What is health promotion?
- “the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and to improve, their health.”
- The science and art of helping people change their
lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health.
State the WHO definition of health
“a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being rather than a mere absence of disease or infirmity.”
State the Medical definition of health.
The normal physical state, i.e., the state of being whole and free from physical and mental disease or pain, so that the parts of the body can carry on their proper function.
Describe the action areas of health promotion.
*Building healthy public policies: Health must be on the agenda of policy makers in all sectors and at all levels, directing them to be aware of the health consequences of their decisions and to accept their responsibilities for health.
*Creating supportive environments: Where people live, work, etc should be conducive for good health and wellbeing
*Strengthening community action: Empowerment of communities to take ownership and control over their lives including health and wellbeing
*Personal skills: Encouraging personal development through information and education for individuals to gain skills in taking care of their health and wellbeing
*Reorient Health Services: health sector must move increasingly in a health promotion direction, beyond its responsibility for providing clinical and curative services and include preventive services
Describe the principles of health promotion.
*Empowering: enable people to gain greater control over decisions and actions affecting their health.
*Participatory: involving all in decision making
*Holistic: involving all four dimensions of health- physical, social, mental, spiritual
*Intersectoral: collaboration of all agencies/ organizations
*Equitable: equity and social justice- ensuring fairness of outcomes for service users.
*Sustainable: changes and outcomes of health promotion should be maintained.
*Multi-strategy: variety of approaches/strategies
What are the overall goals of health promotion?
*To prevent disease
*To ensure that people are well informed and able to make health choices
*To help people to acquire the skills and confidence to take greater control over their health
*To change policies and environments in order to facilitate healthy choices.
State the 5 different approaches to health promotion.
1.Medical or preventive
2.Behavior change
5.Social change
Describe the medical or preventative approach to health promotion.
*To reduce morbidity and premature mortality.
*To ensure freedom from disease and disability.
*Uses medical intervention to prevent ill-health or premature death.
1.Primary prevention– prevention of the onset of disease through risk education, e.g., immunization, encouraging non-smoking.
2.Secondary prevention– preventing the progression of disease, e.g., screening and other methods of early diagnosis.
3.Tertiary prevention– reducing further disability and suffering in those already ill; preventing recurrence of an illness, e.g. rehabilitation, patient education, palliative care.
Describe the behavioral change approach to health promotion.
Interventions and strategies developed and carried out for bringing appropriate change in health behavior of people.
-To encourage individuals to adopt healthy behaviors.
-Views health as the responsibility of individuals.
- Communication
-Persuasion, motivational interview
-Models of behavior change: eg Health Belief Model, Cycle of change
State the factors that influence health seeking behavior according to the health belief model.
*Perceived susceptibility
*Perceived severity
*Perceived benefits
*Perceived costs
State the 6 stages of change.
Describe the education approach to health promotion.
*To provide knowledge and information.
*To develop the necessary skills for informed choice.
*The outcome is clients voluntary choice.
*Information-giving through interpersonal channels, small groups and mass media, so that the clients can make an informed choice.
*Group discussion for sharing and exploring health attitudes
*Role play for decision-making and negotiating skills
*Health promotion materials
Describe the empowerment approach to health promotion.
State the 2 types of empowerment.
*Helps people to identify their own needs and concerns and gain the necessary skills and confidence to act upon them.
*2 types: self & Community empowerment
*Client-centered: including counselling, community development and advocacy.
Describe the Social change approach to health promotion.
*To bring about changes in physical, social, and economic environment which enables people to enjoy better health.
*The focus is on changing society, not on changing the behavior of individuals
*Focus on shaping the health environment
*Development of healthy public policies andlegislation
creating supportive social and physicalenvironments
Describe the following methods of health promotion.
*Health persuasion
*Health persuasion: behavioral change led by experts e.g., smoking and alcohol abuse messaging, Health education
*Counselling; one on one counselling, focus group discussions e.g., Diabetic patient group
*Legislative: policy and law enforcement, Don’t Drink and Drive law, mandatory use of Seatbelts in motor vehicles, no smoking areas
*Community: community led initiatives, advocacy campaigns
*Global: Global health governance e.g., WHO regulations: International code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes, Healthy cities programme, Framework convention on tobacco control, Global strategy on diet and nutrition
Discuss dilemmas associated with health promotion.
*Techniques such as highly emotional appeals, exaggerations, omissions, provocative tactics, or the use of children
*Infringing on people’s privacy, interfering with their right to freedom of choice and autonomy, and issues of equity (such as by widening social gaps, where mainly those who are better off benefit from the interventions).
*Digital Gaps: People with limited digital literacy or who lack physical access to computing facilities, as well as without relevant skills and competencies
*Some interventions may have unintended adverse effects on the psychological well-being of individuals or groups (e.g., by inadvertently stigmatizing or labeling people portrayed as negative models e. Obesity campaigns)
*In multicultural settings since members of diverse populations may hold beliefs or engage in practices considered by health promoters as “unhealthy,” but which have important cultural significance