Week 5 Flashcards
What are 5 ways police draw in recruits?
- Police & police work are very visible on TV and in the community, so many people are already aware of and desire a career in law enforcement
- Interactions with friends and family in law enforcement may provide positive role models
- Reasonable pay and educational requirements, good benefits draw others
- Career fairs and school visits expose individuals to policing as a career choice
- Targeted websites, pamphlets, videos, job ads, & public events provide even more exposure to policing as a career choice
Why are some women not interested in police work?
- Many job postings and what we see of police on TV emphasizes physical strength and danger
- These job characteristics tend to be less appealing to women
- The “boot camp” nature of police academy is intimidating
- Family-work balance: dangers during pregnancy, long and/ or inconsistent hours
- History of policing as a “male” profession
- Some discrimination
How are minorities incorporated in the police force?
- Racial minorities are also underrepresented in law enforcement
- Pre-Civil War (and for some time after), there were a number of African American police officers and sheriffs
- After the Civil War, African Americans were excluded from police departments in the South
- A history of discrimination (by both the public and the police departments) has limited the number of African Americans in law enforcement
- This has changed for the better since the 1970’s
- History of animosity between police & minority communities
Why are females and minorities desirable in policing?
- Females less likely to use excessive force, more likely to rely on reason
- Also encourage fellow male police officers to do the same
- Searches of females by females
- Minority police officers can help in situations that involve a language barrier or cultural differences
- Residents may have greater respect/ understanding for police officers who resemble themselves (there are exceptions to this)
Women make up around ________% of all full-time police officers.
A) 7
B) 12
C) 23
D) 27
B) 12
Males are less likely to use excessive force than females and are more likely to rely on reason.
What is Psychological Screening and what are the common traits the police are looking for?
- Examination to assess personality traits and background factors that can affect a recruit’s future success as a police officer
- Multiple-choice tests, interviews with police & psychologists
Common Traits
- Impulse control
- Intelligence, Judgment
- Honesty & Integrity
- Reasonable Courage
- Dependability
- Motivation to become a police officer
- Ability to perform mundane tasks
- Prior drug use
- Ability to manage stress
What is an Oral Interview?
- Interview conducted with a single officer or panel of officers, sometimes with other officials
- Questions used to determine your ability and motivation to use reasoning, obey the law, and uphold the ethics required of police officers
What are 6 other screenings?
- Medical Exam to ensure health
- Background Check
- Basic Physical Abilities Test to ensure reasonable physical fitness
- Written Aptitude Test to assess basic intelligence & reasoning
- Drug Test
- Some departments use polygraphs
What is the Typical Academy Training?
Typical length of training is ~19 weeks, often with a field training period after completion of academy-based training
What are 5 other aspects of training?
- Classroom-based instruction
- Physical fitness exercises
- Similarities to boot camp
- Training in specialty areas (SWAT, negotiation, etc.) may be available
- Full or partial pay during training
- Some academies are residential, while others are not
The ___________ is an examination to assess personality traits and background factors that can affect a recruit’s future success as a police officer.
A) Oral Interview
B) Psychological Screening
C) Background Check
D) Physical Exam
B) Psychological Screening
What is Crime Scene Investigation?
Crime Scene Investigation is the collection, examination, and interpretation of evidence found at a crime scene
What are the 3 types of police stress?
- Physical: danger, physical fitness requirements
- Support failure: lack of support from superiors, colleagues, friends, significant others
- Organizational stresses: public pressure, rules/ regulations, long/ inconsistent hours
Your spouse refuses to empathize with you when you have a rough day as a police officer. Your old friends don’t want to go out to lunch with you because they feel uncomfortable around a cop. These are example of which type of stress?
A) Organizational
B) Support Failure
C) Physical
B) Support Failure
What are the elements of Police Subculture?
- Police are the only people who really know & fight crime
- Only police understand police
- Loyalty to fellow officers is critical
- code of silence
- Perception that the public distrusts/ dislikes police
- Detective work is better than patrol work
- Bending the rules is ok in the fight against crime
- Toughness
Where does subculture come from?
- Recruitment
- Certain individuals are more attracted to police work than others
- Danger and stress of the job create an “us” versus “them” mentality
- Seasoned police officers train new recruits
- New recruits are socialized into the police subculture
What are potential problems with police subculture?
- Corruption
- Bending the rules
- Not reporting illegal/ unethical behaviors of other officers “Blue code of silence”
- May harm relationship between police departments & the communities they serve
- Police officers may be reluctant to seek help for depression, substance abuse, etc.
What are the three main roles of the police?
- Maintaining order: keeping the peace
- traffic control, crowd control, informal policing
- Law enforcement (19% of citizen calls)
- Providing service: unlocking cars, providing directions, working with kids in educational programming, etc.
**Between 70 and 80% of calls to police are to maintain order or provide services. **
One element of police subculture is the belief that patrol work is better than detective work
What is the Preventive Patrol and what are the Cons and Pros?
- Uniformed officers patrol neighborhoods at random (or systematically), by car, foot, or some other way
- Main idea is that police presence might reduce crime
- Cons:
- Some evidence shows that increased police presence, by itself, does not lower crime rates in an area
- No clear effect on support for police
- Cost (additional officers)
- Pros: police get to know the community and its members, may be able to offer more services to the community
What are the 4 steps of Problem-Oriented Policing?
- Investigating the underlying characteristics and factors involved in local crime problems
- Crime mapping—identifying hotspots using Geographic Information Systems
- CompStat
- Crime Analysis (profiling) - Police departments look at what strategies have worked in the past, and which are recommended by research
- Police departments develop specific crime-fighting strategies based on this research
These strategies might include focused patrol, undercover operations, seeking out informants, etc. - Police department will evaluate whether the strategies used were effective in combating the problem
What are the pros and cons of problem oriented policing?
- Pros:
- Decisions based on evidence and what really works
- Sticking with strategies that work may lower crime & costs in the long-term
- Supports officer initiative
- Encourages communication & accountability
- Cons:
- Police and police departments may be resistant to the idea
- Time commitment, some costs (software, training)
What are 5 factors of Community Oriented Policing?
- Police-community reciprocity: cooperative effort involving police and community members
- Decentralization of police units: smaller police units spread across neighborhoods
- Foot patrols
- “Civilianization”- civilians do jobs normally done by police—reports, traffic control, etc.
Note: women and racial minorities more likely to volunteer for community policing roles