Week 4 Flashcards
Genetic Biases and Asymmetries
What is “Stance” referring to in the context of lateralization?
Stance is referring to mid-stance phase of gait
What does lateralization mean?
Shifting center of
gravity over a given side of the body.
This can occur with or without
What does ‘Occupancy’ mean in reference to this course?
The ability to properly
achieve stance on a given side and
effectively shift out of that side.
*Think “can you occupy the entirety of movement possible on this side”
What happens visually when we shift into “stance”?
-Cervical sidebend to opposite side of stance leg
-Lower shoulder on same side of stance leg
-Spine facing same side of stance leg
-Pelvis facing same side of stance leg
-Weight on outside foot of stance leg
Which side of the body is slightly heavier due to organ weight?
*Bonus: Which organs are responsible for this?
Right side
- Liver
-More lung weight on right side
Can you speak to some of the qualities of the Right Dome of the Diaphragm compared to the Left ?
-Right Dome is larger than the Left
-It is proped up by the liver, which makes it positionally able to work better in respiration
-Has more leverage on the anterior spine, due to the thickness and position of the ‘Right Crus’
Can you speak to to qualities of the Left Dome of the Diaphragm compared to the Right Dome
The Left side is smaller and has relatively more ability to descend compared to the right side.
-Less leverage from organs and generally open left chest wall
Air from Right Diaphragm goes into which lung? Right or Left?
The Left Diaphragm often acts more as what: a postural stabilizer or a respiratory muscle?
Postural Stabilizer
Describe the visual overview of ‘Right Lateralization’.
-Higher right hip
-Lower right shoulder
-Head sidebent left
-Sternum & sacrum facing right
-Weight on outside of right foot
What is the main difference between Right Lateralization and Mid Stance?
The Right Hip will be higher in Right Lateralization. Everything else is the same as Mid stance
Describe Right Lateralized Pelvis moving through Orientation.
Left side: Anteriorly oriented
Right side: Posteriorly oriented
Describe a Right Lateralized Pelvis moving through Relative Motion.
(Sacrum & Innominate Bones)
Left Side: Counternutation & External Rotation
Right Side: Nutation & Internal Rotation
Describe Left and Right Hip Joint in Right Lateralization
Right IR
Left ER
Describe Left and Right Femur in Right Lateralization
Right ER
Left IR
Describe the Left & Right Tibia and Foot in Right Lateralization
Left Tibia = IR’d
Left Foot = Pronated
Right Tibia=ER’d
Right Foot = Supinated
What Muscles on the Right side of the lower body are more Concentrically oriented in Right Lateralization
-Anterior gluteus medius (internal rotator)
-Medial hamstrings