Week 4 Topic 1 - Learning, memory and synaptic plasticity Flashcards
What is the definition of synaptic plasticity and what types of plasticity can we have?
Synaptic plasticity is basically a history
dependent change in synaptic transmission. So synaptic transmission can change in different ways as
you can imagine.
So it could increase or it could decrease.
And the change in synaptic transmission
could be short-lasting or long-lasting.
Accordingly, we distinguish therefore between a potentiation or a depression of synaptic
And we qualify over time course as short or long lasting.
So we could have a long-term
potentiation, that is LTP, what I briefly introduced.
Or we could have long-term depression, that is LTD
as we are calling for that.
Or we could have short-term potentiation or short-term depression.
What is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain?
The main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain is glutamate.
Where have most forms of synaptic plasticity been studied?
Now most forms of synaptic plasticity have been studied in the hippocampus, especially rodent hippocampus.
What is the tri circuit?
The trisynaptic circuit is a neural circuit in the hippocampus, which is made up of three major cell groups:
- granule cells in the dentate gyrus,
- pyramidal neurons in CA3, and
- pyramidal neurons in CA1
So what you see are granule cells in the dentate gyrus with
granule cells are innervated by the so-called perforant path, which is PP in this diagram. The
perforant path comes from entorhinal cortex.
When the perforant path innovates with granules cells.
Which have as axons with so-called mossy
fibres, MF in this diagram, and for mossy fibres innervate C3 pyramidal neurons. These are
pyramidal neurons because the neurons have a shape like a pyramid.
So we see C3 pyramidal neurons send their axons for so-called Schaffer collaterals on to C1 neurons.
These are C1 pyramidal neurons. Now synaptic plasticity has been basically studied between C3
and C1 neurons mostly. First of all because of its beautiful, simple anatomy. But secondly and very
importantly, the hippocampus is fundamentally important for learning and memory.
What is the perforant path in the hippocampus?
The perforant path is the major input to the hippocampus. The axons of the perforant path arise principally in layers II and III of the entorhinal cortex (EC), with minor contributions from the deeper layers IV and V.
What are mossy fibres?
Granules cells have as axons with so-called mossy
fibres, and mossy fibres innervate C3 pyramidal neurons.
Schaffer collaterals
Schaffer collaterals are axon collaterals given off by CA3 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus. These collaterals project to area CA1 of the hippocampus and are an integral part of memory formation and the emotional network of the Papez circuit, and of the hippocampal trisynaptic loop.
What is the famous case of patient H.M.
Patient H.M. suffered from severe epilepsy and when the ‘50s surgeons
decided to remove the focus of the epilepsy in this patient H.M.
And what they did is they lesioned this here brain area that produced the epilepsy and that brain area
was included the hippocampus. So the lesion treatment worked for the treatment of epilepsy, but
it left the patient with severe memory impairment. And since then basically people have started to
realise that the hippocampus is particularly important for learning and memory.
What types of memory is the hippocampus important for?
It’s particularly important for the types of memory we are aware of, so-called declarative memory.
For example, you may know who’s the Prime Minister in your country or you may know who is Boris
Becker, my favourite tennis star. So kind of such memories depend on the hippocampus. So now
there was great motivation to study synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus because its importance
for learning and memory and also because of its simple neural anatomy.
Now how do you study synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus?
Well you have to use electric
stimulation electrode. So the stimulation electrode can give you the electric impulses that evoke
action potentials on axons. So a stimulation electrode is placed onto the Schaffer collaterals to
produce action potentials, which propagate down the axon to ultimately induce neurotransmitter
release. And then you need a recording electrode to measure synaptic potentials. So therefore
what you can do here, you can repeatedly stimulate and record the synaptic potentials or synaptic
What is EPSP?
excitatory postsynaptic potential, or EPSP. So the EPSP is a measure of synaptic transmission of
excitatory synaptic transmission. So when you stimulate once in a while you get this dot basically–
this black dot.
So stimulating once in a while gives you a constant synaptic transmission at 100% level. But then if you
provide a high frequency stimulation, which is indicated by the green arrow here. Then after the high
frequency stimulation, now stimulating once in a while shows you more synaptic transmission in the
increased EPSP. And in this case we increased the EPSP, the increase last only for a short period of
time. So over time it declines and it goes back to the so-called baseline.
So this phenomena is called short-term potentiation. Normally it lasts for about 30 minutes and
it depends, as I said, on a high frequency stimulation. So as if this synapse remembers that it
had experienced a high frequency stimulation.
What is LTP?
The next, in the middle, is long-term potentiation,
another form of synaptic plasticity. And the difference now if you compare the curves, is that this
type of potentiation lasts longer and it actually has initially a transient increase. This is the transient
increase because actually in this case, we have some short-term potentiation that precedes longterm potentiation. So the short-term potentiation declines over time and then you see synaptic
transmission remains at a higher level.
So this is long-term potentiation and therefore long-term potentiation should be measured once
short-term potentiation has declined. Let’s say after 30 minutes. Long-term potentiation can last in
the hippocampus slices for several hours and in vivo, people have suggested it may last even for up
to a year when you use electric stimulations.
The difference for evoking long-term potentiation versus short-term potentiation is that a higher
frequency stimulation is required. This is indicated here by the green arrow that is thicker. So you
need more use of the synapse and that gives you more synaptic transmission.
What is LTD?
The final example is
a form of depression, long-term depression. In this particular instance the stimulation is of very low
frequency, indicated by this thin green arrow. And it leads to a depression of synaptic transmission
that lasts for a long period of time.
Why did people find LTP intriguing when it was discovered?
When it was
discovered, people thought that this could be a very intriguing mechanism to store information in
the brain. Because it’s a long lasting phenomenon and up to the discovery of long-term potentiation,
all forms of synaptic plasticity that were known were short lasting. And it’s not clear how a short
lasting plasticity could really store memory for years, for example. But long-term potentiation may
have the ability to store information for such long periods.
What does 100 hertz mean?
100 Hertz means 100 stimuli in one second. So Hertz is per second.
Does 100 hertz induce LTP?
Now this stimulation induces long-term potentiation. So some processes are induced, shown here
in green, to get long-term potentiation. And not only long-term potentiation but also short-term
potentiation, which when declines– you can see the decline where the long-term potentiation can
be nicely measured about 30 minutes after the stimulation.
