week 4 Flashcards
define occupation
Anything we do, or would like to do.
Everything we do contributes to health,
Not all choices we make are good choices when it comes to health
whats the occuapation risk factors
occupation imbalance
occupation deprivation
occupation alienation
whats occupation imbalance
imbalance a state that occurs because peoples engagement in occupation fails to meet either their natural health requirements for physical, social and mental exercise or rest or their unique needs. Eg uni, work, social life, sleep. Eventually needs to Balance out to maintain mental and physical health.
whats occupation deprivation
something or someone thats not the person that is limiting their health, out of the control of person. Eg refugees, incarcerated (prisoners, nursing homes), under or over employed, disability.
-may act out, issues with trust
whats occupation alienation
not family, feeling restricted from being able to access it. Eg. Not knowing how to use the computer, self service cash register, using different currencies.
whats risk facotrs
Risk factors are an attribute , characteristic or exposure of an individual that increases that likelihood of developing a disease or injury.
*small periods of the imbalance are okay, but long periods are bad for your health
whats the world health organisation ICF
provides a framework for functioning with a disability
- emphasises wellness
- suggests all people have …. To participate.
- between biomedical and socio economic model
whats the aims of the ICF model
to provide a scientific basis for consequences health conditions.
To establish a common language to improve communications (same terms for same thing)
To permit comparison of data across; contries, health care disciplenes, services and times
To provide systemic coding scheme for health information systems.
whats the stages of the ICF model
begins with health condition (disease/disorder)
then broken down into body functions and structures( impairment), actives (limitation) and participation (restriction)
then broken into environmental factors and personal factors
whats functioning and disability section of the ICF model (second row)
body functions and structures, body functions: physiological functions of body system (including psychological) Body structure:anatomical parts of the body such as organs, limbs and their components.
Activities: the execution of a task or action eg typing on a computer .
participation: involvement in a life situation.
whats the contextual factors of the ICF model (third row)
environment factors: physical, social, and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives.
Personal factors: age, gender, background, education
Example of 7 year old who’s had a brain injury and can’t move right side analyse using ICF model
Health condition: traumatic brain injury, broken arm
Body function: memory and fatigue issues, right side weakness
Activities: needs assistant at school, parents assist with dressing and bathing at home
Participation: needs help to and from school, struggling to cope at school and playing wiht friends
Environmental factors: barriers-loss of friendships, not enough fundings, school area large, facilitators- supportive family, friends and carer(positives)
Personal factors: fatigue, difficulty communicating, motivated, good inside (positives)
whats the significance of the ICF model
fits between biomedical and socio ecological model
common language
states two people with some diagnosis will differ in level of functioning, or in contrast same level of functioning different diagnosis.
whats ICF stand for
International classification of function
whats occupation deprivation
is described as “a state of preclusion from engagement in occupations of necessity and/or meaning due to factors that stand outside the immediate control of the individual”
whats inequalities that can lead to occupational deprivation
individuals who are incarcerated
refugees and asylum seekers who are placed in detention and processing centres both in Australia and offshore
people with disability or mental illness
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
those living in geographically isolated environments (for example, Australian rural locations categorised as “remote”)
hose living on or below the minimum income z people experiencing homelessness
people experiencing long term unemployment.
whats the consequences of occupational deprivation
it reduces people’s capacities and significantly diminishes health, wellbeing, and quality of life.