Week 4: H 5, 4 Flashcards
Is the organizational capability to adapt easily to changes in its external environment.
Balanced approaches
‘Balanced Approaches’ in HRM take into account employers’ and employees’ interests on individual employee and organizational levels of analysis.
represents a person’s condition in which the individual is complextely exhausted, lacks the energy to work, is extremely demotivated, is cynical towards the organization and colleagues and perceives personal incompetence in job performance.
Consensus nature of mainstream HRM
builds on the core assumption ‘what is good for the employer is also good for the employee and vice versa’.
Critical HR studies
focus on the negative effects of organizational innovations and HR renewal in terms of work intensification, job stress, perceived employee insecurity and discrimination.
Dissensus orientation in HRM
highlights the downside of people management practices in an organization.
Job decision latitude
refers to job control or descretion, and represents individual employees’ leeway or room to manoeuvre in their jobs
Job Demands
measures stress sources (stressors) and refers to an internal state of an individual.
Job Stress
Is a condition or feeling experiences when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.
Organizational Behaviour (OB)
focuses on how people, individuals and groupps act in organizations.
Organizational Health Psychology
mainly focuses on what workers can handle given the working conditions; for exampe, in terms of job demands and stress.
is the emotional, the mental and physical well-being of employees.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
is a new school of thought that was developrf in the 1990s and focuses on HR measurement and the determination of human, social and organizational capital in an organization.
Human Capital Valuation (HCV) or human resource (HR) metrics
is closely related to HCM, with a strong emphasis on the quantification and statistics of HRM.
Human resource accounting (HRA)
is a school of thought developed in the 1970s focused on the measurement and rating of employees in an organization.
The human resource (HR) Scorecard
Is a framework for mapping all assets that are directly linked to the employment relationship in an organization reflecting human, social and organizational capital.