Week 4 Flashcards
What does the out-of-sample error measure?
How well our training on the data set has generalized to data we have not seen before.
What does the in-sample error measure?
The training performance
Generalization error
The discrepancy between Ein and Eout.
What is the concept of the growth function?
A number that captures how different the hypotheses in H are, and how much overlap the different events have.
The N-tuple that you get when you apply a hypothesis h (in H) to a finite sample. It splits the sample in two groups: h=+1 and h=-1.
Wat representeert het aantal dichotomiën eigenlijk?
De verscheidenheid van de hypotheseklasse.
What is the growth function in the case of positive rays?
mH(N) = N + 1
What is the condition with positive rays?
H consists of all hypothesis h: R -> {-1, +1} of the form h(x) = sign(x-a).
-1 is returned left from a and +1 is returned right from a.
Describe the condition with positive intervals:
H consists of all hypotheses in one dimension that return +1 if in some interval and -1 otherwise.
Each hypothesis is specified by two end points of that interval.
How many different dichotomies are there in the positive intervals condition?
N+1 / 2 different dichotomies.
What is the growth function in the case of positive intervals?
mH(N) = 0.5N^2 + 0.5N + 1
What is the hypothesis space in the case of convex sets?
H consists of all hypotheses in two dimensions h: R^2 -> {-1,+1} that are positive inside some convex set and negative elsewhere.
When is a set convex?
If the line segment connecting any two points within the set lies entirely within the set.
What is the growth function in the case of convex sets?
mH(N) = 2^N
Gegeven een hypotheseklasse, de VC-dimensie dvc van die hypotheseklasse is…
het grootste aantal punten N zodat mH(N) = 2^N. Oneindig als voor alle N geldt dat mH(N) = 2^N.
Wat is het kleinste breekpunt, uitgedrukt in dvc?
k= dvc + 1
break point
When no data set of size k can be shattered by H, then k is the break point for H.
What kind of dvc do good models have?
A finite dvc.
What kind of dvc do bad models have?
A infinite dvc.