Week 4 Flashcards
Into the 21st Century
- governance of psychologic life performed by lay people
- Maximizing human potential
- New ideas justified through appeals to scientific legitimacy
- Demedicalization?
Early 20th C behaviourism
- informed by positivism
- should adopt scientific method
- behaviour as learned
Mid 20th C behaviourism
- behaviour is filtered through thoughts
- new treatments emphasizing reshaping thought
Ellis (Human Behaviour)
Distress arises from thoughts about an event
Beck (Human behaviour)
Automatic thoughts are identifiable and treatable
Martin Seligman Epiphany
- In his garden
- his poor mood was a choice
- people can be trained to be happier
Emergence of Positive Psychology
Seligman promised to revolutionize psychology by turning away from “the negative” to study the “universal science of happiness”
- Positive psych merges study of experience, strengths and virtues
Interested in how people remain happy in the world of chaos
- Developed “flow”: people come happily immersed in a experience losing track of time
Key Tenets of Positive Psych
- Positivity is good for you, negativity is bad
- Happiness is result of cognitive outlook
- Inverts Freudian theory
- Thoughts create emotions
Explosion of Positive Psychology
- Running through media and academics
- Importance of happiness and optimism
- Positive psych infiltrates everyday practice
How has pos psych infiltrated everyday life
- Gratitude exercise, strength focused business meetings
- New industry of life coaches, self-help books, happiness economists
- Drew from buddhist mysticism
- helps guard against mental health problems
- People are in control of their fate
- Reinforces idea that distress can be avoided
The Happiness Turn
- the intellectual and cultural shift that PosPsych created
- Defining norms around what is good and healthy
- Belief people who don’t pursue right happiness will be punished (moral judgements - guilty pleasures)
Social Critiques of PosPsych
- our fate is simply a product of our choices
- lack of accountability
- universal truths are grounded in individualism
- Binkley: people must insulate themselves against harm. it is both a response to (and enabler of) neoliberalism’s tendency to do away with the social safety net
Scientific Critiques of PosPsych
- Perez-Alvarez: use social capital to mask our character
- Wilson: mindfulness uses the rhetoric of science to shift expertise (on things like how to live a meaningful life) from the religious realm to a medical one
- PosPsych has flawed methods that have hurt the credibility of discipline
- Study that defensive pessimists make better decisions than optimists
Happiness as Imperative
Held: we live under the “tyranny of positive attitude,” being told we must be happy at all costs or face the consequences
Ehrenreich (Smile or Die): how society deals with illness and suffering, particularly how people often impose a “positive” narrative on those struggling with serious health conditions