Week 4 Flashcards
what are the 4 basic characteristics in motivations
- effort
- how much he outs to something - persistence
- how determined is he/she - Direction of efforts
- the direction of how and where they channel it - goals
- start with why, purpose or the core, the objective of the goals
what are the 4 reason people lose motivation
- value mismatched– it is not high value
- lack of self efficacy- I don’t thin I can do this
- Distributive emotions- upset or angry, anxious getting in the way
- Attribution errors- when they cannot identify the struggle or the reason that us beyond their control
what is intrinsic motivations?
Intrscit motivations - mostivatiosn that stem form the direct relations from the worker and the task
- When they talk to you about the feelings of schement and exctment, growth and learning
what is extrinsic motivation?
Extrinsic motavations- motivations that stems form the work eviroment external from the task
- Something is sually given to the worker
- Reivmement theory like , if you do X you will get more mo ney, orimotion, cimpany car etc
How many motivation approach’s are their to study?
3 approachs
content approach
what are the 4 theories in C1
- maslow
- herbergs
- Alderfer’s
- McClellands
explain Maslow
- Phsilogocal needs, basic needs, food wat oxygen
- Safety and secrity– do I have a jon, some money, roof over my head
—— lower order needs—— - Belongnisess— social interaction, friedns
- Self-esteem– needs for cofnidenc , feel good about self
- Self actulization– need to become the fullest human, needs to become the good person
Malsow theoriy— is a 5 level hirriachcal needs theiriy**the notion of promoenteny, the lowest level of unsatified need has the greatest motivaitng potential, we cannot mkove to other levels unless the previours 3 is satified
- Safety and secrity– do I have a jon, some money, roof over my head
Explain alderfer–ERG thoery
- He attempted to reformulate maslows hierarchy into 3 sets
- Thiese needs are alwsy there, but one or more could be more salient and one could be more or the impooirtance of them is different and there is no order
- Exsisitene
- Rellatness
- Growth
explain herbergs two factor theory
Hygiebee factors— broad catorgory of the woerking conditions— job secruruty
Motivators– motivations of actual achements in works– getting promproted
This ordering was called the satifiacxtions progression hypothesis
Motivators can be morivaitng if hygievne facotrs are fulfilled
what is Mccleliands theory
- First to study the need for power
- There is not order, there are all this in peoples like alderferd
- We are supposed to match jobs to people
1. Need for affilciaitons- N-afil - High effort inf riendshsips
- Having connections
2. Needs for power-Npow - Control
- Seek ouyt positons of leadership
- 2 way communications
3. Need for achievement-N-ach - Positver comeptiton, high needs for achmeent
Psotive comepotition
implications of content theories for material practice
- We must understand and appriacate diversity, that everyones needs and wants sidifferent
- Different inteirnsit and extrsiteic motives
2. Delvop one on one relationships - It wold be helpful to know people wihtout corssing eorisnal boudaries
3. Groupings of people with similar needs - A goruping of emplyess tht are signle
- And some with famility and the needs with both are different
- Demogrphics
4. Beware of the eprosnal/profesional line - Do you beieive in this and that etc, don’t ask these type of questions
5. Help turn needs into performance related goals
Help tunr needs in to actual performacne related goals
- Different inteirnsit and extrsiteic motives
what is autonomous motivation
self motivaitons that occurs when people feel they are controlled by the motivation , working with peop;e and feel conteccted
what is controlled motivations
externally controlled to abtain a desired conswieice or a extrinsic awrds, the feels pressured , they do soemthing to obtsin a dired consequence.