Week 4: Voc 4 Flashcards
Def: the art of effective communication
Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle
Def:Relationship in a piece of writing/speech among speaker/writer experiences that inspired( exigence) the audience, message, purpose,appeals and technique
Rhetorical Question
Def: Question not asked for information but for effort
Rhetorical Question
Ex “ The angry parent asked the child “ are you finished interrupting me?”
Rhetorical Question
Impact: Authors use rhetorical questions to engage the reader/ listener to provoke thought without expecting a direct answer
Def: Art/ Literature characterized by an idealistic unrealistic views of the world/people/ Doesn’t rely on traditional themes
Ex:” the nineteenth century brought romanticism and realism
Def: Bittersweet comment that is ironically or satirically worded
Ex:” Oh great another raining day… just what I need to make my day perfect”
Impact: Authors use sarcasm to mock or criticize, often adding a layer humor/ bittersweet that intensify message/ tone
Def: work that reveals a critical attitude toward some element of life to a humorous effect
Ex: “ The daily show” ses satria to poke fun at political figures and issues while conveying serious commentary about social issues
Impact: allows authors to criticize social flaws or human vices through humor-making it easier for readers to reflect on issues
Def: a sentence is group of words ( subject-verb) expresses a complete thought
Def: word or group of words placed beside a non or noun substitute to supplement its meaning
Ex:” Bod , the lumber yard worker, spoke with jdy, an accountant from the city”
Impact: adds more detail or clarification, highlights the meaning of they noun and offer additional context without requiring new information
Def: Grammatical unit contain ( subject and verb) Independent clause- express complete hought stand alone as a sentence. dependent/subordinate clause- cannot stand alone must be accompanied by independent clause
Balanced sentence
Def: sentence in which two parallel elements are set off against each other like equal weights on scale- parallelism
Balanced sentence
Ex:” she loves music and he enjoys art”
Balanced sentence
Impact: authors uses balanced sentence to create symmetry and emphasize relationship between two ideas-(flow/clarity)
Compound sentence
Def: Contains at least two independent clauses but no dependent clause
Compound sentence
Ex:” I went to the store, and I brought some apples”
Complex sentence
Def” Contains only one independent clause and at least one dependent clause