week 4 Flashcards
what are the functions of water
– Nutrient transport– Protection– Temperature regulation– Biochemical reactions– Medium for reactions
what is extracellular fluid?
- ouside the cell
what is the meant by daily water balance
the difference between fluid gain (drinking water and food contributes to hydration too) and fluid lost
- the term used for someone that has water balance is (in fluid)
1.how do we get water?
2.how does water get lost
- drinking water
- food
- metabolic reaction (some reactions make water but its not a lot of water that comes from it)
- exercise 1000 ml
- urine 1300 ml
- feces 100ml
- skin 600ml
what is negative fluid balance
- ## due to dehydrtation
what is the water balance for an active adult?
3200 ml
what are the methods for water assessment?
what is Osmolality with units
a measure of the total dissolved particle
concentration (in mOsm/kg)
why do you loose more water when you exercise in hot enviroment
- -
why do we sweat?
why do athletes and not drink enough water during exercise?
- access to fluid intake during sport (for example, in
- even if you have full access its not that easy to balance that fluid intake during exercise.
what percentage should you not go under of loss in fluid?
what are the consequences of water loss?
In individuals with low activity levels what is the main way water is lost and how much ml in a day?
- urinary loss is often the major component of fluid loss
- 1300 ml
what are ways of water loos other that urination
- exercise (sweating)
- ## diarrea