Week 3 Vocabulary Flashcards
Abstemious (adj)
Characterized by abstinence
Censurable (adj)
Deserving censure, or blame
Contingent (adj)
Liable to happen or not
Corroborate (verb)
To make more certain, confirm
Denizen (noun)
A frequent visitor, inhabitant
Discursive (adj)
Proceeding by reasoning and argument
Disseminate (verb)
To scatter or spread widely
Dowdy (adj)
Not neat or tidy
Florid (adj)
Reddish, Rudy, Nosy
Foist (verb)
To force upon or impose
Gauche (adj)
Lacking social grace
Heresy (noun)
maintaining of an ideal
Inculcate (verb)
to implant by repeated statement
Palpable (noun)
readily or plainly seen
Perceptive (adj)
showing insight or keeness
Pernicious (adj)
causing insidious harm
Salient (adj)
prominent or conspicuous
Satiate (verb)
to satisfy to the full
Sear (verb)
to burn or char the surface of
Specious (adj)
deceptively pleasing to the eye