Week 5 Flashcards
S. agalactiae or Gr B strep, G stain, hemolysis, PYR, Bacitracin, CAMP, hippurate, GBS, Latex agg kit
Gram stain:everything G pos cocci
Hemolysis: smoky beta w/ translucent colonies
PYR: neg
Bacitracin: resistant
CAMP test: pos
Hippurate hydrolysis: pos
GBS screen: haze= pos
Latex agglutination kit: pos
GBS screen
vag/ rectal swab for newborns- lims broth O/N pos= haze, carrot broth 6hrs pos = orange
Hippurate hydrolysis
good strong purple
CAMP test:
enhanced zone of hemolysis in arrow.
S pneumoniae:
Gram stain- Gram pos diplococcus
Colony morph- penny edge
Hemolytic- alpha - met hemoglobin
SBA- pinpoint alpha
CNA- small pinpoint
Optochin P disk- susceptible
hemolysis- alpha
Optochin P disk- resistant
bile esculin- neg
Staphs are catalase?
Streps are catalase?
Diseases of strep pneumoniae 3
-eye and ear infections- #2 S. pneumoniae #1 Haemophilus influenza
-meningitis and septicemia #1 Neisseria meningitidis #2 S. pneumoniae
Strep pneumoniae virulence factors
Mucoid on SBA
Pneumolysins- binds to cholesterol= lysis
Secretory IgA protease- destroys IgA
Phosphoryl choline- engulfs cells to cross into blood
Bile solubility test
triggers autolytic enzymes
Optichin test:
P disk- ethylhydrocupreine hydrocloride
-hemolytic reactions- all- mostly gamma hemolytic
-Colony morph translucent to light grey
-Cell morph: G pos cocci, elongated ovals
-bile esculin hydrolysis BEA plate- grows in presence of bile black = pos
-6.5% NaCl- pos = yellow
-PYR- pos
-latex agglutination- pos
Gr D streps
-hemolytic reactions- all- mostly gamma hemolytic
-Colony morph translucent to light grey
-Cell morph: G pos cocci, elongated ovals
-bile esculin hydrolysis BEA plate- grows in presence of bile black = pos
-6.5% NaCl- neg= purple
-PYR- neg
-Latex agglutination- pos
Nosocomial infection
opportunistic organisms that infects a patient 3 days in a hospital