What happens once LPT is established?
And then once long-term potentiation
has been established some processes are needed to maintain the phenomenon. So there is kind
of like a maintenance issue and one would like to know what are the mechanisms that underlie the
maintenance of long-term potentiation and what are the mechanisms underlying the induction of longterm potentiation.
What is Post-tetanic potentiation
Post-tetanic potentiation is a form of synaptic plasticity which is short-lived and results in increased frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials or currents with no effect on amplitude in the spontaneous postsynaptic potential. It usually lasts in the range of several minutes
This slide also shows you– basically indicates to you with two blue arrows, what basically the face
of short-term potentiation with declines within 30 minutes and there’s an even a shorter one, called
post-tetanic potentiation, or briefly PTP, that declines even quicker.
What are the properties of LTP?
- Long-term potentiation as I mentioned, has a property that is long lasting. So it’s a long-lasting
enhancement of synaptic transmission. That is very exciting because long lasting mechanisms may
be important for storing memory but it has also other properties that make it a very interesting
mechanism. - So it is input specific. That means that it is specific to the activated synapses only. It
doesn’t affect neighbouring synapses. - There is the principle of cooperativity. That means that you
need a threshold stimulation to induce long-term potentiation. That is important so that not any signal
can produce long-term potentiation. Only signals of relevance should induce long-term potentiation. - And finally we have a phenomenon called associativity. And that associativity applies to long-term
potentiation at two different synapses. So if one synapse undergoes a weak stimulation where is not
sufficient in itself to produce long-term potentiation. When this stimulation can be converted into an
LTP inducing stimulation when a neighbouring synapse experiences LTP induction.
What does it mean that LTP is “ input specific”?
That means that it is specific to the activated synapses only. It
doesn’t affect neighbouring synapses.
What is the principle of cooperativity?
That means that you
need a threshold stimulation to induce long-term potentiation. That is important so that not any signal
can produce long-term potentiation. Only signals of relevance should induce long-term potentiation.
What is the principle of associativity?
And that associativity applies to long-term
potentiation at two different synapses. So if one synapse undergoes a weak stimulation where is not
sufficient in itself to produce long-term potentiation. When this stimulation can be converted into an
LTP inducing stimulation when a neighbouring synapse experiences LTP induction.
Which principle of LTP does Pavlov’s dog demonstrate?
I will illustrate this now as we show you the principles of long-term potentiation. In this case we’re
doing an electrophysiological experiments. So we are recording a synaptic transmission from
pyramidal neurons and we are using two different stimulation electrodes, S1 and S2. Stimulating with
S1 stimulates a set of synapses that is different when stimulating with S2. So below this cartoon, you
see that we are recording the EPSPs, the excitatory postsynaptic potentials, that are a measure
for synaptic transmission. Or more precisely here we talk about field excitatory postsynaptic
potentials, or the FEPSPs.
So the top graph really shows we’re recording results after stimulating with S1. And the bottom graph
shows your recording result after stimulating with S2. And we have again our time bar. So what we
see we first record the first 30 minutes. We record synaptic transmission after stimulating with S1
and S2. And this is– if you see the EPSP stays more or less constant here it is around zero, it’s just
basically what is plotted here that is for percent change. You could call it also 100%. It’s a way how
you present the data.
So synaptic transmission is basically constant. With S1 we produce now a high frequency stimulation
indicated by the open arrow. And with high frequency stimulation it’s not sufficient to induce
LTP. It produces only some kind of STP. So you see after the stimulation, an increase in synaptic
transmission where it declines quickly back to the baseline. So that indicates to you the principle of
cooperativity. So this stimulation did not reach the threshold to induce LTP.
When this stimulation was given nothing happened at the S2 pathway where the S2 stimulation was
used so synaptic transmission at that pathway is not affected. At one hour, we now give for with the
S2 stimulation, a very strong stimulation indicated by the closed arrow. And so the closed arrow
shows you now production of LTP. So now you get an increase in synaptic transmission where it is
first transient. So we have PTP and STP followed up by LTP that’s longer lasting and stable. That LTP
is input specific because it occurs only in the S2 pathway and not in the S1 pathway at the same time.
So the neighbouring synapses did not increase synaptic transmission, so we have an input specific
At one and a half hours, we produce again in pathway S2 a very strong stimulation that gives us even
more LTP. So now we have even a further increase in synaptic transmission that is long lasting. That
is because LTP in this case was not saturated. While this stimulation occurs, S1 pathway experiences
a sub-threshold weaker stimulation indicated by the open arrow. This weaker stimulation was not
sufficient to induce LTP at half an hour time at the S1 pathway. However, now that this stimulation
is coinciding with the strong stimulation at S2, we can obtain LTP. This indicates a principle of
associativity. So the association of a weak stimulation with a strong stimulation led to the production
of LTP.
And this is a very interesting property because it reminds us of conditioning– Pavlovian conditioning.
So even Pavlov, that made these famous experiments with dogs, where he could basically show them
and then he could condition the dog to a bell so when a bell did ring, well the dog could learn that food
may be coming and then the dog would salivate to the bell. So this is since when we all know about
Pavlovian conditioning and it’s the principle of associative learning. So we learn a lot of information by
making associations. And LTD induction of LTP has now also associative properties. And so making it
very interesting as a mechanism for learning and memory.
When we are discussing LTP, what kind of synaptic transmission are we talking about? What is the neurotransmitter?
Just to remind you, so long-term potentiation when we discuss it, focuses on glutamatergic synaptic
transmission. Glutamatergic synaptic transmission, obviously, uses glutamate as neurotransmitter.
What are the two glutamate receptors that are relevant?
And on the postsynaptic side there are two glutamate receptors that are of relevance, the AMPA
receptors and the NMDA receptors.
How do AMPA receptors work?
So the AMPA receptors, they bind glutamate, and then they are opened. Once opened, they
allow sodium ions to influx with postsynaptic membrane, whereby depolarising with postsynaptic
membrane. Now these receptors are the main carriers of glutamatergic transmission.
How do NMDA receptors work?
The NMDA receptors are more
complicated, because these receptors require, not only glutamate for their opening, they also
require a postsynaptic depolarisation to be opened. So they require two coinciding events, glutamate
release from a presynaptic determiner and a postsynaptic depolarisation.
