Week 5 Flashcards
Describe the Pathophysiology of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women. It is characterized by hyperandrogenism (which primarily manifests as hirsutism, acne, and, occasionally, virilization), oligoovulation/anovulation, and/or the presence of polycystic ovaries.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Clinical Features?
PCOS - Pathology
- Macroscopic appearance?
- Microscopic appearance?
4 Complications of PCOS?
Macroscopic appearance
- Multiple, brown cysts arranged in a circular pattern in the subcapsular region of the ovary.
- Cysts are relatively small and of approximately the same size.
Microscopic appearance
- Ovarian hypertrophy with thick capsule
- Stromal hyperplasia and fibrosis
- Multiple enlarged cystic follicles
- Hyperluteinized theca cells
- Decreased granulosa cell layer
Diagnosis of PCOS
- Rotterdam criteria?
- Lab studies?
- Evaluate for comorbidities? (5)
Evaluate for comorbidities
Metabolic screening and monitoring
1. Measure weight, height, and waist circumference; calculate BMI. For patients with elevated BMI:
2. Obtain a fasting lipid profile and screen for symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.
3. Check blood pressure
4. Assess glycemic status
5. Mental health and quality of life: Screen for anxiety, depression, and psychosexual dysfunction.
Describe in detail the biochemical and cellular changes that occur in PCOS.
- 1) Hormonal Imbalances? (3)
- 2) Ovarian Changes? (2)
- 3) Metabolic Disturbances? (4)
- 4) Inflammation? (1)
- 5) Hypothalamic-Pituitary Dysfunction? (1)
- 6) Endometrial Changes? (1)
- 7) Fertility and Reproductive Issues? (3)
Outline the treatment of PCOS.
- Recommendations for all patients?
- Patients not planning to conceive?
- Patients planning to conceive?
Approach to treating PCOS
Recommendations for all patients
1. Encourage exercise and healthy eating (e.g. caloric restriction), and consider behavioral strategies and modifications (e.g., setting goals, eating more slowly).
2. Target BMI < 25 kg/m2 (can reduce estrone production in the adipose tissue)
3. Screen for comorbidities and provide specific treatment.
Tailor additional therapeutic interventions based on:
1. Reproductive goals
2. Comorbidities
3. Individual risk factors
Describe the changes in vaginal discharge as influenced by hormones through the menstrual cycles.
- Menstrual phase?
- Follicular phase?
- Ovulation phase?
- Luteal phase?
- Pre-menstrual phase?
Vaginal discharge is a normal physiological process influenced by hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle. The consistency, color, and amount of vaginal discharge can change in response to changes in hormonal levels. It’s important to note that the characteristics of vaginal discharge can vary from person to person, and factors such as hydration, sexual arousal, and infections can also influence its appearance and consistency. Healthy vaginal discharge should generally be odorless, white or clear, and not accompanied by itching, burning, or discomfort. Any significant changes in vaginal discharge, especially if accompanied by other symptoms, should be discussed with a healthcare provider to rule out infections or other underlying issues.
**List the common causes of female pelvic pain and describe the investigations and management thereof. **
- 6 Gynaecological Causes?
- 2 Gastrointestinal Causes?
- 2 Urinary Causes?
- 1 Musculoskeletal Cause?
- 1 Reproductive Cause?
- 1 Other Cause?
Explain 12 roles of ultrasound in the diagnosis of gynaecological problems.
Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyoma)
- Pathogenesis & Clinical features?
- What are they?
- 3 types?
- 6 Predisposing factors?
- A benign, hormone-sensitive smooth muscle tumor of the uterus.
- The most common tumor of the female genital tract.
- Can be submucosal, intramural, or subserosal.
- Arises from a single myometrial cell (monoclonal growth) and causes:
1. Upregulation of hormone receptors, particularly estrogen and progesterone
2. Excessive production of extracellular matrix (hence “fibroids”)
3. Results in an overgrowth of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue (often multiple tumors)
4. The myometrium also develops vascular changes (e.g., increased arterioles and venules, dilated veins).
Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyoma)
- Classification? (5)
- Complications? (5)
1. Infertility
2. Iron deficiency anemia (due to heavy menstrual bleeding)
3. Fibroid torsion
4. Thromboembolism
5. Very rare: malignant transformation to uterine leiomyosarcoma
Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyoma)
- Pathology: Macroscopic & Microscopic?
- Clinical features?
- Submucosal leiomyomas are most frequently associated with significantly prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding. The mechanism may be related to the increased total surface area as a result of the bulging uterine wall, impaired uterine wall contractility, or micro/macrovascular abnormalities. Intramural leiomyomas are also a risk factor for heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.
- E.g., extrinsic compression of the bladder or sigmoid colon. Compression of the ureters results in hydronephrosis.
- Related to an obstructed uterine cavity and/or impaired contractility of the uterus.
- Anterior or fundal fibroids are often associated with severe pain during intercourse.
Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyoma) - Diagnostics
- 6 Lab studies?
- Pelvic ultrasound?
- Further imaging? (2)
Routine initial studies
1. FBC: to assess for anemia
2. U&Es: to assess renal function
3. Urine pregnancy test/Serum Beta HCG: if patient is of childbearing age
4. Studies to evaluate abnormal uterine bleeding: PT, PTT, fibrinogen
5. Diagnostic studies for von Willebrand disease
6. Consider TSH and liver enzymes if clinically indicated.
What are the clinical manifestations of fibroids based on:
- Site?
- Size?
Describe the impact of body weight on disturbances of the menstrual cycle.
- Underweight?
- Overweight?
- Effects on Fertility?
