Week 3: Prenatal Flashcards
What do you use for carrier screening for hemoglobinopathies?
Hb Elect
Typical Hb Elect for sickle cell carrier
MCV < 80, presence of abnormal Hb- S, C, E
Typical Hb Elect for beta thal carrier
MCV <80, Low HbA, High HbA2
Typical Hb Elect for alpha thal carrier
MCV < 80, Normal Hb elect
What diseases does ACOG recommend carrier screening for, AJ couples
Tay Sachs, Canavan, Familial Dysautonomia, CF
What method do you use for carrier screening for Tay Sachs?
HEXA enzyme analysis
What method do you use for carrier screening for CF?
23 mutation panel
What method do you use for carrier screening for Fragile X?
Molecular analysis for CGG repeat expansion
Premutation carriers of Fragile X are at risk for?
What method do you use for carrier screening for SMA?
What is background risk for babies to be born with birth defect or developmental disability?
Category A teratogen
Controlled studies in humans show no risk
Category B teratogen
Animal studies show no risk
Category C teratogen
Animal studies show a risk
Category D teratogen
Positive evidence of human fetal risk
Category X teratogen
Contraindicated in pregnancy
Thalidomide critical period
34-50 days post-LMP
Complications in fetus exposed to thalidomide
Limb reduction defects
Warfarin critical period
8-11 weeks post-LMP
Complications in fetus exposed to warfarin
Nasal hypoplasia, stippled epipheses, limb hypoplasia
ACE inhibitors critical period
2nd/3rd trimester
Complications in fetus exposed to ACE inhibitors
Renal tubular dysplasia– potter sequence–pulmonary hyoplasia, IUGR, hypocalvaria
Complications in fetus exposed to SSRIs
increased risk for CHD
Complications in fetus exposed to Ondansetron
increased risk for CHD
Complications in fetus exposed to Fluconazole
craniofacial, limb, cardiac anomalies
Complications in fetus exposed to valproic acid
Meningomyelocele, CHD, facial clefts, hypospadias, limb defects, craniosynostosis, facial features
Complications in fetus exposed to accutane
CNS anomalies, ear anomalies, CHD, thymus anomalies
Complications in fetus exposed to Benzodiazepines
Neonatal adaptation syndrome
Complications in fetus exposed to Maternal Diabetes
Macrosomia, CHD, NTDs, caudal regression, polyhydramnios,
Complications in fetus exposed to Maternal PKU
IUGR, microcephaly, DD/ID, CHD, facial differences
How many primary maternal CMV infections result in fetal infections?
How many asymptomatic CMV infections in fetus are there
Most common complication of fetal CMV infection
Hearing loss
Complications in fetus exposed to alcohol
Growth restriction, CNS problems (ID, behaviour), Facial (short palebral fissures, smooth philtre, thin upper vermillion border)
Why do some babies have complications when mom has codeine during breast feeding?
Mom are UM- CYP2D6
Complications in fetus exposed to methyl mercury
Cerebral-palsy type symptoms
What amount of radiation is the threshold for having problems?
> 5 rads
Complications in fetus exposed to radiation
Microcephaly, ID, seizures, growth restriction, minor anomalies of the eyes
Pattern of Analytes in FTS for T21
Increased NT, increase hCG, decreased PAPP-A
Pattern of Analytes in Quad Screen for T21
Decreased AFP, decreased uE3, increased hCG, increased inhibin A
For normal women who seek prenatal care in first trimester, what type of aneuploidy screening should be offered?
Integrated screening
At what GA can NIPS be used at?
10 weeks
NIPS that uses SNPs cannot be used for what situations
Multiples, donor egg, consanguinity, organ transplant
5 reasons for discordant results with NIPS
CPM, co-twin demise, maternal medical conditions, other fetal CNVs, lab error
ACOG recommendations for NIPS
Only for high risk women
CVS timing
11-13 weeks
Amnio timin
16-22 weeks
Risk of fetal loss with amnio or CVS
1/300 to 1/500
When is prenatal microarray recommended?
Fetus with one or more structural anomalies, IUFD/stillbirth
Microarray provided clinically significant results in pregnancies with AMA/positive screen over karyotype- how much
Microarray provided clinically significant results in pregnancies with structural anomalies over karyotype- how much
2 procedures for pregnancy termination in first trimester?
Medical Abortion, D+C
2 procedures for pregnancy termination in second trimester?
D+E, Induction
Complications in fetus exposed to heroin?
Strabismus, growth problems, neonatal withdrawal
Complications in fetus exposed to methadone?
Strabismus, growth problems, neonatal withdrawal
Complications in fetus exposed to Buprenorphrine
Neonatal withdrawal
Complications in fetus exposed to cocaine
Intracranial hemorrhage, non duodenal intestinal atresia, limb reduction defects
Complications in fetus exposed to lithium
Ebstein’s Anomaly
Complications in fetus exposed to tetracycline
Defects of primary teeth
Complications in fetus exposed to varicella
Scarring of skin, eye abnormalities, limb underdevelopment
Complications in fetus exposed to Zika
Gullain-Barre Syndrome, microcephaly
Complications in fetus exposed to lead
Neurobehavioral development problems
Complications in fetus exposed to toluene
Microcephaly, growth problems, craniofacial anomalies
NT measurement over what value is concerning?
3 mm
Increased NT can indicate what 3 things?
Aneuploidy, CHD, single gene disorder
Intracardiac echogenic focus indicates increased risk for
Pyelectasis on u/s indicates increased risk for
GU structural anomaly and T21
Absent/hypoplastic nasal bone on u/s indicates increased risk for
Fetal echogenic bowel indicates increased risk for
Aneuploidy, CF, fetal infection, bowel malformations
Choroid plexus cyst indicates increased risk for
Increased nuchal fold indicates increased risk for
T21, cardiac abnormalities, single gene disorders
Lemon sign is associated with ?
Spina bifida
Banana sign is associated with?
Spina bifida
Strawberry sign is associated with?
Which is more likely to be associated with chromosome abnormalities: omphalocele or gastroschisis?
Polydactyly is 10x more common in what ethnicity
African Americans
What percent of infants exposed to thalidomide during the critical period have limb defects?`
What is the incidence of CHD in the general population?
What is the only FDA-approved medication for use of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?
The smallest amount of exposure to developing fetus is likely to be through this route of administration
Which factors lead to the Founder effect?
Geographic isolation, heterozygote advantage