Week 2 Flashcards
What is international production?
The spatial production of goods and services across the world.
What is international trade?
Integrates global production and consumption through cross country coordination and distribution according to comparative advantage and demand.
International investment
International capital movements support international production
Now define FDI
Investment in productive assets overseas.
Any involvement by a firm in more than one country
What is the key motivation of FDI?
Profit maximisation via the international organisation of the production of goods and/or services
Where does FDI come from and where does it go?
FDI comes from home country then is invested in the host country.
There are other types of FDI however. Like financing overseas activities with…
-retained profits
-profits from other host countries
-borrowing on host country’s financial markets
More FDI could be:
-issuing local equity in host country
-international borrowing
What is portfolio investment?
A passive investment in a financial asset. You have no direct control. The idea is to generate profit and minimise risk
What are the key differences between FDI and portfolio investment?
- The degree of managerial involvement
- diversification
Who is the primary agent in international business?
What makes an MNE an MNE?
Own or operate businesses in two or more countries. They coordinate production and trade across international boundaries
What are some key elements of MNEs?
They have managerial control
- they have a common pool of resources
-they have a common international strategy
How did international business grow?
Industrial Revolution raised incomes and demand. Needed more scarce material and more food. Resource based MNEs emerged.