Why do NMDA need both a glutamate release from a presynaptic determiner AND a post-synaptic depolarization?
This is because they are blocked by magnesium ions, which are indicated here by this grey
circuit. So the magnesium ions block the pore, and this block of the pore can only be removed by
What happens once NMDA receptors are activated?
Now interestingly, once NMDA receptors are activated, they allow calcium ions to
enter the postsynapse.
So calcium, as you know, very important second messengers. So the second messengers can trigger
a number of different signalling cascades. Most prominently, calcium can bind to calmodulin which is
in high doses in postsynapse. And calcium calmodulin activates a number of different kinases.
And so these kinases can then modify how the synapse works.
What are the three ways a synapse be modified?
- one way of modifying with synapse
is, by phosphorylating AMPA receptors. So phosphorylation of the AMPA receptors
could increase the conductivity of these receptors.
So thereby, you get now for a given amount of glutamate release more neurotransmission.
You get
basically be more depolarisation.
So neurotransmission is enhanced, because you get more ions
fluxing in.
- Another way aware of and enhancing synoptic transmission at the postsynapse is by increasing
numbers of AMPA receptors. So this can be achieved by basically incorporating or providing more
AMPA receptors through these vesicles. So there in the postsynapse, there are endosomes that
contain AMPA receptors. And these endosomes can be fused with the membrane so you get more
AMPA receptors.
There are also AMPA receptors that are outside the postsynaptic zone. And they can be diffused into
a postsynaptic zone. So thereby, you enhance the density of AMPA receptors. Now increasing the
density of AMPA receptors is another means of enhancing synaptic transmission, because now you
can activate per glutamate release more AMPA receptors. And thereby, you get more depolarisation,
so more synaptic transmission. - It’s also conceivable that actually synaptic transmission can be enhanced at the presynaptic site so
that you get more glutamate release. Now to enhance synaptic transmission at the presynaptic site,
however, is a little bit more complicated, because long-term potentiation is actually induced at the
postsynaptic site. So you need to get a signal across from the postsynapse back to the presynapse
to modify a presynaptic neurotransmitter release.
And so-called retrograde signalling, basically. And for example, diffusable gases such as nitric oxide
could be such a retrograde signal. So you could produce nitric oxide, where it diffuses from the
postsynapes to the presynapse and thereby, induces signalling to enhance neurotransmitter release.
Ultimately, once signalling cascade is activated, there are some aspects of the signalling cascade may
also change gene expression in the nucleus or at the synapse, some translation of mRNA, where it
is located at the synapse. And so you can get the synthesis of new proteins. And these new proteins
are really important for very long lasting forms of long-term potentiation, as we will see.
So this cartoon will basically indicate to you how synaptic transmission can be enhanced and what
has to happen when LTPs induced. So the NMDA receptor is critical for it. And most people think
these days that the AMPA receptor trafficking into the postsynaptic density is the key mechanism for
long-term– the induction of long-term potentiation.
What is retrograde signalling?
Retrograde signaling is the process where a signal travels backwards from a target source to its original source. For example, the nucleus of a cell is the original source for creating signaling proteins. During retrograde signaling, instead of signals leaving the nucleus, they are sent to the nucleus.
Which popular enzyme is critical for the induction of LTP?
Why is CaMKII important for LTP?
- NMPA receptors
in purple that allow calcium to flux into the postsynapse. - Calcium binds to calmodulin.
- And then
calcium calmodulin can activate a prominent kinase, that is CaMK kinase 2, calcium calmodulindependent
kinase 2, a very complicated enzyme that consists of 12 subunits. - And six subunits are
indicated here as a hexagon. And the kinase can phosphylorate itself. And that’s indicated by the P. - And then once phosphylorated itself, it can phosphylorate AMPA receptors. The AMPA receptors
are shown in kind of like pinkish. - And so we can see that this phosphyloration of the AMPA receptors
enhances for conductivity of these receptors. - But also some receptors can be trafficked into a
postsynaptic density, which is shown like dark brown. - And so you can increase the density of the
AMPA receptors.
And so CaMK kinase 2 seems to be a critical enzyme for all these processes for
induction of long-term potentiation.
What is late LTP?
Long-term potentiation lasts a long period of time, which is the definition of long-term of potentiation.
However, there are different types of long-term potentiation in terms of duration.
And some types of
long-term potentiation that lasts really very long called Late LTP or L-LTP. Eric Kandel, Nobel Laureate
has introduced the term.
We would like to use it, late LTP. And the operational definition is that these forms of LTP require
protein synthesis in gene transcription to be very long lasting. So after the induction of such LTPs,
new proteins need to be synthesised. And these new proteins contribute then to the long lasting
nature of the LTP.
To get such LTP, one needs even stronger stimulation when traditional LTP. So what I showed in part
one is with 100 word stimulation is sufficient to induce long term potentiation. However, it would
induce only the so-called early LTP with declines within a few hours. But to induce late LTP, you need
three times, for example, 100 Hertz stimulation to activate gene expression and protein synthesis, to
get these very long-lasting forms of LTP.
The question arises is, basically, how could that work, because if one has to synthesise a new protein,
first of all, one has to transcribe new genes in the nucleus, and when synthesising new protein, let’s
say in the cell soma, then how can these proteins be delivered, specifically, to the synapses that
are important, should have LTP?
In late-LTP, how can proteins be delivered to the synapses that should have LTP? How do you keep the input specificity involving the nucleus of a neuron?
So this cartoon tries to indicate this, so let’s just focus on panel A first. So what we see here is a
synapse, just shown with a post synapses with experience is a very strong tetanisation, like with
three times 100 hertz stimulation that produces L-LTP. And in the middle of this slide, we see the soma
of the neuron, which is very far away from the synapse. And in the soma, we have a nucleus shown by
this bowl, basically. The nucleus has all the genomic DNA that needs to be transcribed. And an mRNA
is indicated here, is the blue wave. And once the mRNA is translated, we get this protein. And the
protein diffuses all over the place.
What is happening is the strong tetanisation at the synapse, produces a signal from the synapse to
the nucleus to induce gene expression. We do not understand the signal very well, but there are
some ideas that, for example– importins are very important molecules for that.
