Week 5 Flashcards
Eight Molluscan classes
- Gastropoda
- Bivalvia
- Cephalopoda
- Scaphopoda
- Solenogastres
- Polyplacophora
- Caudofoveate
How many mollusk classes have shells
What differs between the shells of the molluscan classes
Number and arrangement of shells
A feeding structure unique to mollusks
Innovations of radula
- Magnetite in the radula of some chitons (makes them strong)
- Radula of squids (Tongue that can scrape flesh inside of beak structure)
- Radula of Conus snails (Radula modified as harpoon, tipped with venom)
Aplacophoran mollusks
- Mollusks that lack shells
- Caduofoveata and Solenogastres
- Calcareous spicules cover the skin of both groups
- Caudofoveata lacks muscular foot
- Single, cap-like shell
- Few species, mostly restricted to deep waters
- First appear in fossil record in early Cambrian
Polyplacophora (“chitons”)
- Eight shell plates (“valves”)
- Ventral foot
- Some chitons have hundreds of eyes in the valves
- Mantle edge is clamped around the head to form a funnel or siphon
- The foot is modified into tentacles, sometimes with suckers
- Internal shell (except in Nautilida)
-Direct development (no trochophore/veliger larval stage) - Foot is anterior
Sister group of the remaining Cephalopoda
-Not monophyletic
- Octopus and cuttlefish are derived squid
Scaphopoda (“tusk shells”)
- Shell open at both ends
- Lacking gills (ctenidia) and heart
- Gas exchange occurs directly across mantle cavity
- Benthic, burrowing
Bivalvia (mussels, clams, scallops)
-Infaunal bivalves burrow from the anterior end
- The incurrent and excurrent siphons (sometimes fused) enable filter feeding and gas exchange
- Highly asymmetrical bivalve shells are capable of rapid burrowing
- In some groups, byssal threads secreted by the byssal gland enable adhesion to substrate
Gastropoda (snails, limpets, cowries, slugs, and nudibranchs)
- Asymmetrical mollusks with single, usually spirally coiled shell
- Shell lost of reduced in many groups
- During development there is torsion in visceral mass and mantle cavity lies anteriorly or on right side and gut and nervous system are twisted
- Some taxa have partly or totally reversed rotation (detorsion)
90-180 degree rotation on foot
Why does mollusk phylogeny remain contentious
-Various groupings have been proposed because morphological characters are in conflict
Based on recent reconstructions of Ordovician mollusk fossils, is it thought that the molluscan common ancestor likely had a shell?
Mollusk development
- In three groups, the trochophore larva metamorphoses into the veliger larva
- Veliger larve unique to mollusca
- The velum of the veliger is a feeding and swimming organ consisting of two large ciliated lobes
-Torsion, two steps: contraction of velar foot causing larval shell and viscera to rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise, second 90 degree counterclockwise twist via differential tissue growth (result: viscera are pulled from above toward the left)
In gastropods, what states of torsion can occur
dextral and sinistral torsion
Dextral torsion