Week 1 Flashcards
what are the anearobic systems that provide us with ATP?
- Phosphocreatine system
- ## glycolysis gives us 2 ATP (glucose) & and 3 ATP (glycogen in the muscle)
what are the aerobic systems in the body?
- oxidative phosphorylation
during a 30 second sprint
1. what happens to PCr
2. what is the contribution of glycolysis
3. does power output decrease. explain why
- PCr is lower by the end of 30 seconds. contribution is greates up to 10 seconds
- after 10 seconds glycolysis is the main anearobic contributor to providing energy.
- power output only decreases slightly because areobic energy system is also a contributes to making ATP which is why power doesnt decrease durasticly.
Carbohydrate stores (for 70 kg man)
1. Blood glucose
2. Liver glycogen
3. Muscle glycogen
fat store
4. adipose tissue
5. Muscle triglyceride
- 3-5 g
- 80-100 g
- 300-400 g
- 3.5 – 14 kg
- 200 – 500 g
list macronutrients and micronutrients
- carbohydrates
- protien
- fat
- water
- vitamins
- minerals
- trace elements
give me examples of simple carbohydrates and starches and fiberes that have carbs
simple carbohydrates
- Fruit juices, fruits, sweetened cereals and baked goods, jam,sweets, sports drinks, beet and cane sugar, maple syrup,honey
- Cereal, potatoes, pasta, rice, bread
- Whole-grain cereals and bread, oats, fruits and vegetables
list me monosacharide and disaccharides
- galactose
- fructose
- glucose
- maltose
- sucrose
- lactose
list foods high in fats
- avocado
- fatty meat
- fish
- cheese butter
- nuts and seeds
- chocolate
what are the functions of fat?
- Protection of vital organs
- Cell membrane constituents
- cell growth
- Precursors of bile
- hormones and steroids
- Fat-soluble vitamin intake
- keeps cholesterol and blood pressure under control
types of fats
- length
- structure
– Short chain (SCFA; C6 or less)
– Medium chain (MCFA; C8-C10)
– Long chain (LCFA; C12 or more)
- Saturated fatty acid (no doublebond)
- Unsaturated fatty acid (one or moredouble bond)
function of amino acid
Amino acids are regulators of thesynthesis of neurotransmitters,hormones, DNA, and RNA
- list the 9 essential protiens
- foods that have complete protien (contains all 9 essential amino acids)
- foods that have incomplete protien (deficient in one or moreessential amino acids)
- – Histidine– Isoleucine– Leucine– Lysine– Methionine– Phenylalanine– Threonine– Tryptophan– Valine
- Fish, poultry, eggs, beef, pork, dairy, whole sources of soy(tofu, edamame, miso)
- Legumes (beans, peas, lentils), nuts, seeds, whole grains,vegetables
water function
– Nutrient transport
– Protection
– Temperature regulation
– Biochemical reactions
– Medium for reactions