So once the signal it
reaches the nucleus, we get gene expression.
Then, we get mRNA translation and protein synthesis.
For newly synthesised proteins, diffuse back into the dendrites and could ultimately affect all
However, these proteins can’t be taken up by the synapses.
It can only be taken up by the
tetanised synapses.
And the reason for that is that the strong tetanisation induced the molecular
change, which we call tag setting.
So it sets some kind of tag, but it’s unable to capture the plasticity related
protein, PRP.
So with newly synthesised proteins, we also call PRP.
And so, basically, taking up the PRP’s then allows the LTP to be developed into late phase LTP.
whereby, you keep, basically, synapse specificity, because only the strongly tetanised synapses can
take up the PRPs and neighbouring synapses can’t do so.
What are importins?
Importin is a type of karyopherin that transports protein molecules from the cell’s cytoplasm to the nucleus. It does so by binding to specific recognition sequences, called nuclear localization sequences.
How can a neuron make associations?
This is actually very interesting, because this process has also associative properties, it was
indicated in panel B.
So if it happens when a strong tetanisation caught inside in time for weak
tetanisation at another synapse, and this weak tetanisation gives us, now, an early LTP, but not a late
LTP, then the weak tetanisation is still sufficient to induce, also, a tag setting.
And when these newly
tagged synapses can take up some of the PRPs, so that the early LTP can be transformed into late
Only because the weak tetanisation coincided in time with a strong tetanisation, we now transform
early LTP into late phase LTP. On its own, weak tetanisation would give us only early LTP. So here, we
have another mechanism, how a neuron can make associations.
LTP Maintenance - how do you maintain the high density of AMPA receptors to keep LTP?
Now, it has been suggested that this is mediated by local translation of a kinase that is called PKM
zeta, protein kinase m zeta. It’s a protein kinase C isoform. And this protein kinase C isoform lacks
a regulatory domain, so most kinases have a regulatory domain that inhibit the catalytic domain.
And the catalytic domain is important to phosphorylate substrates. Now, lacking the regulatory
domain and having only catalytic domain means with PKM zeta is actually active over time, once it is
So the idea here is that the stimulated synapses have mRNA that encode PKM zeta. And this mRNA
translation is normally repressed. However, when LTP is induced– and particular late phase LTP is
induced– then this repression is relieved. And now, the PKM zeta and mRNA can be translated.
So we get PKM zeta protein, a kinase that is active over time. This kinase keeps on promoting the
AMPA receptor density, so it promotes trafficking of AMPA receptors. And therefore, the kinase is
active over the time. And it’s a nice mechanism to maintain high density of AMPA receptors.
Now of course, such a mechanism lasts only so long as PKM zeta is around. And as you know, each
protein in the body is turned over within a few hours or, at most, within a day or so.
What is synaptic tagging?
It is a theory seeks to explain how neural signaling at a particular synapse creates a target for subsequent plasticity-related product trafficking essential for sustained LTP and LTD
What does the induction of LTP require?
So the induction of LTP– it required NMDA
receptors, and CaM kinase,
What does the consolidation of LTP require?
The consolidation of LTP that requires protein
synthesis that have to be taken up only by the activated synapses.
What is PKM
zeta, protein kinase m zeta?
PKMζ is thought to be responsible for maintaining long-term memories in the brain
While induction entails the transient activation of CaMKII and PKC, maintenance of E-LTP (early-form LTP) is characterized by their persistent activation. During this stage, PKMz (Protein kinase Mζ) which does not have dependence on calcium, become autonomously active.
What are the the molecular principles of LTP induction, consolidation and maintenance?
The molecular principles, of LTP induction
requires NMDA receptor activation and allowing calcium entry into the synapse, MK2 activation,
AMPA receptor trafficking, and the LTP consolidation. So we can consolidate early LTP into late phase
LTP by synthesis of new proteins. These new proteins are taken up. We do not know exactly what
these new proteins are. And research is still undergoing to understand what these proteins are, and
why are they so important for late phase LTP.
And finally, we talked about the LTP maintenance, in particular about PKM zeta– a kinase that is
locally-produced at the synapses and is persistently active and persistently increases, or keeps the
increased density of AMPA receptors.
In our next part, we will be talking about memory, because now, we would like to establish whether
long term potentiation actually is really important for memory or not. So it has interesting properties,
but we need to find out, is it important?
What are the the molecular principles of LTP induction, consolidation and maintenance?
The molecular principles, of LTP induction
requires NMDA receptor activation and allowing calcium entry into the synapse, MK2 activation,
AMPA receptor trafficking, and the LTP consolidation.
So we can consolidate early LTP into late phase
LTP by synthesis of new proteins. These new proteins are taken up. We do not know exactly what
these new proteins are.
And research is still undergoing to understand what these proteins are, and
why are they so important for late phase LTP.
And finally, we talked about the LTP maintenance, in particular about PKM zeta– a kinase that is
locally-produced at the synapses and is persistently active and persistently increases, or keeps the
increased density of AMPA receptors.
Parts 3 & 4 of topic 1 week 4
The water maze study and also Hebbian Plasticity
Slide 3
Welcome to Part Three of our lecture series on synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. In this
part, we will discuss hippocampal memory tasks. That is because we need to understand behavioural
tasks, before we can explore the question of a long term potentiation is an important learning,
memory mechanism.
As you know, the hippocampus is very important for learning memory in humans. That is thought
because surgical ablation of the hippocampus affects memory in patients– patients that have been
treated for epilepsy, and unfortunately then suffering severe memory impairment. However, such
studies lack a little bit of precision because when you do surgical removal of a brain area, you would
affect a number of different brain areas and not only the hippocampus.
So, one would need to do animal experiments to know exactly, kind of like, what the role of the
hippocampus is by just lesioning the hippocampus, for example. So the behavioural task we’re going
to discuss now are all sensitive to lesions of hippocampus in rodents. And we will primarily focus on
mice because mouse studies have been used primarily to address the issue of long term potentiation
and memory. But it applies also to rats.
Before we go into the task, we will distinguish between different memory processes. And then we will
go into behavioural tasks.
Slide 4
Memory can be distinguished also on the time scale and by the brain areas involved. So we can talk
about a short term memory, or long term memory, a working memory, which is very short lasting.
