Week 3: Voc 3 Flashcards
Poetic Device
Def: A device used in poetry to manipulate the sound of words sentences or lines
Def: the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of words
Ex: sally sells sea shells by the seas shore
Impact: Creates rhyme and musical quality in poetry, more engaging- catchy/playful tones
Def: The repetition of identical vowel sounds
Ex: From the molten golden notes
Impact: Help create musicality- flow in poetry enhancing words and emotions for reader experience
Def: Repetition of the same consonant sound at the end of words within words
Ex: Some later visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door
Impact: contributes to rhyme of poetry- create a sense of harmony- highlights mood
Def: Use of word that imitates sound that something makes
Ex: “ snap, rustle, boom, murmur”
Impact: Make poem more vivid/ sensory by invoking sounds giving reader experience
Internal Rhyme
Def: Line of poetry that contains a rhyme within a single line
Internal Rhyme
Ex: To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells
Internal Rhyme
Impact: Can enhance musicality in poem and make more memoreale- speeds up rhyme make more dynamic
Slant Rhyme
Def: When peom creates rhyme by the two words no that rhyme exactly- byt similar
Slant Rhyme
Ex: I set a upon a stone/ and found my life has gone
Slant Rhyme
Impact: allows for more flexibility in sound/structure- creating connection without word/ideas with prefect rhyming
End Rhyme
Def: when the last words of two different lines of poetry rhyme
End Rhyme
Ex: Rose are red, Violets are blue
End Rhyme
Impact: create sense of closure/balance within poem
Rhyme Scheme
Def: patterns of a poems end rhyme
Rhyme Scheme
Ex: sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines
and every fair from fair sometimes declines