Week 3: the psychology of happiness - college Flashcards
Are hedonism and eudaemonic related?
They are related but distinct concepts of well-being
What are the 6 factors of psychological well-being?
(1) Self-acceptance
(2) Positive Emotions
(3) Autonomy
(4) Environmental mastery
(5) purpose in Life
(6) personal growth
What are the 3 factors of self-determination?
(1) Need for autonomy
(2) Need for relatedness
(3) Need for competence
What are 3 psychological constructs that together form eudaemonic wellbeing?
(1) Pshychological well-being
(2) Self-determination
(3) Meaning in life
What is a cause of hedonic adaptation?
(1) When we think of how things could be different we intuitively think of how they can be better
What is the difference between hedonic adaptation and hedonic treadmill/
(1) hedonic adaptation captures both highs and lows while
(2) Hedonic treadmill focusses on wanting to be happier but never getting it
What can you say about life satisfaction and domains (2?)
(1) Number and types of specific domains differs
(2) Domain importance varies for different demographics and cultures
Will a new job make you happy? (2)
(1) Job satisfaction increases after a voluntary job change
(2) BUT satisfaction tapers off as hedonic adaptation comes in
Will finding the right partner make you happy? (3)
(1) married individuals are more likely to report being very happy BUT
(2) Selection effects; were already happy
(3) Adaptation occurs over time
What is the difference between single people and married people?
(1) Single people have greater social networks and more fulfilling friendships
Will NOT getting a job make you unhappy? (1)
(1) People feel less bad than forecasted after a rejection, especially 10 minutes after an unfair decisions
What are 3 reasons that together cause an impact bias in affective forecasting?
(1) Focalism –> we tend to focus to much on one aspect, forgetting all other aspects that contribute to our happiness
(2) Immune neglect; ignorance of our ability to make sense of events and how we quickly adapt to new stuff
(3) Failure to consider hedonic adaptation
What is social comparison orientation and how does this influence well-being?
(1) High social comparison orientation –> more upward comparison –> lower positive affect
(2) Low social comparison orientation –> more downward comparison –> higher positive affect
What can you tell about perception of other people’s well-being (2)
(1) We tend to underestimate other’s happiness
(2) Our own life and future is on average better than that of another person
What is better to pursue? Eudaimonia or hedonic well-being?
(1) Eudaimonia well-being
Optimism is associated with? (2)
(1) Faster adaptation to negative events
(2) Better health