Week 4 - Co-ordination in simultaneous move games Flashcards
True or false: Co-ordination games have multiple Nash equilibriua
What is a focal point
Some equilibria are more focal than others due to shared history, language and culture. In this way we can distinguish which equilibria is more likely to be played
What is the difference between primary and secondary salience?
primary salience is what is your favourite, secondary salience is what you think is the favourite of others.
What is schelling salience?
How everyone as a team could solve the coordination problem.
What is the stag hunt game?
2 players deciding to hunt either stag or hare. Stag gives more utility but can only be caught if both players hunt it.
What are the 2 pareto-ranked nash equilibrium in the stag hunt game
stag stag or hare hare
s,s = payoff dominant eq
h,h = risk dominant eq
In experiment, what result do we see in the stag hunt game?
Play converges to the risk dominant equilibrium, but it can depend on payoffs.
What are 2 ways to facilitate effective co-ordination in the stag hunt game?
pre play communication
outside option - P1 decides whether to play or award a certain payoff to each. If p1 plays, p2 knows they will choose the stag
What is the minimum effort game?
Payoffs depend on your effort and the effort in your group e.g. group projects. Effort is costly, but payoffs increase in the player who puts in the minimum effort of the group.
In experiment, what do we see in the minimum effort game?
Large groups gradually converge to to the most inefficient equilibrium. 90% of small groups converge to payoff dominant equilibrium, but only with partner matching. With random rematching, it’s the same as large groups.
What is inefficient lock in?
Coordination on an inefficient equilibrium.
What ways can you overcome inefficient lock-in (4)
- Cash incentive for effective co-operation
- revealing information about all choices not just the minimum
- communication by a leader
- repeating the game
What is the critical mass game?
In a group of 6, an uprising is successful if 5 revolt. if you revolt and uprising is successful, you get 100. If you fail you get 5. If you stay out you get 60