And then the brain areas involved, so memories that require the hippocampus, memories which do
not require campus, for example memories that require the cerebellum. And so the focus here will
be really on, as I said, on memories that require the hippocampus.
So if you were to lesion the hippocampus, the memory is impaired. But it’s not to say that memory
is stored only in the hippocampus. It was probably stored also outside the hippocampus. But the
hippocampus is just an essential component of memory. Then basically, we will focus primarily on
long term memory, because long term potentiation is thought to be an important mechanism to store
memory for very long periods of time.
Lecture transcript
Week 4 © King’s College London 2019 2.
Transcripts by 3Playmedia
In humans the hippocampus is important for declarative memories, as I mentioned in part one
briefly. So it’s important for knowing who the prime minister is, or who a particular sports star is, or
other memories, kind of like for example, when you remember where the cinema is. These type of
memories you are aware of require hippocampus.
Of course, in rodents we cannot really speak of so-called declarative memories because we do not
know what rodents are aware of. So, therefore, this definition of declarative memory in rodents
doesn’t really apply. However, in rodents, it has been shown that the hippocampus is particularly
important for spatial memory. So memories of to find a particular location in a space. Or contextual
memory– so these are memories to remember a particular environment.
These types of memories have resulted basically from the discovery of places in the hippocampus.
So these are cells that fire only when an animal is in a particular location. So, therefore, being
discovered by John O’Keefe at University College London. And their discovery basically suggested
that the hippocampus is important for making a spatial map of the environment. And in humans
maybe even a cognitive map, maybe in animals also cognitive map.
Slide 5
To study spatial memory, people use the so-called water maze. It’s a task that was developed by
Richard Morris at St. Andrews at the time. So what Richard Morris did is he basically designed a
swimming pool that contains a submerged platform. And the water in the swimming pool is made
opaque, milky. We use in the laboratory white nontoxic paint for children. So the animals cannot look
through the water and cannot see the platform.
What the animal has here is basically a platform it can rest on, as you can see on the right side. And
then a swimming pool, basically the animal cannot climb out. So what the animal can learn in this task,
ultimately, is to locate a platform location. Using these cues in a room, like for example, this chair or
this picture on the wall, so they can basically learn how the map of a room looks like, and where in
that map a platform is located.
Now this behaviour task is really complicated. So the animal cannot learn this in one trial. So it’s a
very difficult task. What the animal learns here is many different things. So when you put for first time
a mouse into the water maze, the animal will try to climb out of the pool. So they swim around the rim
of the pool to try to get out until it has learned that there’s no escape.
When the animal goes into the next learning phase, it will explore the environment. So in another
trial, it will basically swim around randomly, until it finally bumps accidentally into a platform they can
rest on. So the animal will learn that there is actually a platform I can rest on. So it learns to use the
platform, so by swimming around randomly.
When the animal gets more clever, and it will finally develop a strategy to locate the platform. So for
example, it might learn that the platform is located to a particular distance to the pool wall. So then
it can swim with a particular radius to locate a platform. So these are kinds of strategies that are socalled
procedure, basically. They’re relatively efficient, but they are not ultimate spatial learning.
So these procedure strategies ultimately lead to spatial learning. Every animal learns that a platform
is located in a particular location in the room. And once it knows where in the room it is, it uses the
map, the spatial map, to navigate to it, the platform.
Now we can test for spatial learning by after training, in that we remove a platform from the
swimming pool and allow the animal to search for the missing platform. So if the animal then swims
toward the missing platform location, and spends most of that time doing the so-called memory
probe trial when the animal has remembered the spatial location. So the animal searches in the area
where the platform used to be. Contrary, the animal searches an equal amount of time in all areas of
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the swimming pool, when the animal indicates a random search for a missing platform in the memory
probe trial which shows what the animal has not learned the spatial location.
Slide 6
So this is what one does in the water maze. And now I’ll show you an example. So this example is
of some work which we have done in the laboratory. What we see here is after different training
sessions. We had 15 training sessions. We trained four different types of mice. So kind of like, for
simplicity, let’s just focus on WT, so wild-type mice. So these are the open symbols. And what we
record here is the latency in seconds. So this means the time the animal needs to reach the platform.
So for example, training session one indicates that wild-type mice, the open symbols need between
60 and 70 seconds in average to reach the hidden platform. Well, already in training session two, this
latency has declined to 30 seconds or 50 seconds. And with more training sessions, basically the
latency decreases until finally the animal reaches some kind of asymptote. So within 10 or 20 seconds
it can reach the hidden platform. So the animals have improved over time with a learning curve. And
so it’s clear learning in these wild-type animals, normal mice.
In contrast, the black symbols indicate a mutant mouse. We discuss this mutant mouse later in more
detail. But this mutant mouse, basically, has not improved over time, indicating that the mutants do
not learn. So something is impaired in these mutants that prevents learning. As I pointed out earlier,
such a curve, such a training curve alone, is actually not sufficiently indicative of impaired spatial
learning in the mutants or of spatial learning in the wild-type mice.
That is because wild-type mice could use, for example, an alternative strategy to locate the platform.
So we could circle the particular radius for example. And the mutants may have some kind of like
performance abnormalities. But let’s not go into mutants now. Let’s just focus more on how a normal
animal, a wild-type animal, would learn. And so, basically, just looking at this training curve alone, is
not sufficient evidence that there’s spatial learning in the wild-type animals.
To get the evidence, what we have to do is we have to give a memory probe trial. This indicates the
different strategies again, just making the point that there’s some learning, that there’s no escape.
It’s a first phase. And the use of a platform, basically one strategy learning, so these three things can
happen when you get an improvement in wild-type animals. But to the animals use really is spatial
Slide 7
For a spatial strategy, we do a spatial memory probe trial which is indicated in this slide here. So
if we just look at control animals without normal animals, you can basically now analyse the search
patterns. So the platform has been removed. The animal is allowed to search for the missing
platform. And we divide the pool into four quadrants. The quadrant of a platform used to be the
training quadrant and and three other quadrants.
And you can see from this control example, that most of the search time the animal spends in the
training quadrant, that’s also been quantified below. You see that the animal spends about 60% of the
search time in that quadrant and not much time in the remaining three quadrants, indicating that the
animal has a clear spatial bias. So it clearly remembers where the platform used to be. So there’s
evidence for spatial memory. So spatial learning has occurred.
