week 4 notes for exam 4 Flashcards
ch67 main purpose of immune is
ID anything thats not from you (foreign invaders)
what are antigens
something thats not from you
what are pathogens
something causes disease in people…you don’t have to have an immune response to create a disease
2 basic immune responses
natural and acquired
antibodies in your blood do not….
kill bacteria
antobodies that you take….
kill bacteria
Antibody mediates immunity is your
allergic response
5 major cells tat have to do you with antibody humorl and cell mediated reactions…
B-lymphocytes, cytotoxiccells, helper cells and macrophages and dendrites( greek for like a tree) nothign to do with neurons
only B lymphocytes can recognize a….
specific antigen and recognize and react to it specifically
mast and basophils are resonsible for
allergic reax..release histamine and heparin( release by triggerng by antigen(foreign thing)
IgG is
indogenous antibodies in the blood
oncogenes trigers DNA
change in a cell.
broncha 1 and 2 protect fom breast and
ovarian cancer.
gene therapy is
HUGE in the fight for cancer…by modifiying oncogenes etc…by kill proliferative growth of the cell.
shortest phase of cell cycle is