Week 4 Flashcards


What steps do you need to follow when starting a project from scratch?


A nautical company wanting to start selling books.
Users: people who buy sailing books.
Questions to consider:
1) Who are the user roles? hardcore sailor, novice sailor, new sailor, gift-buyer, etc etc.
2) Can we consolidate these roles? Sometimes we can combine buildings/organisations to user roles, e.g. library becomes librarian.
3) Work out the detail for each role under the headings:
i) experience with computers
ii) experience buying online
iii) experience with sailing terms
4) Which roles are expected to generate the most sales? Experienced sailor and instructor.
5) Create two personas:
i) Teresa: an experienced sailor
ii) Captain Ron: an instructor.
6) Create stories for Teresa:
-Search for books
- View detailed info on a book
- put books in shopping cart and buy them later
- remove books from shopping cart
- set up an account that remembers addresses
- edit account info etc etc
7) Create stories for Captain Ron.
8) Add estimates to cards.
9) Must have stories, should have stories - add up the story points.
10) The Release Plan
11) Choose the stories based on the customer’s priority.
12) Write up some sample acceptance tests
13) Testing the constraints

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