Final - Childhood and Conclusions Flashcards
Youth Within Psy-Gaze (4)
- Psy-disc. important to creation/ emergence of childhood itself
- Emergence of childhood MI can be related to functioning of state
- Rapid increase in rates of childhood diagnosis should be understood within context of neolib.
- Tension exists when it comes to childhood diagnosis, as it is basis for exclusion and inclusion
Emergence of childhood MI I (3)
- W/ exception of intellect. deficits, early psychiatry rarely discussed children
- Late 19th C concerns around child welfare (& threat of working class youth) promoted med. interest in childhood “delinquency”
- Theorists premised on heredity but offered little hope
Emergence of childhood MI II (3)
- Psychoanalysis focus on family, emphasis on childhood as central period of devel. of MH probs, yet also saw treatment as path to improve.
- “Bad kids” ⇨ “problem child” ⇨ “MI child”
- 20th C saw emergence of new forms of MD spec. to childhood; hyperkinetic impulse disorder, autism, etc. (helped form beliefs abt “proper” behav.)
MH in School System I: w/ state funded mass education normalized, increased attention to… (+4) & King & Taylor
… standards of attainment & behav.
1. Intelligence testing, standard. forms of assess., etc. worked to classify
2. Structure of school itself as indicat. of abnorm.
K&T: “lining up, walking (some might say marching) single file, working in silence, sitting in rows, and raising a hand to speak: all designed to create order, but they encouraged an environment where the child who could not conform stood out from their peers”
3. Exclusion of “unedu.” & common practices
4. Division btwn (non)reformable
MH in School System II: Evans (+4)
E: school system itself, w emphasis on mass testing & surveil., paved way for devel. of standards of (ab)normality
2. Child. diagnoses thus worked to rational. function. of edu. system & wider state machinery, creating manageable categories of being
3. While sum favoured exclusion, others *eg. mental hygiene) belief that at least sum childhood MI prevented/ bettered
4. Schools as key intervention site
MH in School System III (5)
- 60s moves to identify “pre-delinquent” children (eg. new staff, training for teachers, etc.) (increased identif. & intervention)
- Distinct. btwn (un)healthy children hardened, as med., binary approach displaced spectrum/ continuum
- Bcuz prblms understood as med in nature, blame/ respons. shifted from parents/ child to brain
- Led to pushback against segregationist policies, push for equal access/ rights w/in edu. enviro.
- Over time, used to justify intervention, accomm., assist., etc.
Childhood, Psy, & Society (Evans) +3
E: concerns abt childhood MH reflected changing ideas abt child as autonomous being, w own rights
1. Reflected also how notion of improve. has taken hold, where “imperfect” children can be transformed
3. Emergence of guidance, clinics, psychology, etc.
Family change (4)
- Parents more likely than physicians to identify behav. as meeting criteria for DMDD
- Parents busier, more stretched, less tolerant of behav.
- Combined w changes to family structure
- Parents either conditioning children to have MI OR becoming more likely to conceptualize children as MI
Impact of youth diagnosis (5)
- Access to care, accomm., benefits
- Impacts identity
- Changes how others treat
- Changes how parents perceive
- May result in treatment
Typical efforts to improve MH reflect broader ideological drift towards individualization & personal responsibility: how? (4)
- Awareness-raising campaigns encourage ppl to “recognize signs of MI” & “seek out prof. help”
- Mindfulness, yoga, running, diet, as non-med. treat.
- Prof. & med. solutions highly indiv., prioritizing research to “find cures” & dev. new treats.
- Rise of pos. psych similarly indivs., assuming key to improving MH w/in indiv’s cognitive framework (all pay little attention to structural issues of MI)
De-psychiatrization: loosen the psy-grip (5)
- Abandon categorial ideas abt MI & embrace notion that all MH falls on a continuum
- Rediscover de-medicalized language & concepts to describe struggle
- Recognize suffering as intrinsically worth attention
- Moving past monopoly of psy-complex on explaining human behav.
- Diagnosis DOES NOT EQUAL validity