Effects on Fertility:
- Both underweight and overweight conditions can impact fertility. Underweight women may experience anovulation and difficulties conceiving due to hormonal imbalances.
- Overweight individuals, particularly those with PCOS, may face challenges in achieving and maintaining pregnancy due to irregular cycles and hormonal disruptions.
Other Factors:
- Nutritional Deficiencies: Underweight individuals may lack essential nutrients needed for proper hormonal function and reproductive health.
- Psychological Stress: Extreme body weight changes, whether due to underweight or overweight conditions, can lead to stress on the body, affecting hormonal regulation.
Identify the various cellular changes at the level of the endometrium in prolonged anovulation and how this relates to an increased risk of carcinoma of the endometrium.
- 2 Cellular changes?
- Relation to Increased Risk of Endometrial Carcinoma? (4)
- Management and Risk Reduction?
Prolonged anovulation can lead to an excess of unopposed estrogen = endometrial hyperplasia (the lining of the uterus) = increased risk of endometrial carcinoma.
Cellular Changes in Prolonged Anovulation:
1. Endometrial Hyperplasia: Prolonged exposure to estrogen without the balancing effects of progesterone can lead to endometrial hyperplasia. The corpus luteum (empty egg follicle, temporary gland that helps support the beginning of a pregnancy) produces progesterone. This is a condition where the endometrial lining becomes abnormally thickened due to an increased number of glandular and stromal cells.
- Atypical Hyperplasia: In some cases, endometrial hyperplasia can progress to atypical hyperplasia, where the cells show abnormal growth patterns and increased cellular atypia. Atypical hyperplasia is considered a precancerous condition.
Discuss the 4 types of Barrier contraception available and the pros and cons of each.
- Failure rates?
- Male condoms – typically made of latex, male condoms are rolled down from the tip of the penis to the base. Semen collects in a reservoir at the tip end of the condom. They are proven to reduce transmission of many STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
- Female condoms – made of polyurethane, these are tubular shaped, where an inner ring sits deep in the vagina, with an open outer ring sitting just outside the vulva. The male inserts their penis into the female condom, preventing contact with the vagina. They are proven to reduce transmission of many STIs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
- Diaphragms – these are typically rubber structures with a metal inner frame that spans the posterior fornix to the anteroinferior wall of the vagina, covering the cervix and therefore preventing entry of semen. They are held in place by a combination of vaginal tone, the rigid metal inner frame and the pubic symphysis. Often combined with spermicide to increase their efficiency.
- Cervical caps – these sit directly over the cervix and are held in place by suction and vaginal tone. They are often combined with spermicide to increase their efficiency.
Differentials for an Adenexal mass.
- 7 Cystic ovarian lesions?
- 6 Common non-ovarian lesions?
- 5 Less common non-ovarian lesions?
- 7 Common mimics of cystic lesions?
Why is it important to detect and diagnose adenexal masses?
- Approx 5-10% lifetime risk for women undergoing surgery for a suspected neoplasm
What history would you obtain from a patient presenting with an adenexal mass?
Weight loss – malignancy
Changes in hair growth/distribution – ovarian tumour secreting hormonal androgens
What examination would you perform for a women presenting with an adenexal mass?
Which investigations would you perform for a women presenting with an adenexal mass?
- Bloods?
- Tumour markers?
- Imaging?
4 Factors that influence the risk of malignancy with an adenexal mass?
What are 6 findings of an adenexal mass on ultrasound that are suggestive of malignancy?
What are the IOTA rules?
- 5 Benign vs. Malignant features
Pelvic USS - Findings Suggestive of Malignancy
1. Solid component, not hyperechoic, & often nodular or papillary
2. Septations that are irregularly thick (>2-3mm)
3. Colour or power Doppler demonstration of flow in the solid component
4. Ascites
5. Peritoneal masses, enlarged nodes, matted bowel
Which 9 tumour markers would you measure for investigation of an adenexal mass?
Summary for Tumour Markers
- Post menopausal women with an adenexal mass: Ca 125, CEA, CA19-9
- If premenopausal or suspect germ cell tumour or hormone secreting tumour: Ca125, CEA, CA19-9, AFP, LDH, hCG, Inhibin, AMH, testosterone, androgen
Which conditions are associated with an elevated serum Ca 125 concentration?
- Gynaecological malignancies?
- Benign Gynaecological conditions?
- Non-Gynaecological conditions?
Anything that stimulates the peritoneum can give you a raised CA125
List 5 Multimodal tests for risk of malignancy of an adenexal mass?
Risk of Malignacy Algorithm (ROMA)
- Ca 125 + HE4
- Early stage EOC sens 81% and spec 76%
- Premenopausal sens 82% and spec 82%
- Postmenopausal sens 93% and spec 79%
Differential Diagnosis of an Adenexal Mass – 5 Benign conditions?
- Physiological Cysts - Corpus luteum or Follicular cyst
- Dermoid
- Benign Epithelial Ovarian cysts
- Fibroids
- Endometrioma
- Pain, dymenorrhoea, dyspareunia, Chocolate cyst, Common cause of Ca 125 increase
Differential Diagnosis of an Adenexal Mass – 6 Acute complications?
Acute Complications - Adenexal Mass
1. Ectopic
2. Torsion
3. Intracystic haemorrhage
4. Rupture
5. Infection
6. Malignancy - bowel obstruction/perforation
8 Risk factors for Ovarian Cancer?
5 Protective Factors for Ovarian Cancer?
Protective Factors
1. BSO
2. Tubal ligation
3. Previous pregnancy
4. Previous breastfeeding >12 months
5. Previous use of OCP