Week 2 Vocab Flashcards
Accrue (verb)
To happen or result as a natural growth
Annotation (noun)
The act of annotating
Bedlam (noun)
Wild and uncontrollable uproar
Covert (adjective)
Concealed, secret, disguised
Debonair (adjective)
Courteous, Gracious
Dun (verb)
To make repeated and insisted demands
Efficacious (adjective)
Capable of having the desired result
Equanimity (adjective)
Mental and Emotional stability
Fortuitous (adjective)
Happening by chance
Gist (noun)
Main or essential part
Gratuitous (adjective)
Given, Done, Bestowed
Imperious (adjective)
Domineering in a haughty manner
Invective (noun)
Motley (adjective & noun)
Great diversity of elements
Munificent (adjective)
Extremely liberal in giving
Procrastinate (verb)
To delay, or to hold off for a later time
Provocative (adjective)
Promiscuous, tend to bring up certain situations
Recondite (adjective)
Little known; obscure
Reprobate (adjective)
To disapprove, condemn
Sedentary (adjective)
Requiring a sitting posture