Week 4 literatuur Flashcards


Doug Y Mckinsey Ten tips for leading a company out of crisis

  • Throw away your perceptions of a company in distress
    There is not one working def for a company in disrtress. Problem is a result of greater number of signs interacting together and with external factors.
    placat e
  • Force yourself to critizize your own plan
    Build in trigger points (Operational, market performance and financial metrics). If performance is not there, reasses.
  • Expect more from your board
    Managers treat board as necessary evil to placate but this undermines board role as early warning system.

-Focus on cash
Is company generating cash or burning it? which investment in business are generating or burning cash?

  • Create a great change story
    Creating a change story that everyone understands and that creates some sens eof urgency. (Means something to average joe to get them on board.)
  • Treat a turnaround like a crisis
    A crisis demands significant action, now, which is what a disstressed company needs. Not a reaction like a stable company. Bold actions change trajectory of the company. Company in crisis is willing to try things that it normally wouldn’t consider.
  • Build traction for change with quick wins.
    In addition of going after big bets managers should focus on getting a series of quick wins to gain traction within organization (Cost focused or policy focused). They generate support from employees.
  • Throw out your old incentive plan
    Incentives were too complex. Offer managers incentives tied to specifically what you need them to do.
  • Replace a top team member or two
    They often block change because they’re defencding what they believe is true. it also sends message to stakeholders.
  • Find and retain talanted people
  • People with institutional knowledge (not top performance)
  • attracting new leadership talent
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