week 4 Flashcards
Sociocultural cognition
development is not done in stages
Learning is a social activity
Children are social creatures and their cognitive development depends upon the tools provided by society
Minds are shaped by cultural context
Culture and meaning language
We create tools to help aid in development
Different words will have different symbols and meanings
The journey to dialogic thought
Social speech- the speech you hear every day in conversation as an infant
Private speech- self-directed speech used for things such as self-regulation, or fantasy play
Inner speech- the dialogue in your head that runs as you think
Vygotsky’s thoughts on language
Speech is major tool for thinking
Complex mental activities begin as basic social activities
First years are integral because this is when thought and language fuse
Zone of proximal development
Tasks too difficult for one to master alone can be mastered with assistance
Scaffolding-assistance provided by another, cognitive apprenticeship
Development happens in stages
Development is universally the same
Driven by ability to adapt
development is an incline
development differs across culture
driven by social interaction with caregivers and peers
Piaget leaning and language
children will only learn when ready
cognitive development proceeded language development
Language is child’s way of representing familiar word
Vygotsky learning and language
learning can be influenced and accelerated
we need language for cognitive development to happen
thought and language are fused
problems for Vygotskian theory
Vygotsky never tested any of his theories and the grand theory is arguably not testable
The ZPD is unclear and does not take into account a child’s motivation or learning needs
Conceptualisation of play was based on rule based play, and he did not consider imagination and how this is a higher order function
iPad versus book
Technology provides more dynamic engagement
New discourse conventions
technology has potential to change how learners construct and understand the world
It may create new different interaction conventions
Ipad study
Method: participants 2 dyads: 33 month old child and mother
41 month child with younger sister and mother
Given iPad with pre-loaded story telling apps
Results: qualitative coding and analysis, Deductive -inductive coding based on Vygotsky learning theory
Three comprehensive themes were found
Realistic fiction
Parent taking day to day contents of the story and using them as a concrete entry point into the story world
Scaffolding variations
Parents scaffolded in various verbal ways
Engaged players as objects of play
Both participants in the dyad were actively engaged in the storytelling process
because of modality
Private speech playful and non-playful context
Development and learning is socially and verbally mediated
Play and motivation
2 conditions 1)stand still, 2)you are a guard, stand still and watch this
Children more likely to remember more from the same grocery list while playing grocery shopping than just when asked to remember