When does diffraction occur?
Diffraction occurs when the pupil is less than 1 -2mm
What is the rule for the angle of diffraction?
Angle of diffraction is directly proportional to the size of the wavelength.
Formula for Min Angle of Resolution
tan θ = O/A
Decimal Acuity to MAR
Dec = 1/MAR
What unit is MAR in?
Degrees (remember to convert MAR to Mins of Arc)
Disadvantages of Snellen Acuity
- Different number of letters on each row
- Uneven Increase in letter size from one line to the next
- Ends at 6/5
What is the Visual Acuity Rating Formula?
VAR = 100 - (50 x logMAR)
Advantages and disadvantages of Snellen Chart?
A - Familiarity, incorporates test distance, fraction
D- Variables
Advantages and disadvantages of LogMAR Chart?
A - Statiscally easy to work with, easy to score
D- not consistently used clinically
What is a change in VA?
a difference of at least 0.15 logMAR
Why is near vision important?
Detection and monitoring of ocular disease, presbyopia, functional and quality of life
Types of Near Chart?
Snellen (40cm) LogMAR Jaeger Number M point N-point
Quick n-point conversions
N1 = 0.353mm
N8 = 1M
1M letter ‘x’ = 1.45mm high
N3 = 6/6 = 0.4M
How many minutes of arc does 1M subtend?
One M-Unit subtends a visual angle of 5 min of arc at 1 metre
Difference between NVA and DVA letters?
DVA each letter subtends 5 mins of arc, it have 5 limbs
What are the different types of Near VA charts?
Reduced snellen near charts
Bailey Lovie Word Chart (logMAR)
The Colenbrander english continous text near chards - contextual word charts
Bailey Love NVA Chart - Advantages, Disadvantages and Range
A - logMAR, Words
D - 25cm only, unrelated words
Range - LogMAR 0 to 1.6 (6/240)
Snellen NVA Chart - Advantages, Disadvantages and Range
A - can use matching tests with children
D - 40cm only, letters only
Range - 6/6 to 6/60
EDTRS NVA Chart - Advantages, Disadvantages and Range
A - LogMAR
D - 40cm, letters only
Range: -0.3 to 1.3
Continous text NVA Chart - Advantages, Disadvantages and Range
A - replicates reading, can convert N and distance to M and snellen
D - May not reflect acuity (cognitive, paramacular pathology) crowding
Thompson Test Unit NVA Chart - Advantages, Disadvantages and Range
A - Smaller letters at the bottom
D - smaller letters at the bottom may be hard to see
Range 6/9.5 to 6/300