On the right, this is a drug-treated animal. We’ll come back to this in a moment. Just to make the
point, this would be an animal that does not have a spatial memory because this animal searches now
equally in all four quadrants, as quantified below. You can see that basically the search time in the
quadrants is between 20% and 30%. For each quadrant, there’s no difference between the quadrants
indicating a random search. So there is no spatial memory in these animals.
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Slide 8
Now a more simple task that has been devised to assess for hippocampus dependent learning, is
the so-called passive avoidance task. So this is a task that can be learned in a single training trial. So
what’s done here is a rodent is placed into a lit compartment and the lit compartment is connected to
dark compartment. So a rodent, like a rat or a mouse, likes to be in the dark. So the animal would go
into the dark, once it is placed in the lit compartment. It goes almost immediately into the dark, where
a door can be closed and a mild foot shock can be provided.
So the animal here learns when that going into the dark could be dangerous because a mild foot
shock is provided. So the animal, therefore, would be learning to avoid to go into the dark. So at the
time of testing, when the animal is placed back into the lit compartment, the animal avoids to go into
the dark. So this is a passive avoidance task because the animal does not have to move to avoid the
dangerous situation. It’s passive.
So passive avoidance requires the hippocampus. So if the animals would obtain lesions of the
hippocampus, then the animals would not remember. But in the dark there was a shock, so we would
go again into the dark compartment. And they would just have no memory of the association between
dark and foot shock.
Slide 9
So a typical example of this task is shown here in this slide. So in panel A, you can see a wild-type
animal, so normal wild-type mouse. So at the time of training and the open bar shows you that the
latency to go into the dark is below 50 seconds. It’s maybe like 20 seconds. But after the training,
after one training trial, a wild-type animal avoids to go into the dark. So it now spends more than 250
seconds in the lit compartment.
And on the right, as comparison, it’s just a mutant animal. And this mutant animal has also a very
short latency at the time of training. So it’s motivated to go into the dark, where it gets a shock,
but it will not remember that it has received a shock in the dark, basically. So again in this mutant
something, some process is impaired that impairs hippocampus dependent memory formation.
So this is the one trial learning task. So this is in contrast to the water maze that requires many
training trials. And the advantage of one trial learning tasks is that all the animals learn at the same
time, so after one trial that is. So if you want to study molecular or cellular processes that underlie
learning and memory, then this is a great task because all the animals are kind of synchronised. They
have learned at the same time.
In the water maze in comparison, some animals may learn after training session five, others after
training sessions seven, and so on. So the animals are not synchronised. So they learn at different
time points. And it’s very difficult to find out when each animal has learned. So therefore, there is
much more noise in analysing molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie learning and memory.
The other advantage of one trial learning task would be that one can easily distinguish from short
term memory to long term memory. So that is the advantage of the synchronisation. So that because
we know exactly when the animals get trained. And then we can look for example, for short term
memory 30 minutes after training, as indicated in this cartoon here. It’s in panel B. So this is from
memory 30 minutes after training. Again the wild-type animal show an avoidance. The mutants do
not show an avoidance. So the mutants are impaired in short term memory. And we can look at long
term memory, which is usually done 24 hours after training. And we basically see that the long term
memory is impaired in the mutants but not in the wild-type animals.
So the mutants have an impairment in short term and long term memory, in this case. But because
short term memory is impaired, it’s likely that this is because of the long term memory impairment.
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Slide 10
So this part introduced you into some behavioural testing of protocols for assessing hippocampus
dependent memory.
We needed to have this session basically to familiarise you with these behavioural tasks because
these tasks have been used to study whether LTP is a memory mechanism. So LTP was measured in
the hippocampus, these are hippocampus dependent memory tasks. And the questions in the next
part will be is what happens when we block the induction of long term potentiation. What happens to
learning of memory? What happens if you block the maintenance of long term potentiation, that would
erase existing hippocampus dependent memories? And so on.
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Topic 1
Learning, memory and synaptic plasticity - Part 4 of 4
Week 4
Biological basis of learning, memory & cognition
Biological Foundations of Mental Health
Professor Peter Giese
Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience
Slide 3
Welcome to our fourth part on synaptic plasticity and memory. So in this fourth part, we will finally
discuss whether LTP in the hippocampus is important for learning and memory. So you will learn
about approaches, how LTP was studied in this context, whether LTP is actually induced by training
in a memory task. I will explain in a moment. And we will learn about methods– how LTP has been
manipulated, and whether this has impacted on learning and memory.
For LTP– LTP, as I mentioned in the second– or first part, in particular– is an interesting phenomenon,
because it’s long-lasting synaptic plasticity. It’s an enhancement in synaptic plasticity. It has input
specificity. That is also a very interesting property. It has associative properties, co-operative
properties. So all of these properties make it a very intuitive model for learning and memory. But in
addition, it also follows Hebb’s postulate.
Slide 4
In 1949, the Canadian psychologist, Donald Hebb, wrote a book The Organization of Behavior. And
in this book, he illustrated a principle in how he thought that neurons should behave when an animal
learns new information.
And he basically wrote is when an axon of neuron A excites neuron B, and repeatedly or persistently
would do so, when some changes like growth processes, or metabolic changes would take place, in
one or both cells, so that A’s efficiency to fire B is increased.
So certainly speaking, LTP follows this phenomenon. Because when you have a high frequency
stimulation, where basically, you enhance the synoptic transmission between neuron A and neuron B,
and so the likelihood that neuron A fires neuron B is increased. It is strictly speaking, however, not the
firing of what is enhanced, it’s the synaptic transmission that is enhanced. But loosely speaking, LTP
follows the Hebb postulate.
Slide 5
Up till this point, we have always talked about LTP after electrical stimulation. So LTP was induced by
electrical stimulation. And the question is, really, does such type of synaptic plasticity really exist in a
behaving brain?
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So because when we use electric stimulations, we just assume that these electrical activity patterns
really exist. To address this point, researchers have asked the question whether training in a
hippocampus dependent memory task can actually induce LTP. So to this end, we have used this
passive avoidance task, which I explained in part three.
