Week 4 Flashcards
What does natural selection cause?
Evolution of traits which enhance survival
Some traits seem to reduce survival… why would these evolve?
(for example some features in the male golden pheasant, dragonfly penis end with barbs, Bower birds obsession with blue, etc)
Darwin recognised the problem being a result of Sexual selection and not natural selection
The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871)
Define sexual selection
The cause of evolutionary traits which give the owners a mating advantage over others of the same sex.
Such traits are called secondary sexual characteristics.
What are secondary sexual characteristics?
Traits which differ between the sexes.
Not connected with gamete production or transfer
For example: weapons (antlers, horns, etc), size dimorphism, elaborate displays and colours.
There is competition for reproductive opportunities
Why is it usually that males compete?
- Gamete size (difference bewteen egg and sperm)
- Potential rate of reproduction
Why is it usually that males compete: Gamete size?
Males: sperm, very small, large numbers, cheap
Females: eggs, large, small numbers, expensive
Female investment per gamete is relatively high
Why is it usually that males compete: Potential rate of reproduction?
Female: mate (minutes), gestate (9 months), can breed again in 10 months
Male: mate (minutes), replenish sperm (day), find new mate… could breen 300x faster than female
Males have higher potential rate than females, for example humans.
Bateman’s (1948) Drosophilia mating and reproductive success experiment
Studied reproductive success opportunities within fruitfly
Found males are limited by access to female resources
Found females access to more males doesn’t increase their reproductive success
Give an example
Starting 100 male : 100 female ratio where pregnancy lasts 5 months - why females can be choosy and males compete?
100m:100f, pregnancy lasts 5 months.
Make 10 females pregnant, males ready to re-mate females are not.
Operational sex ratio is now 90 available female : 100 male
Therefore, females are in short supply so males now have to compete for them. There are excess males, so females can afford to be choosy!
This drives sexual selection
Males compete for females,
Females are choosy
Or, more correctly?
The sex with the greater potential rate of reproduction competes whilst the other sex is choosy.
What are the advantages of being choosy, when it comes to successful reproduction?
Investment in eggs relatively high
Breeding opportunities relatively rare
Need to get:
- Right species
- Best quality male available
What are the 2 key types of sexual selection?
Intra-sexual selection (within)
- Competition for mates between individuals of the same sex
- Use of weapons, signals or size
Inter-sexual selection (between)
- Mate choice
- Usually completed with elaborate displays
Intra-sexual selection - weapons.
Evolution of antlers & horns in ungulates (deers, antelopes, etc) …
is it natural selection (used as defence) or sexual selection (used in competition for mates)?
- Often only male have weapons eg red deer
- Not always used for defence eg Moose defence by kicking, not using antlers
- May be used for defence, but differ in shape eg female antelopes, thinner but less often broken
- Many shed (their antlers) in winter when predation risk is highest
So… intra-sexual selection weapons have evolved due to sexual selection not natural selection
List some features of intra-sexual selection?
Rituals and displays
Intra-sexual selection - impact of size
Male competitions often won by the largest male, which selects for large males in size. This can lead to some extremes of size dismorphism
For example the elephant seal, males weigh 10x more than the female.
Intra-sexual selection: impact of rituals and displays?
Neither parties benefit from fighting, so they use ‘sizing up’ rituals instead before fighting to reduce risk of injury.
Eg: Red Deer display increases in intensity and the competition can back out at any point before fighting begins:
1. Roaring (deep, long roar suggests a bigger male)
2. Parallel walking (males walk shoulder to shoulder to evaluate the other deer and ‘size each other up’
3. Fighting (usually occur when the deer are evenly sized or if they cannot decide who is bigger during other displays.
What can intra-sexual selection rituals and displays lead to?
The evolution of some extravagant body parts,
for example: stalk-eed flies and peacock tails
Three drivers of inter-sexual selection?
(Selection to be choosy…)
- Getting the right species (if incorrect could lead to hybridisation)
- Direct benefits - males may come with resources (eg location with good resources, food, shelter, etc)
- Indirect benefits - males provide genetic benefits (eg traits male has might be beneficial to her offspring)
Inter-sexual selection: Getting right species example of potential hybrid zone
Australian Litoria frogs. Males sing to attract females. Overlap in area between Litoria verrauxi and Litoria ewingi (potential hybrid zone)
Can be studied using choice chambers
Found females are under selection pressure to get it right.
Females in hybrid zone go to correct male, while female not in hybrid zones don’t and make mistakes.
Shows: female preference is the greatest when cost of error is greatest.
Inter-sexual selection: direct benefits include
- Food
-Nest or laying sites - Parental care
-Protection from harassment - Etc
Inter-sexual selection: indirect benefits
Male genetic quality is passed to offspring such as parasite resistance, longevity, ‘sexiness’,
‘Good genes’ are inherited by the offspring and increase offspring viability rather than directly going to the female
What are the two main ideas on evolution of elaborate traits (eg colouration/song)?
- Fisher’s runway theory
- Good genes or handicap principle (Zahavi)
What is Fisher’s runway theory on the evolution of elaborate traits?
Female preference for a trait becomes genetically linked with the trait, which could lead to greater reproductive success merely because of the fact more females prefer it.
Fisher’s runway theory on the evolution of elaborate traits - How can preferences arise?
- Arbitrary (no cost or benefit eg eye colour, hair colour)
- Natural selection to start with (eg preference for faster runner, better flier)
- Sensory bias (Loud calls or obvious signals are perceived first, so give mating advantage eg frog calls)