Top 6 Factors Affecting Human Resource Management: (external)
Technological Factors
What are the factors that determine the size of human resources? (7)
Technological Innovation
Employee’s Organizations
Labor Markets
Changing Demand of Employers
Legal Factors
Human Resource in the Country
RAPID TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES and INNOVATIONS are taking place all over the world. The automation and computer-generated task that was used to be manned by humans will be replaced by machines.
Technological Innovation
Economicconditions influence financial “health” of the organization. If the economic conditions of a country is destabilized, then it will affect the hiring conditions of a company
this will give large INFLUX OR OUTFLUX of applicants because the manpower is dictated by the leaders of the employee’s organizations. (Labor Union dictates the flow of manpower to be hired by the company)
Employee’s Organizations
this is the over-all picture of MANPOWER AGGREGATES.
are influenced by the AVAILABILITY OF SKILLED WORKERS in terms of supply and demand.
Labor Markets
sometimes the CHANGE IN THE DEMAND OF THE CURRENT NEEDS will offset the balance of hiring. (in-demand now are nursing students, so all prospected employees will all be nursing, making the need for other field of expertise scarce.
Changing Demand of Employers
this can affect the size of human resource by REGULATION POLICIES and ENFORCED LABOR LAWS that could act as a barrier for hiring personnel.
Legal Factors
the ABUNDANCE OR LACKING there of of effective and efficient Personnel Managers will create problems on Job miss match, in accurate job analysis and overall disruption of the normal functions of the Human Resource Manager.
Human Resource in the Country
What is the impact on the development of human resources?
Human resource developmentmakes sure that MANPOWER PLANNING IN AN ORGANIZATION is NOT STATIC but an ONGOING PROCESS sourceHuman resourceArticle (2009). It focuses on RAISING PRODUCTIVITY through improved quality, efficiency, cost reduction and enabling customers concentrate on their core business activities.
What is the impact of human resources?
Human resourcedimensions or practices (training, recruitment, reward system performance appraisal etc.) have considerableimpacton the performance of organizations and these contribute to the affirmative link betweenhuman resourcemanagement and organizational performance (Osman, 2012).
What is the impact of human resource management to an ORGANIZATION?
It is the DUTY of amanagerto MOTIVATE JUNIORS IN A POSITIVE MANNER. Doing that increases the motivation level of workers and thus also IMPROVES the kind of OUTPUT THEY PROVIDE. It is a known fact that employees of firms having strongHRMpolicies in place tend to perform better.
What is the impact of human resource planning on ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE?
Human resource planningis surrounded by three basic level practices which can increase theorganizational performance:
1) To increase the knowledge, skills and abilities among employees.
2) To enhance their empowerment like giving them employment security and
3)organize some participation programs for employees.
What is the impact of HR practices for EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE?
It will influence commitment and job satisfaction among employees. If the employees are well aware of theorganizationenvironment, their duties, and objectives, they can better perform their tasks, and it helps theorganizationto enhance their productivity.
How do HRM practices influence organizational Behavior?
Functions ofHRM practicesinclude ENHANCEMENT OF THE EMPLOYEES’ SKILLS, COMMITMENT AND EFFORT, with a view to enhance, in turn,organizationalperformance.HRM practices influenceIMMATERIAL SATISFACTION, which, in turn, positively impacts the performance of theorganization.