So the passive avoidance task has restraint. But it’s a one trial memory paradigm. It’s hippocampus
So just to briefly repeat, we put an animal into a lid compartment– a mouse or rat– in this case, rats
were used. And then the rat goes into the dark; door closes. A shock is provided– a mild foot shock.
And so the animal learns that the dark– it associates with a mild foot shock. So at the time of testing,
the animal is put back into a lid compartment. And the animal would avoid to go into it dark.
Slide 6
Animals have been trained in this task. And before training, multiple electrodes were implanted
into area C1 of the hippocampus, as shown in panel A, here. So you see basically eight recording
electrodes– one to eight– and one stimulation electrode.
The reason for having so many different recording electrodes is that the idea is that behaviour is
used to induce LTP. Maybe only a small set of synapses will undergo LTP. And many other synapses
will not be affected. Whereas, if all of the synapses would undergo LTP when the animal could only get
one memory, and that’s the end of it.
So, obviously, the animal should produce many, many different memories. So therefore, only a small
set of synapses should undergo LTP. But then you should use multiple recording electrodes to detect
the LTP. So they used eight recording electrodes.
And so we trained the animal in the inhibitory avoidance task. And in panel B you can see where
the trained animals, in average, basically– are shown in orange– show after the training and
enhancement of synaptic transmission, and where enhancement seems to be long lasting. So it’s
measured here up to four hours after the training.
Panels G and I show this in more detail. So in this case, the field, EPSP, is a measure to plot it, versus
basically the number of synapses or the percent of the electrodes– and for four different groups of
So the animals that have been trained, this is the red circles. And the animals that are naive– let’s
just focus on these two groups first. The naives are blue. And so what you see here is the population
of synapses are such that for blue, that the average is around 100%. And when basically, after the
training, the red ones you can see that they have shifted to the right. You see some synapses that
show more EPSP slope. So some synapses show 150% EPSP slope, which you never observe for
naive animals.
So some synapses are severely potentiated. That is all true for 30 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours after
conditioning. So these synapses have produced LTP.
Slide 7
There is also other behavioural control. So for example, animals that have received the shock only–
in other words, the animals are placed immediately into a dark compartment, get a shock, and so it’s
not– so the animals really don’t know, actually, what the task is about. They just experience a shock,
but they cannot really make an association between the shock and something else.
Or alternatively, an animal is just placed into a lit compartment, allowed to go into the dark, but
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doesn’t receive any shock. So again, there’s no association between darkness and shock. And again,
these two groups, which are just performance controls– no LTP was induced. So only LTP was
induced when animals were trained in the inhibitory avoidance task.
So this shows that behavioural training can induce LTP. And in this paper– please, have a read of the
paper, if you’re interested. This paper will show that it was actually NMDA receptor-dependent. So
LTP really occurs during memory formation.
Slide 8
The next set of experiments, which were done to probe whether LTP is important for memory, is to
manipulate LTP and then to test the impact on water maze behaviour. And so as I explained in part
three, with Morris water maze task– so the water maze task assesses for whether there is spacial
memory or not.
In particular, after training, when a memory probe trial is given, during the memory probe trial the
platform is removed from the swimming pool. And the animal is allowed to search for the missing
Slide 9
So here the animals– some rats were treated with an NMDA receptor blocker, AP5– and versus
controls. And you have seen this graph before. It was a graph for part three.
It indicates, basically, in a memory probe trial, the AP5 treated animals have a random surge. So
there is no spatial memory. Whereas, for control animals, which are just treated with some kind of
saline, they have a spatial memory, because they surge most of the time in the training quadrant.
Now this experiment then indicates that blocking NMDA receptor impairs spatial learning. So since
NMDA receptors are important for the induction of LTP, which suggests that LTP is important for
learning. However, as every experiment, there is a catch.
The catch is that the drug dose in these experiments was relatively high. So the animals had some
performance abnormalities. They fell off a platform, for example.
Furthermore– and blocking NMDA receptors does not only block the induction of LTP, it also blocks
long-term depression, for example. And so in principle, one cannot exclude the possibility that
impairment in long-term depression has resulted in the impaired spatial learning.
Slide 10
Another way of blocking LTP is to generate mutant mice. So this is because only a limited number
of drugs is available to block particular molecules, like the NMDA receptor. Whereas genetics, with
mouse genetics, one can manipulate any gene of interest.
The Nobel Prize committee awarded the Nobel Prize for gene targeting to manipulate the mouse
genome. So in this case, you basically manipulate any gene at will in mouse embryonic stem cells. And
then you generate a mutant mouse, nowadays, where even more quicker methods, like the CRISPR/
Cas genome editing system, for example, which can work directly in fertilised embryos in zygotes. So
you can manipulate any gene at will in a very quick way.
And so the rationale behind such experiments is that you, basically, impair a molecular process. And
that impairs maybe LTP. And then you can ask the question, does it impair learning and memory?
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Slide 11
So one experiment that was done by Susumu Tonegawa, the Nobel laureate, who got actually his
Nobel Prize for discovery of antibody diversity and how this is being generated, he’s now very
interested in learning and memory. So one of his early studies when he turned into the learning/
memory field was to knock out an essential NMDA receptor subunit only in the hippocampus.
And so basically, we sent the NMDA receptor– consists of the NR1, GluN1 subunit. That is an essential
subunit for all of NMDA receptors. So if you knock out the gene that encodes GluN1, you block NMDA
And you can make a conditional knock out. That’s indicated here. So you can basically introduce
with LoxP, recombination sequences in the NMDA receptor gene, in the GluN1 gene. And these LoxP
sequences are recognised by Cre recombinase, that cuts out when the sequence in between the
LoxP sequences and leads to knock out.
And now in that case, you get only a knock out when Cre recombinase is active. And Tonegawa
succeeded to have a mutant mouse that has an active Cre recombinase only in hippocampal area
Slide 12
So this is indicated here, in the next cartoon. You can see, basically, this is a mouse that provides Cre
in area CA1. And in area CA1, there was no expression of the GluN1 subunit anymore.
This is an in situ hybridisation, which shows in control animals– nice expression of GluN1 in CA1,
CA3 and then the gyrus of the hippocampus. But you can see here with the signal in CA1 of the
hippocampus is severely reduced. It’s actually later confirmed by electrophysiology as completely
abolished in the CA1 unit.
