international differences in product and factor prices.
What is strategic asset seeking FDI?
FDI which could be part of a long-term strategic objective.
Talk about exporting as a means of market entry.
What do returns depend on?
Exporting as a strategy has low sunk costs and low operational risk. Returns will depend on the firms export cost advantage.
However, requires overseas marketing and sales arrangements to be made.
What are Melitz’s findings on exporting firms?
-Most efficient firms take advantage of foreign market opportunities and have highest growth.
-Only a small number of firms export
-Those that export tend to be larger and more competitive than those that don’t. Causality?