Slide 13
What’s the consequence of knocking out NMDA receptors in area CA1? Well, it impairs spatial
memory. In the probe trial, after water maze trainings, these mice have been assessed. And you
can see here four groups of mice– the wild-type mice, which basically show in the memory probe
trial, that they search most of the time in the training quadrant. And then you have two other mouse
lines, which are just controls mouse lines that have a GluN1 flanked by LoxP sites– so they have also
a spatial memory when T29-1, just mice that have Cre recombinase. And they have also a spatial
And then, finally, we see one specific knockout mice for GluN1. They show a random search. So there
is no spatial memory.
So this is consistent with the finding where the pharmacological block of the NMDA receptors blocks
spatial memory. And it suggests where LTP– impaired LTP induction impairs spatial memory.
However, the catch is, of course, that blocking NMDA receptors can also block long-term depression.
So it’s unclear whether these impairments have resulted from impaired long-term depression or
impaired long-term potentiation.
Slide 14
Now an enzyme that has been very much implicated in long-term potentiation is CaM Kinase II, as
illustrated in part two. So CaM Kinase II, is the calcium calmodulin-dependent kinase. It has, as almost
every kinase, a regulatory domain and a catalytic domain.
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Normally, the regulatory domain inhibits the catalytic domain. So the enzyme is not active. However,
when calcium levels rise in the post-synapse, calcium binds to calmodulin, and the calcium calmodulin
complex binds to a regulatory domain, inducing a conformational change. So now the enzyme can
phosphorylate substrates.
This configuration of the enzyme is dependent on the presence of high levels of calcium calmodulin.
So when calcium calmodulin levels drop back to baseline, the enzyme is inactive. However, the
enzyme can undergo an autophosphorylation, it can phosphorylate itself at threonine-286.
Threonine-286 is within the regulatory domain. And when you get phosphorylation of threonine-286,
you get a further conformational change that entraps the bound calcium calmodulin. So we’re now
at baseline levels of calcium calmodulin. There is still bound calcium calmodulin, and the enzyme
remains active.
This autophosphorylation event has been thought to be an important event for maintaining
long- term potentiation. And therefore, there was interest to make a mutation that blocks for the
autophosphorylation. And actually, I myself did this work when I was in New York. As a post-doc, I
made a mutant mouse that has threonine-286 change to alanine.
So if you change the amino acid to alanine, the alanine cannot be phosphorylated. And it doesn’t have
a hydroxyl group. So you basically block the autophosphorylation at threonine-286. And you end up
with an enzyme that is normally active with a presence of calcium calmodulin.
Slide 15
So what happens to these animals? So they have severely impaired LTP in CA1 in the hippocampus.
So this is indicated here. So in panel A you see the open circles is LTP in normal wild-type mice. So
you have first STP and then followed by LTP.
In the mutants we have only some kind of PTP and maybe STP briefly, but mostly PTP, and then no LTP.
So LTP is completely abolished. Well, it was also shown in vivo, so in the alive animal where LTP was
completely abolished.
So the autophosphorylation of CaMKII at threonine-286 is fundamentally important for induction of
LTP. It’s not so clear whether it’s important for LTD. It seems to be rather important for LTP.
Slide 16
What happens to animals in the water maze? Well, you saw this graph also before, where basically
there is no improvement when the animals were trained in the water maze. And at the memory probe
trial, you can see on the right where mutants are shown in black, there is an equal surge in all four
quadrants, indicating a random surge. Whereas wild-type animals have more surge in TQ.
In this case, please note that the proximity is plotted, which is inversely correlated to the time spent
in the area– so if you have less proximity, when you spent more time basically, in the target quadrant.
And so in wild-type animals, they have selective surging in the target quadrant, while various mutants
have a random surge, indicating they have no spatial memory.
So these mutants were in lack of LTP induction and were lack spatial memory, further strengthening a
correlation between LTP and memory.
Slide 17
Finally, we can also manipulate the maintenance of LTP and ask the question whether this impairs an
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established memory, which is work that has been done by Todd Sacktor, who is based in New York.
And so what he has found, he has identified a peptide that blocks protein kinase M zeta, where it’s
important for the maintenance of LTP. And this experiment shows where the peptide, ZIP, can block
the maintenance of LTP.
In panel D you see that LTP was induced and then recorded for many hours. So this is a late-phase
LTP. After a few hours the LTP consolidates into late-phase LTP when it’s being maintained.
And now ZIP is provided to a hippocampus slice or recorded in the hippocampus slice. And when the
ZIP treatment wipes out the LTP, the ZIP is therefore blocking the LTP maintenance mechanism. And it
was suggested to work via PKMzeta.
However, nowadays, we are not so certain. Because when PKMzeta is knocked out in mice, ZIP is
still able to block LTP maintenance. And therefore, it might act also on our molecules and not only on
In panel E is another behavioural task that requires the hippocampus– and to ask the question,
whether blocking of a ZIP erases hippocampus dependent memory. So the animals, in this case, were
placed with the rats. They’re placed on a rotating platform.
When the platform rotated into a particular area, the animal would receive a mild electrical foot
shock. And so what the animal learns from this task is to avoid to go into the area. It’s an active
avoidance task.
Basically, so then he has to move away from this area. It has to identify where the area is using these
cues in the box. So you can see that it requires a few training trials. And then the animal can avoid to
go into the danger zone.
So initially, it goes very quickly into a danger zone– within just maybe 10 seconds or so. And after
training, it needs more than 200 seconds to be in the danger zone.
So well, this memory can last a long time. So for example, it can be tested at 24 hours after the
training– so one day after the training. So when the animals are treated with saline, you can see that
they are still avoiding to go into the danger zone.
However, when our animals are injected with ZIP, well, there’s no memory, because now we the
animal is caught almost immediately back into the danger zone. So ZIP has erased the memory here.
And it has also erased LTP. So it has blocked the LTP maintenance. And so that’s a very strong
correlation between LTP maintenance and memory maintenance.
Slide 18
Taking these things together, there’s very strong evidence that LTP is a memory mechanism. So there
are theoretical grounds, loosely speaking. LTP follows Hebb’s postulate.
We have seen that LTP can be induced by behavioural training. Furthermore, blocking LTP induction
seems to block spatial memory formation. And further, blocking LTP maintenance seems to erase a
spatial memory.